MTL - The Moon In My Arms-Chapter 269 gains and losses

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  Chapter 269 Gains and Losses

  Qi Yue recalled the time when she had just returned to the city. Although the relationship between her and Qi Zhen was a bit tense at that time, it was not as incompatible as it is now.

  She found that Qi Zhen seemed to like photography very much. At that time, she often saw Qi Zhen taking pictures with a mobile phone in private. After she saw it, she asked her to keep it secret and not tell her parents.

On Qi Zhen's birthday, Qi Yue used the bonus she saved to give Qi Zhen a camera. Although Qi Zhen looked disgusted at the time, but later she saw that Qi Zhen kept the camera very well. Take it out to take pictures, but often secretly take it out to wipe.

  Later, one summer vacation, Qi Zhen went on a trip with a few classmates, took a lot of photos, and made those photos into a beautiful photo album.

   Not long after, Qi Zhen made a major mistake in a game and had a big fight with her father.

  At that time, she seemed to hear her father scolding her for not doing her job properly and scolding her mother for being too spoiled.

   Later, she saw shredded photo albums in the trash.

  After that, she never saw Qi Zhen taking pictures again...

"Qi Yue, do you know how much I envy you..." Qi Zhen looked at Qi Yue with jealousy on her face, "You can do whatever you want, shoot if you want to shoot... if you don't shoot, go farm... Don't care what they say... and don't care what anyone thinks..."

Qi Yue looked at Qi Zhen, and said with a serious expression: "I may be more free than you, but ever since I can remember, the position of parents has always been vacant. You may not know that when I was young, I was ridiculed because I didn't have a father. Damn wild child, how many fights have you had with someone.

Even if I was taken back to the city later, in that home, I was still like a guest. Whenever they were more inclined, it was you. When they were on the field, their eyes would always be on you. point, I'm sure you won't refute..."

  Qi Zhen pursed her lips and said nothing, while Qi Wanli and Yu Shuhua beside her also fell silent.

  Qi Yue: "There will be no one in this world who can only gain but not lose. If you get all their love, you will inevitably be restrained because of love. Restriction is originally a manifestation of love."

Qi Yue paused, and said with a slightly cold gaze, "As for what you said, the shackles imposed on me by them are the most precious thing I have to give up. Since you hate shooting so much, why didn't you say it in the first place? ?”

  When Qi Wanli and Yu Shuhua heard the words, they also looked at Qi Zhen at the same time.

  Yu Shuhua: "Yes, Zhenzhen, why didn't you tell your parents? If you did... If you really hate shooting so much, your parents won't force you..."

Qi Zhen smiled sarcastically, and her voice was a little excited, " should I say it? Didn't I say it? I said it countless times, and I said I didn't like it. In the end, Dad, you always blame me I'm lazy, afraid of being tired and lack perseverance, saying that I don't know how to be blessed when I'm in the blessing, that Qi Yue can't learn because of poor health, but I don't know how to cherish my health...

  Mom, what about you? You save money and buy me expensive equipment, and let me go to the best training ground. You whisper in my ears every day. The family is not rich, but you have to pay for me to enter the national team. It means that your daughter is going to win the world championship in the future. You make me feel that if I don't train well and live up to your expectations, I will be guilty of a serious crime! "

  (end of this chapter)