MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 13 Become stronger

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"The strongest man in the world?"

"The number one swordsman..."

Little Nami and the young Zoro stared at Luffy's left half of his face with expressions of "look at God", which made Rossi, who was hanging in the sky, feel speechless for a while even though they were 500 million kilometers apart.

"Wait a minute, don't look at 'me' saying such things, as if I am bragging about myself."

Rubbing Luffy's left temple, Rosie sighed.

"In short, I am the 'legendary' Rosindi, but now my body is very far away from here: I am hanging on the sun."

? !

"Wow, that's amazing!"

Little Nami clenched her hands into fists, and stars came out of her eyes.

"Master Rossindi, how did you to the sun? Can you teach me~~"

"Do you think I do?"

Rosie was speechless but speechless about the brain circuits of children.

"To put it simply, I led a fight with the 'god' behind the Tianlongren four years ago, and was thrown into outer space by the opponent's devil fruit ability and hung on the sun. Now relying on my own fruit ability to barely I saved my life, but it was only to save my life."

"Hee hee hee, that's why I want to travel to sea and become stronger."

"Finally go to the sun and bring the teacher back!"

Luffy grinned on the right half of his face, and said the agreement he had with Rossi. In fact, more than half a year ago, even if Rossi hadn't appeared, they would not have died in the hands of the 'Sapphire Pirates', because Luffy and Ace both possessed the aptitude of domineering and domineering.

When it comes to a critical moment, his two domineering outsiders can also turn the crisis into safety.

It's just that it happened that Rossi passed on his thoughts with the arrogance of knowledge and domineering.


"Going to the sun to catch people, is it really possible?"

Sauron, who was the oldest, objected, even if this world has magical things like devil fruits, it still sounds so unrealistic.

"Of course, the water in this world is actually much deeper than you think."

"The golden city of Shandora, the giant kingdom of Elbaf, the murlocs, the little humans, and even the moonmen... these things all exist. What's more, compared with the devil fruit that can resurrect from the dead, manipulate souls, and parallel time and space Get up, and I am insignificant when hung on the sun."

At first glance, it sounds exaggerated to look for people on the sun, but is it exaggerated to have Brooke running all over the ground with a skeleton in the "Devil's Triangle"? It is even more exaggerated that Im can pull people from parallel time and space at will, and throw people into parallel time and space?

"Anyway, I've already asked someone to prepare the way to go near the sun. Just wait for Luffy to be strong enough to bring me back."

"Before that, I will travel with Luffy, you just treat me as a portable grandfather... ahem, just treat me as a wise man who can consult all kinds of information, and an instructor."

"That's it,"

"Well, please give me more advice in the future, sir!"

And Nami nodded calmly to accept this explanation. For people in this world, as long as the 'devil fruit' is involved, no matter how unreasonable it is, they can accept it.

"No problem, I, Rosie, like to be a teacher all my life..."

"What about the truth?"

Facing Nami's complaints, Rossi replied casually:

"Anyway, idleness is idleness. It doesn't matter to teach you two-handed self-defense skills."

Is this teacher reliable? X2

In fact, Rossi is definitely the most reliable teacher in the world: from the weakest explosive breathing method when he was a child, to the middle six-style, to the advanced three-color domineering, and even the top development and application of the three-color domineering... Rossi All can come at your fingertips.


a few days later,

Zoro and Nami, who were drilled by Rossi to death, were limp on the deck of the "Black Cat", while Luffy was easily doing handstand push-ups with one finger beside him.

"I have long been used to this kind of intensity of exercise."

"Huh...huh...speaking of, what is the name of our team?"

Nami, who got up from the deck, asked this question, which made Luffy and Zoro stunned.

"Luffy, tell me—"

Originally, Sauron sailed with Luffy only because Luffy suggested that he could see Hawkeye, but after being defeated by Hawkeye with one finger, Sauron, who realized that he was weak, immersed himself and abandoned the small one. As a well-known swordsman, he decided to start over with basic training.

It happened that there was such a mysterious and unpredictable teacher as Rossi, and he did not dislike it, and together with Nami, he started to exercise from various foundations.

"It's called 'Luffy Bounty Squad'..."

"Rejected!" X2

Standing up from the ground, Sauron, covered in sweat, thought about it.

"How about calling it 'Swordsman Column'?"

"No, we're not swordsmen. I think 'Windmill and Orange' is pretty good."

Nami also raised her hand and said the name of her proposal, but it turned out that no one could convince anyone. So, Luffy turned to ask the fourth person on the ship:

"Mr. Rossi, what do you think?"

I think... difficult.

