MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1407 Youkai Kazuto

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There is a door on the side. After guiding you through the stones, Li opened the doorway: "This is the lounge. Everyone come in and rest. Wait for me here, don't walk around."

As soon as Founder heard, his eyes doubled, and Li Dao's mind was also bad. I just said that if you want to visit it casually, in a blink of an eye, you should stop walking around and wait here.

The tourists didn't seem to mind and followed them into the room.

The room was large. It was a conference hall with chairs. Everyone put their backpacks down and sat down. Some people go for a drink and some people are using their phones.

There is a podium right in front of it. There is a TV on the side of the podium. An interview video is broadcast on the TV. When you see the mark, it is a very large TV station and very authoritative. The old man interviewed above is the man in the picture hanging outside.

Director Li clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention, and said, "Everyone wait here, I'll sign first. Then you may be boring during the signing period, and you have to be worthy of our gold, so, Let me give you a brief introduction to our dark ruby ​​stone company. "

On the side, a very capable woman smiled slightly, walked onto the podium, and said, "Hello, my surname Chen, ear knife Chen. First of all, I welcome everyone on behalf of our Dark Red Jade Co., Ltd. I know Everyone may be worried about what I'm selling to you here. I can assure you that we don't sell anything here or sell anything. "

When everyone heard this, the feeling of resentment was relaxed a lot, and they were no longer tense.

The red baby whispered to Founder, "Master, this doesn't look like a liar."

Fang Zheng touched the red baby's head and said, "You don't look like a monster. If the monster doesn't even have a technique of change, what is it?"

Red baby is dumb ...

Fang Yunjing looked at them suspiciously, as if he heard something.

Founder and Red Baby hurried away from the topic, Red Baby said: "Dad, are the monsters scary? Can they eat people?"

"Some monsters are scary and some are quite cute." Founder said.

Fang Yunjing looked back when he heard two people talking nonsense.

Fang Zheng and the red baby breathed a sigh of relief, almost showing the filling.

At this time, the woman named Chen from the stage had introduced the background culture of the dark red company.

"The founder of our company is Mr. Li Zaixian, which is our current chairman, Mr. Lao ... Our company is currently the nation's largest supplier of hematite, supplying 80% of the country's market, and has a large share in the world. , Especially in Southeast Asia, has a great influence ... Everyone watching TV, this is the authoritative TV station's interview with the chairman, I can say that the authoritative media will never lie?

The chairman has devoted his life to the discovery of domestic jade and the best jade ...

In fact, the chairman can already retire long ago, but the chairman feels that he has made money and started his career and needs to give back to the community. So there was this sponsorship of GL Tourism. Everyone spends very little money to visit Guilin, eat well, play well, and take away the business card of GL, which has a good reputation. So, I hope you all have fun and have fun. When you go back, you will help GL and help us promote more ... "

Just then, the door opened and a man came in and said solemnly: "Little Chen, President Li will come over a moment and let me tell you, no sales are allowed, no sales of any kind will work!"

Xiao Chen quickly nodded and said, "I know, I won't sell."

The man left and the door closed.

Xiao Chen patted his chest with a lingering heart, and said to everyone, "Everyone has heard that our company will not really sell anything."

Everyone laughed.

Xiao Chen laughed: "Everyone has good luck, just in time to catch up with our Shao Dong family here, Shao Dong family is particularly arrogant, every time I come over, I will send something out. I hope everyone has this good luck."

Founder found out that this company's successor came, super rich second generation.

The red baby also sat up straight, humming, and muttered, "Is the rich second generation ... Is I rich? My mountain is bigger than Huaxia, my little demon is hundreds of millions, and my spiritual ginseng is cabbage ..." "

Founder raised his hand and gave him a slap: "Xuan Fu is easily killed."

The red baby just clicked and said aggrievedly, "I just can't get used to it."

"This elder brother has to be patient with the child and can't always use beating. Also, don't start with beating, it's easy to be silly." Remind Founder.

As soon as Red Baby heard it, the other side was frowning and winking, and Fang Zheng pulled him over and slammed against his butt, and said, "Well, what you said makes sense, spanking feels a lot better."

Fang Yunjing's face was aggressive, as if to say again: Isn't this biological?

Fang Yunjing looked at the red baby again. The silly child was beaten so many times, he didn't even cry, and he smiled, and said to his heart: It's over, he's already silly.

The red baby said helplessly: "My father has a bad brain, just like habits."

Fang Zheng quickly held him down and slapped him again.

Red baby still doesn't shout pain, hey straight music.

Fang Yunjing looked at the two people's eyes, just like looking at two fools, full of sympathy.

Founder and Red Baby had to pretend they couldn't understand.

The door was open, a young man opened the door respectfully, lowered his head, and invited a man to come in sincerely.

The man was very particular about his clothes. He didn't know how much hair gel he had, and the whole person's aura was very large. His eyes were full of aggressiveness, as if someone was looking at someone else.

Seeing the man coming in, Xiao Chen quickly gave way to the podium and said respectfully: "Good general manager."

The man ignored him at all, but stood arrogantly on the podium, looked around at all the tourists in front of him, propped his hands on the table, and nodded slightly: "Hello everyone, my name is Li Shaocong, is the general manager of this company. Everyone must I would be curious, why do n’t I talk to Xiao Chen, but talk directly to you, is it too arrogant and too arrogant. "

No one talked about the tourists. Obviously, they were overwhelmed by this man's momentum. At the same time, everyone obviously didn't want to cause trouble.

Xiao Chen was scared to say a word.

Li Shaocong said: "The reason is very simple. I heard someone report to me that someone was selling things to tourists in my venue! I was very angry and very angry! So I flew back from JND to see who was in my place. The site sells things to tourists!

Everyone, I took a look. Most of the people sitting are older than me, but don't underestimate my young age. I don't dare to say that Li Shaocong just has less insight than you. When I was twelve, I followed my father to open casinos and mines in Southeast Asia. I have seen a lot of scenes.

PS: I drank too much, and suddenly woke up like a corpse and found that it has not been updated, so I'll make up