MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 206 : Autumn with birds flying

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Kiyomizu-dera Temple is the oldest temple in Kyoto. It has been burnt down and rebuilt several times. Behind it sits the Daimon Mountain and is surrounded by green trees.

This is a famous cherry blossom viewing spot in Kyoto. In autumn, the red maples are splendid again.

Before Yuzuru Yukio and Miyamoto Yukiko browsed the cherry blossoms on the mountains in the suburbs of Tokyo, the cherry blossoms that Miyamoto Yukiko wanted to see in Kyoto were here on the train.

Along the way, Yu Xianzhisheng recorded the scenery with his eyes, ready to take it back to Miyamoto Yukiko.

This trick was taught to him by Flowers and Birds.

He didn't believe it once, but when he really encountered such an opportunity, how could he let it go?

Today is a cloudy and sunny day, with spring flowers occasionally blooming in autumn.

This is not a real flower, but a smile on the girl's face.

Anshan Qingji stood in front of the red weeping cherry blossoms in full bloom and waved to him: "I'm here, Yu Xian-kun."

The girl was so happy that she was free, and she ran around like a cat.

Whenever she ran a certain distance, she would come back to him again. At this time, she was attracted by a **** and chased after him.

"Gone," she said regretfully.

Yu Xian Zhisheng followed her and stood under the weeping cherry.

"Then look at the falling flowers."

The so-called falling flowers are the flowers that lightly fall on the ground. If a bird is located in it, the cats in Kiyomizu Temple will run over without hurting it.

"The flowers are kissing the earth." Qingji Ansan said softly, "Not even the cats will bother you."

She stared attentively, the goose egg face of the beauty embryo, the spring mountain-like beautiful leaves and eyebrows, and the long black hair shone with crystal colors in the sun.

How romantic should a person feel that the passing of the flower is a kiss to the earth?

The earth has nurtured flowers, and this is the reward before the flowers die.

‘If possible, I would also like to repay Miyamoto Yukiko like this. ' Yu Xianzhi thought so in his heart. 'I kiss her on the cheek a hundred or eighty times a day, and I'll never get tired of it. ’

Of course, there is no need to die, just live well and swell her face.

Layers of falling flowers, beautiful and clean.

Two kilometers away is the Heian Shrine, a great place for traditional weddings. At this moment, the sound of a salute burst into the sky, and it came from a distance. It should be another couple getting married, right?

Perhaps, just as the salute rang out, the bride and groom exchanged rings and then kissed each other on the lips. There has never been a happier moment in the world.

Who will your future self marry, where will you marry, and where will you have children?

At that time, what kind of look did your own bride look like?

A sad boy, looking at Luo Hua, thinking about long-term problems.

Ansan Qingji has grown up here since she was a child, and she has become accustomed to this.

She muttered, "Someone got married again", then let go of Yu Xianzhi's shoulders and ran towards a lawn excitedly.

There was a large group of birds looking for food parked on the lawn, and as she ran, they flew hula-la to the sky.

In the clear blue sky in autumn, the southerly wind was blowing, hurriedly pushing the floating clouds towards the north, and the birds were circling above her head.

She jumped and jumped, her red plaid skirt flying up and down.

In this beautiful moment, it seemed as if she had also become a free bird.

Yu Xianzhi also followed her to the lawn, watching her run farther and farther until she disappeared from his sight.

He didn't know where she was going and when she would come back, but he knew she would definitely come back.

Yu Xianzhisheng stood on the grass, breathing the fragrant aroma of the land, he sat down slowly, then lay on the grass, resting his head on his clasped hands, and closed his eyes gently.

The silent mountain road lay silently in the embrace of the dense forest. Apart from a few bird calls from time to time, even the sound of the wind blowing through the grass could be heard quietly.

The sun is strong and the water waves are gentle.

His expression was relaxed and comfortable, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

This kind of idleness makes people happy to the bone and refreshed.

The last time I was so relaxed, it was a rainy day, eating soba noodles made by the flowers and birds, and listening to the crisp sound of the rain hitting the window.

These are the rare gifts in life.

If you are not a delicate person, you may feel that attachment to beautiful things is a very hypocritical thing, right?

In the gap where time seemed to stop, he waited for Ansan Qingji to return to him.

It was a strangely delicate wait.

It's like when you are sleeping, I don't know when the cat you have raised will get into your arms.