Because of the changes brought about by Rossi, Luffy didn't get Shanks' straw hat, nor did he eat the destined Nika fruit. Moreover, the Black Cat Pirates were eliminated early. Not only did Mengka not go bad, but even Usopp in Sirob Village was not recruited.

It's impossible for Rossi to say that the old man figured out that there is a talented sniper in Xiluobu Village?

So, is this team still considered the Straw Hats?


Rossi just struggled with it for a second: Usopp is not good to accompany his childhood sweetheart in his hometown, so he has to go to sea to fight to the death? What's more, because of Rossi's relationship, the world has become a mess, and there are more than tens of millions of people whose fate has been changed by him?

Just like Nami, who is sweating profusely every day, exercising and becoming stronger with joy.

"Just call it the 'Dream Team'. Aren't you all chasing your own dreams? — Remember the current mood, and keep going, so that one day you will reach the top."

Speaking of which, when I watched Pirates in my previous life, at first the Straw Hats had their own dreams, and everyone was working hard for their dreams.

After the new world, except for Zoro's dream of being "the world's number one swordsman", everyone else seems to have forgotten their past persistence, leaving only the goal of "One Piece", who doesn't know if it is a dream.

"Okay, then from today, the 'Dream Team' starts!"

Luffy stood on the figurehead of the black cat, raised his arms and shouted:

"Hee hee hee, everyone must remember their dreams and never forget them!"


Ten days later,

"Damn it, how can you two eat so well?"

Nami, who had checked the food stock, slapped the kitchen table loudly.

"When we set off from Cocoyasi Village, we obviously brought enough food for ten people to consume for a month, but now it's empty?"

"Yes, why?"

Facing the bewildered Luffy, Nami sighed and had to tell Zoro.

"Zoro, prepare your nets."

"Luffy, work!"

After a few minutes:


The thick thunder light was summoned by Luffy raising his hand, and it hit the sea area in front of the 'Black Cat' with a bang, and the jumping lightning light jumped and dissipated in all directions along the sea surface. And Sauron has skillfully thrown out the fishing net in his hand, because a large number of fish soon surfaced.

"Devil fruit is really a convenient ability."

Nami, who had brought the tools over, sighed, skillfully descaled, salted, and threaded the caught fish, then hung them to the lee of the boat, and a string of standard 'salted fish' was ready. Next, relying on these 'convenient' food support, Luffy's mouth was raised high.

“Eating salted fish again~~”

"if not?"

Nami, who knocked on the side of the boat unhappily, was even angrier.

"It's all because of you two big eaters, so I have to eat salted fish too!"

"Salted fish,"

Rossi, who was attached to the left half of Luffy's face, couldn't help feeling,

"I haven't eaten for 4 years. When I come back, I will eat a few hundred catties of salted fish~~"

"Mr. Rossi, even if you say that, it won't change the problem that we need to eat salted fish next, and the salted fish is not good to eat. -Speaking of it, why is Luffy's appetite so big? Isn't it a normal human being? "

When it comes to this question, even Sauron, whose physique is known as a "monster", can't help but look sideways. Luffy's appetite is simply a black hole.

"Because Luffy's grandfather taught him the 'Return of Life·Eating Version', and I also asked him to develop and exercise on the basis of this skill. He usually eats a lot of food, constantly improves Luffy's physique, and becomes stronger subtly. .”

? !

"There is such a technique,"

Nami couldn't make complaints about it, but after thinking about it, what he eats makes up for it. With Luffy's terrifying appetite, it's normal for him to be strong, right?

In fact, the strength of humans in this world is also inseparable from the extensive use of Neptunes.

"is this real?"

Even Zoro was shocked. Although he also has the talent of burying his head in a deep sleep after being injured, the wound heals automatically, but this kind of skill developed through training—

"Of course, you have to learn later."

Who is Rossi, the instructor of the Don Quixote family, since he wants to teach people, it is a systematic and comprehensive intensive training: whether it is Luffy, Zoro or Nami, the talents are all first-class and powerful, but Garp Busy with work, Koshiro Shimotsuki needs to conceal his identity, otherwise the two of them can go out only after being proficient in two-color domineering.

"Hey, but when will this salted fish be eaten..."


With his eyes closed and his nose protruding, Luffy kept turning his body, and after sniffing carefully for a while:

"I can smell the aroma of food over there!"


"Okay, let's sail that way—"

Nami waved her hand casually.

"Anyway, the East China Sea is calm and calm. With our strength, we are not afraid of pirates."

Rather, the three of them, as 'bounty hunters', originally lived by hunting pirates.