MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1390 The power of swiping the screen

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Founder nodded and said, "I see, a big guy."

"Hey, Master, let me go and get you a tiger skin skirt?" Red Baby asked, rubbing his muscles.

Fang Zheng raised his hand to give him a slap and applaud; "But the Amur tiger protects animals, and you still have a tiger skin skirt? You can't hurt it if you stew it!"

"The northeastern tiger is stunned? He can still have monsters expensive? I'm the only monster on the earth!" Red Baby said dissatisfied.

The salty fish coughed on the side: "Brother, you are not the only one, I am also a monster."

Red baby raised her eyebrows and said, "It won't be tomorrow, and you will be stewed at night!"

Salted fish: "I'm not a monster, I'm a monster, we are all unique."

The red baby smiled with satisfaction.

The lone wolf flexed his muscles, and a little excited asked: "Master, this guy has entered the village, what should I do? Will it eat people? Look at the villagers and tourists, one by one, they are so excited, you are not afraid of being Big guy rubbing against the ground? "

Founder Road: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, you go and fix him."

When the lone wolf heard it, his eyes suddenly lighted up: "Haha, Master Yingming! I have long seen him unhappy, and you wait, I will give you a tiger whip back to repair myself!"

During the talk, the lone wolf has disappeared.

If before, the lone wolf would see the tiger scared and his legs would be soft, and he would run away from a distance. But now it's not the same. His strength has soared all the way. In addition to not being a monster, asking himself is already fierce. My self-confidence has been extremely inflated. Now when I see the King of the Forest, I am not only afraid, but very excited. Naturally, a dog takes the lead, runs fast, and wants to pretend!

To this ...

Monkey said, "Master, who do you think is more powerful, Brother and Siberian Tiger?"

Founder thought for a moment and shook his head: "I don't know, Jingxin, go and look at it. If your brother is about to be killed, remember to save it."

Founder wasn't sure what the fighting strength of the lone wolf was, and even the tiger's fighting power, Founder also lacked awareness. After all, the Siberian tiger has not been seen for many, many years. The tigers in the zoo are fatter and lazier than others, and they do n’t see the fighting power.

Therefore, Founder is also a bit uneasy.

The red baby clicked and said: "Master, you don't have to worry about it. Although the tiger is fierce, it can't do the master. This guy's body is as strong as a cow, he is more flexible than a cat, and he is more fighting."

Although she said so, her red baby went down.

"Master, there is a group of people looking for you on the Internet, saying that you should not take back their medical skills, you are killing people." Squirrel waved his mobile phone and called.

When Founder heard it, he frowned, took a look at his mobile phone, and frowned, "Who is looking for a teacher? No one?"

The squirrel stunned, came over to look at it, scratched its head and said, "There was still someone who said you were here, but swiftly disappeared?"

Founder took a closer look, only to find out the problem, I saw that all the messages in front of him were all singular ...

"You are so wronged one by one, you can't live without the medical skills of Founder Abbot? What about our doctors who have not studied Founder's medicine? Should we all die?"

"Where there are so many free lunches in the world, you have eaten them well and don't want to pay for them. Will they just raise the table and scold your mother if they don't eat it for you? You have taken up good feelings!"

"The Founder Abbot has no obligation to teach his medicine to anyone for free. When you asked yourself, when you were calling in the major hospitals, did you ever think of sharing your experience with a new doctor? To people. Not to mention, the tuition fees of the Founder ’s abode just let you go to the west for three years. The three years may not be short, but not long. You can go where you want after three years. When you are skilled, you will still be afraid. No good life? "

"You don't want to pay at all, you just want to get it for nothing, that's it!"


Founder turned all the way down and turned thousands of articles, almost all of which were such comments, muttered, "What the **** is going on?"

The squirrel scratched his head and said, "Somebody just said you shouldn't take back their medicine. I didn't expect to be drowned in the blink of an eye. Or else, flip over?"

Founder nodded, but Fang Zheng found it sadly that he did not turn faster than netizens, and did not see what the squirrel said for a long time.

In desperation, Founder had to give up and sent a separate article saying: "The poor monk is just a call, for specific implementation, everyone can pay attention to the government's website. In fact, you can go to the government instead of registering. There will be specialized staff to evaluate your ability and the allocation of resources to the east and west, lest they all go to the west, but no one will be cured in the east. The three years that the poor monk said, in fact, you may not be able to go in one day. However, from the beginning, you rejected the idea of ​​paying tuition, so you were expelled naturally. The cause and effect cycle, retribution is unpleasant, there is nothing to say.

It is actually very simple to understand the text on the poor monk's stele. The first is to have good intentions and the second has a certain medical foundation, so that you will understand some knowledge that you can understand. If your heart changes, you will naturally not understand. Therefore, what you can understand is actually not everything on the stele, only a small part of the knowledge. The medicine on the stele is profound and profound. If you want to be aware of it all the time and pursue the apex of medicine, then learn to be a good person first. "

As soon as this message came out, the message area that was detonated was completely crazy because of complaints from Dr. Qin and others.

"The master has answered! Haha, the master said well. The cause and effect cycle, the retribution is unhappy, the conscience is not enough to recharge, what bike do you want?"

"I went before, always wondering what kind of people can understand the words on the stone tablet. I thought everything was random, I didn't expect that there was such a messy thing in it ..."

"Thank you Master for your confusion. I asked myself to be a good person. When the stele is unsealed, I will go and see it! Now, I will teach myself medicine!"

"I learn too!"

"Haha, don't call it the medical **** stone in the future, just call the moral test stone. Those who don't understand the stele are not good people, haha ​​..."

"Do n’t mess up the rhythm. The master said it well. It is estimated that it is not 100% but it is more than 90% of the good people. But most people in the world are two-sided. It's just not up to the master's standards. "

"Yes, yes, don't kill yourself with a single pole. In fact, those who don't meet the standards are also good people."


Comments are lively, but some people's hearts are cold.

"Finished, I have done so many wrong things before, wouldn't I have missed the stele in the future? If so, others have progressed, only I am standing in place, then ..." Thinking of this, many people sweated coldly .