Sure enough, he heard a rustling sound on the grass.

It should be that the returning girl saw his sleeping state and couldn't bear to disturb him, so she secretly came to his side like a cat walking lightly.

The girl was standing in front of him, and he felt it.

Is she smiling?

Have you ever seen a boy snicker in a sleepy state, or is it a smirk with a small mouth?

No matter what kind it is, it is very cute, and this is something he can know even when he closes his eyes.

Yu Xianzhi tried not to look at her and continued to wait.

But even through her eyelids, she could feel her white light, and even if she turned her head, she couldn't stop the rhythmic color of her tone.

"Yu Xian-Jun, Yu Xian-Jun." She whispered, wondering if he really fell asleep.

The cat is really here, and in the middle of sleep and wakefulness, you can hear the breath coming out of her tiny nostrils.

You can feel that she approached you, rolled up her skirt, and secretly observed your sleeping face when she thought you were asleep.

Her eyes are like a white bird, spreading her bright silky wings and gently stroking your cheek, she is so curious and shy, she wants to touch and withdraws her hand.

You can feel her leaning close to her face again, staring at your eyelashes earnestly, holding her breath, purring softly like a cat in her throat.

Getting closer, getting closer, like the melting snow in early spring, she secretly put her cheek against yours, it was a warm and delicate touch, and it was so shocking, as if ten thousand birds took off from her chest .

Yu Xianzhisheng tried his best to hold back his smile, and the tiny fluff on his face tickled slightly.

He tried hard to pretend to be asleep, feeling her beautiful innocence and ignorance.

And she also had a strange and subtle change. She wanted to pretend that nothing happened, but her cheeks were hot and rosy, and the seed in her heart grew and grew in her heart. Wet, the softness in his throat also seemed to be filled with excitement.

The air was filled with the fragrance of Dandan, and the pink petals fell on his chest. She quietly looked at the boy lying on the ground, a picture she would never forget.

She also wanted to lie on the ground, surpassing the etiquette in the family education, and she also wanted to lift Erlang's legs like him, but she was wearing a skirt, so it would disappear.

Being a girl is really inconvenient.

I knew I should wear trousers, but trousers can't reflect the beauty of a girl, and the girl is so worried about the little things.

These little thoughts have never happened before.

"Ah, actually fell asleep." Yu Xianzhi said pitifully, "I've kept you waiting, sorry."

"No, no..." Anshan Qingji lowered her head, her cheeks blushing.

She stood up and paced back and forth on the grass, as if someone who can't eat spicy food suddenly ate chili peppers, and by wandering back and forth, she released the spicy taste in her mouth.

She desperately released the redness of her cheeks, jumped back, turned her head away, and handed him the food she had just bought.

That is the authentic Kyoto delicacy [Shizushi]. The sushi decorated with fruits, vegetables, and roe bursts into a delicious and sweet taste when it is bitten into the mouth.

Also, there is ice cream, custard in wooden bowl.

The slippery custard is solidified and jelly, stuffed with pieces of conger eel, shrimp and fish cake, and it is also very delicious when you scoop up a spoonful and put it in your mouth.

Ansan Qingji watched him eat with a small mouth happily.

"Why don't you eat it?" Yu Xianzhi put down the wooden bowl, looked at her and asked.

Anshan Qingji shook her head: "Yu Xian-kun, I am restraining my desires."

"Why restrain desire?"

"I want to be a saint, stay away from good and evil, have a firm outlook on life, and also want to stay away from material things, emotions, and just immerse in the peace of mind."

Ansan Qingji let out such a sigh.

"So, like the ancient sages, I will abandon human desires and spur myself."

Yu Xianzhisheng shook his head and comforted: "I understand your feelings... But, sages are not immune to the world, right? It is they who are well versed in the ways of the world that have a strong and peaceful heart. ah."

"Yu Xian-kun, do you want me to break my inner beliefs?" Anshan Qingji said in despair, "However, once there is a second time, I don't..."

"Open your mouth."

"I do not......"

"Okay, open your mouth, open it up a bit."

Ansan Qingji opened her small mouth obediently, and Yu Xianzhi changed the handle to a clean spoon, scooped up a large spoonful of egg custard, and stuffed it into her mouth, bulging.

The girl chewed and covered her cheeks happily, her whole body glowing beautifully.

