MTL - The Melon-eating Swordsman In the Ancient Dragon World-Chapter 306 Xue Bing was kidnapped

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Chapter 306 Xue Bing was kidnapped

No one can believe that the man disguised as a groom at this time is actually Lu Shaohua, the Bald Eagle, one of the Nine Famous Catchers of the Six Doors in the Southeast, who can make many underworld masters fearful.

"Okay, he did go." Jin Jiuling smiled lightly, "Lu Xiaofeng is indeed a friend enough."

Lu Shaohua chuckled and said, "The boss is still clever and strategizing."

Jin Jiuling said calmly, "Hua Manlou and Su Shaoying are at the palace, Ye Gucheng has returned to Baiyun City, and Lu Xiaofeng has gone to Xiyuan. Let's go see our old friends as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Lu Shaohua agreed, and galloped on his horse. He quickly passed through several alleys, and then approached the Snake King's small building from the other side.

Along the way, no one of Snake King’s men stopped him, and they allowed the carriage to arrive at the backyard of Snake King’s small building.

Jin Jiuling opened the car curtain and walked up the small building slowly. Without even knocking on the door, he opened the door and walked into the Snake King's room, which was supposed to be inaccessible to anyone.

"You're here." Snake King looked at Jin Jiuling with a gloomy expression on his face, "Lu Xiaofeng has already gone."

"I already know." Jin Jiuling said calmly, "You don't need to look so bitter and resentful. Lu Xiaofeng is your friend and also my friend."

The Snake King couldn't help but snorted, "Friend? A friend will steal his woman and instruct him to deal with the enemy?"

"Others don't know your details, but I know it very well." Jin Jiuling said calmly, "As long as you cooperate with me, you will be the snake king underground in Yangcheng. Otherwise, I don't need to deal with you. As long as a word is spread, that person will Coming down from the Peak of Our Lady of Waters.”

"Okay!" Snake King nodded, "I have done everything I promised you, and what you promised me..."

"It doesn't matter if she wakes up." Jin Jiuling said with a smile, "Even if she doesn't wake up here, I will wake her up. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a little less fun?"

 “She’s awake?” Jin Jiuling asked in surprise.

So he opened the cabinet against the wall with his backhand. Jin Jiuling looked closely and saw a woman sitting in the cabinet, glaring at the Snake King and Jin Jiuling with her eyes.

"When have I ever broken a promise?" Jin Jiuling said with a smile, "If I had broken a promise, do you think you can stay in Yangcheng for retirement and hide in peace? You would have been killed by that person a long time ago."

 “Will Mrs. Gongsun die?” asked the Snake King.

Jin Jiuling smiled nonchalantly and said, "You don't understand. Lu Xiaofeng is a person who loves to help his friends. Otherwise, he wouldn't have dealt with Aunt Gongsun on your behalf."

There was a hint of panic in Xue Bing's eyes. The meaning of Jin Jiuling's words should not be too obvious.

 The Snake King stopped talking. He had nothing to say.

“Don’t be afraid, I am Lu Xiaofeng’s friend, Jin Jiuling, you must have heard of me.” Jin Jiuling walked towards Xue Bing and showed an elegant smile.

 “Her martial arts are also pretty good.” Snake King said gloomily.

"Aunt Gongsun is the embroidery thief. If she doesn't die, who will die? Who will believe her words?" Jin Jiuling smiled, "What's more, I am responsible for this case."

 But to Xue Bing, this smile seemed to come from the eighteenth level of hell.

"He cares about you very much. After visiting the palace last night, he left in a hurry for fear that you would be worried."

Jin Jiuling smiled and said, "I heard that you were in danger and disappeared, so I asked the Snake King to send three thousand men to inquire about your whereabouts, and I went on a dangerous date in the Snake King's stead." Xue Bing stared at the Snake King, with resentment and resentment in his eyes. , Curse, even the Snake King couldn't help but look back and didn't dare to look again.

Xue Bing doesn’t hate Lu Xiaofeng, she hates Snake King and Jin Jiuling.

At this time, the Snake King turned around, and Jin Jiuling was walking towards Xue Bing, and happened to be behind the Snake King and in front of Xue Bing.

Jin Jiuling blinked at Xue Bing, then turned around and struck out, instantly hitting three large holes on the Snake King's back. Then with a backhand kick, he grabbed the Snake King's throat, making him unable to make any sound.

The Snake King immediately froze, with a look of horror on his face.

He wanted to struggle, but his acupoints were tapped, and his whole body was weak; he wanted to call for help, but his throat was held and he could not make a sound.

 “You…you want…to…do…”

Jin Jiuling did not look at the Snake King, but kept smiling at Xue Bing. With a shake of his left hand, he took out a red ribbon from his cuff, waved his hand gently, and put the ribbon around the Snake King's neck, and then with a backhand hoop.


The Snake King's face turned redder and redder, but he couldn't even make a movement of struggle. After a while, he became motionless.

Jin Jiuling released his hands and let the red ribbon wrap around the Snake King's neck. Then he clapped his hands and said to Xue Bing, "The Snake King betrayed Lu Xiaofeng and plotted against you. I have avenged you."

Jin Jiuling's smile was still gentle, but the coldness and desire in his eyes were no longer concealed. The way he looked at Xue Bing was as if he was looking at a pitiful, weak and helpless kitten.

Xue Bing looked at Jin Jiuling with panic in her eyes, and her body could not help but start to tremble. At this time, her acupuncture points were tapped, her body was drugged, and she had no resistance. How could she not be afraid?

The next moment, Jin Jiuling picked up Xue Bing, closed the cabinet door gently, ignored the dead snake king, and took Xue Bing downstairs, and returned to the black carriage again.

 “Go back to the hospital.” Jin Jiuling said calmly.

With the whip whip raised, the carriage left behind the Snake King's small building and headed all the way to the west city. It entered a side street and passed three calligraphy and painting shops, an engraving shop, and an oil umbrella shop, and finally stopped outside a paper-mounting shop.

Jin Jiuling loaded Xue Bing into a large box on the carriage, then got out of the car with the box, walked into the pastry shop, opened a secret door, and passed through a secret passage to a small courtyard with only three or five monasteries.

Jin Jiuling came to a monastery in the middle, opened the box, put Xue Bing on the bed, and then took off her coat.

Xue Bing stared at Jin Jiuling, with three parts fear, three parts anger, three parts resentment and one part pleading in his eyes.

"You don't have the aura of a tigress now. You are like a little female cat abandoned by its owner." Jin Jiuling said with a smile, "You are begging for your master's blessing."

"But don't worry, I have something to do now." Jin Jiuling said with a smile, "I will also take your clothes to give Lu Xiaofeng a warning and instruct him to find the murderer who kidnapped you. When he finds the murderer, he will chase the murderer. When the time comes, I will come back to accompany you.”

"Don't be anxious, just tonight." After Jin Jiuling finished speaking, he added two more fingers to Xue Bing's body, then left with her clothes, and said to the two maids waiting in the courtyard, "Be careful."

Jin Jiuling took Xue Bing's clothes and left, rushing to the room he had decorated before. He wanted to get there before Lu Xiaofeng, and completely tie Lu Xiaofeng's eyes to Aunt Gongsun.

 (End of this chapter)