"Do you want to continue?" Yu Xianzhi asked.

"I want it!" Anshan Qingji nodded like a cat.


"There's my secret base, it's where the Maple Leafs are after watching."

Ansan Qingji lightly climbed the maple-stained **** and walked towards the entrance of the west corridor.

Yu Xianzhisheng followed behind her and followed her across the dry pond in Kiyomizu Temple.

The dry pond is also called the dry landscape. It is a landscape without ponds and no water. This landscape is produced by the water-deficient landforms of Kyoto. In Japanese aesthetics, this is a kind of incomplete beauty.

Yu Xianzhi watched, Ansan Qingji leaping lightly on the stone, her skirts flying.

After passing the tea room located in the dark bushes, Ansan Qingji pulled him in and said that he wanted him to have a good taste of the good skill of making tea that he had learned since he was a child.

"Last time I was in a hurry and I didn't soak it carefully," she said regretfully.

"Please enjoy it quietly this time!" Without saying a word, she borrowed a tea set from the tea room.

The space of the tea room is surrounded by sliding windows and partitions, and there is a concave pavilion, which completely isolates the outside space, giving people a simple and elegant visual enjoyment inside.

Through the large circular window, you can clearly see the red maple forest and hear the chirping of birds.

In a private space, this is an indescribable taste.

However, what is even more exciting than this is Ansan Qingji's "Dancing".

She skillfully poured six points of water into the black music tea bowl, then put in a spoonful of tea leaves and stirred it wide open.

In an instant, white clouds rolled, snowflakes fluttered, and the fragrance was overwhelming.

She poured water lightly again.

The tea leaves bloom at the bottom, green into flowers, lifelike.

Wait for a while, then pour water again for three points.

The bud leaves are completely stretched.

The dark green color and the dull luster of the Heile teacup complement each other.

"This is the 'three openings' of the Chinese tea ceremony. Please taste it, Mr. Yu Xian." Anshan Qingji brought tea.

The head is opened for a small sip, and the color is fragrant; the second is emerald green, and the taste is mellow; the third is green and sweet for a long time.

Yu Xianzhisheng took the teacup and tasted it slowly.

A flower can make an earthen wall shine, a simple cup of tea is enough to capture the soul, but only those who understand it can recognize its beauty.

"It's delicious." Yu Xianzhi exclaimed.

"Qingji, don't become a philosopher," Yu Xianzhi said while drinking.

"Then what is it?" Anshan Qingji muttered in a low voice.

"Just be a romantic poetess! Go praise the beauty of the world and sing the joy of life!"

"That's good, I'll be father's philosopher, and then secretly be Yu Xianjun's poetess." An Shan Qingji still couldn't break free from An Sanji's firm control.

"That's not possible, I want all of them." Yu Xianzhi raised his arms and said very unhappily.

Several cats jumped down from the eaves, meowing, and ran into the tea room.

Perhaps they were fed by tourists from Kiyomizu Temple. They were not afraid of people at all, grabbing the girl's arm and begging for food.

Ansan Qingji leaned into the ear of one of the black and white cats and whispered to it.

"Yu Xian-kun, he has a question for you." Anshan Qingji's little face pretended to be serious.

"What's the problem?" Yu Xianzhi said with a smile.

"It asked who you are from Qingji?" Ansan Qingji relayed the cat's words.

"I'm Kiyohime's good friend!" Yu Xianzhi said.

Anshan Qingji was lying on the ground, meowing cutely, as if she was translating his words to the cat.

After a while, she stood up again, imitating the cat's tone: "It said - ah ah, it's not like a friend, but you are like Qing Ji's brother!"

"Oh, that's Qingji's brother!" Yu Xianzhisheng laughed loudly.

"Thank you, UU Reading Cat Cat." The girl took out a fish-flavored sausage from her skirt pocket and fed it to the cat.

This is the black and white cat picking up the sausage and swaggering away.

Smelling the smell of meat, the cats all rushed towards her, the girl waved her hands to block the cats, and they actually stopped.

"We are all good friends," she said.

The cats meowed loudly and neatly.

"Bow to my elder brother!" She shook the half of the sausage left in her hand.

But cats can't really talk, let alone bow.

Ansan Qingji blushed, felt embarrassed, and lowered her head shyly.

After a while, she raised her head and looked at Yu Xianzhisheng with a mischievous smile.