MTL - The Melon-eating Swordsman In the Ancient Dragon World-Chapter 21 Long Xiaoyun's social death

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Chapter 21 Long Xiaoyun’s social death

 Most of Master Xinmei’s body has been won over.

"So the plot has changed after all." You Longsheng couldn't help but sigh, "What's the deal with just eating melons and not doing anything?"

 “I am still too soft-hearted and cannot bear to see good people being wronged.”

“But in this case, A Fei will not be seriously injured by Master Xinmei, and he will not be saved by Lin Xianer. Will he still fall in love with her?"

“Damn it, is A Fei still A Fei if he hasn’t fallen into Lin Xianer’s trap? How can he grow if he hasn’t fallen into the gentle village?”

You Longsheng returned to his bedroom. Just after drinking a glass of water, he saw Long Xiaoyun bringing Long Xiaoyun to his small courtyard.

"I brought Quanzi here to express my gratitude to Brother You. Thanks to Brother You for your enlightenment, Xiaoyun will work hard to practice Qinggong and hidden weapons in the future." Long Xiaoyun said, "I came here this time, firstly, with You. Brother, I’d like to say goodbye. Secondly, I’ll bring some Baoding specialties to Brother You. I hope Brother You will come to Xingyun Village more often when he’s free.”

"You're welcome. Little Brother Yun and I hit it off right away. I can't help you much. If Little Brother Yun can become a big shot like Qingqing in the future, it will be because of Little Brother Yun's own efforts." You Longsheng said.

"By the way, speaking of saying goodbye, aren't we leaving tomorrow?" You Longsheng asked.

Long Xiaoyun shook his head, "Master Xinmei is rather anxious. He said that there are still important matters in the Shaolin Temple. This place is 1,500 miles away from Shaoshi Mountain. The earlier we leave, the earlier we will arrive."

You Longsheng blinked and couldn't help but ask, "When are we leaving?"

 “Half an hour later.”

"Half an hour later?" You Longsheng was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask, "Uncle Xinmei, won't you take a break?"

Long Xiaoyun nodded and said with a sincere face, "That's right. Master Xinmei is worried. In fact, I am also worried. I don't want my brother to be able to wash away his grievances all the time. Please take care of my brother along the way, Brother You!"

You Longsheng looked at Long Xiaoyun for a long time, and seeing his serious expression, he couldn't help but smile and nodded heavily, "Don't worry, Fourth Master Long, Li Tanhua will not be wronged along the way. You must also know what kind of person Li Tanhua is. He will never be able to It’s the plum blossom thief.”

"I have heard about the conflicts between Uncle Zhao, Tian Qi and others and Li Tanhua, and I also know that Mr. Long Si, you can't resist their wishes, but don't worry, I can also speak in front of Uncle Xinhu, Tian Qi No matter how smart I am, I can deal with it and I will definitely clear up the injustice done to Li Tanhua," You Longsheng said, "I will give you a world-famous Tanhua brother."

You Longsheng clearly saw that in the depths of Long Xiaoyun's eyes, there were three parts of helplessness, three parts of shame, three parts of anxiety and one part of murderous intent.

There is also Long Xiaoyun, who is better than his master. At this time, he nodded seriously, "I also believe that Uncle Li is not a plum blossom thief. Brother You will definitely wash away Uncle Li's grievances."

Since you want to perform, I will accompany you to perform.

Since you are so kind and upright, I will follow your wishes and tell you more about what you want to hear.

"Don't worry." You Longsheng smiled happily and confidently, "After I take Li Tanhua to visit the scenic spots of Shaoshi Mountain, we will come to Xingyun Village as a guest and stay for a few months."

 Long Xiaoyun and his son, “…”


After bidding farewell to Long Xiaoyun and Long Xiaoyun, You Longsheng could only start to pack up his daily odds and ends. After all, they had lived in Xingyun Village for many days, and it was really troublesome to pack up now that they were leaving immediately.

Just as You Longsheng was cleaning up, near the rear of Xingyun Village where Li Xunhuan was being held, there was a sudden noise.

Just when You Longsheng packed up his things and was about to leave, Duan Qian and Feng Wan hurried back, their expressions full of excitement after hearing some incredible gossip.

 “The owner of the village! The owner of the village! Big news!”

"What big news." You Longsheng squinted his eyes, "Have you packed your things? We are about to set off."

Duan Qian nodded repeatedly, "It's packed!" Feng Wanze continued, "Last night, Fourth Master Long restrained Li Tanhua on purpose. He actually colluded with Master Tian Qi and others!"

 You Longsheng couldn't help but be surprised, "How did you know?"

Logically speaking, although everyone in the insider knew this news, most of them kept it in their stomachs. Of course, those idle young men who followed him would not know anything.

 How did Duan Qian and Feng Wan know?

"Just now, Mrs. Long wanted to save Li Tanhua, but she overheard the plan of Fourth Master Long and Master Tian Qi. They wanted to kill Li Tanhua on the road. As a result, Mrs. Long was discovered when she was rescuing people, so she revealed the matter in front of Li Tanhua. Come out."

 Feng Wan is very talented in storytelling, "Guess what happened next?"

 “What’s wrong?” You Longsheng asked with a smile.

“It turns out that Li Tanhua already knew it!” Feng Wanyi said in surprise.

 You Longsheng sneered, "Is it difficult to guess?"


 Seeing that You Longsheng didn't look surprised at all, Duan Qian and Feng Wan couldn't help but be surprised, "Master, you already knew this?"

You Longsheng shook his head, "I just deceive you ordinary people with low martial arts skills. The real person involved actually knows it well."

Duan Qian and Feng Wanyi looked confused, "But the owner of the village, you weren't there at the time?"

“But I later heard you talk about what happened at that time!” You Longsheng said.

At that time, there was a lot of commotion at Lengxiang Xiaozhu. Duan Qian and Feng Wan also went to join in the fun, and happened to see Li Xunhuan being captured by Tian Qi and Zhao Zhengyi.

 “Then you knew?”

"Of course." You Longsheng nodded matter-of-factly. Seeing that the two of them still looked confused, he couldn't help but point out, "What do you think of Long Xiaoyun's martial arts?"

 “It’s pretty awesome.”

 “Not a little famous.”

“You are too underestimating Long Xiaoyun.” You Longsheng said, “Although he is sworn sworn brother to Zhao Zhengyi and Qin Xiaoyi, in fact, his martial arts is still above these two.

A silver spear that shocked Heshuo was not just talk, but something he actually fought. If he was not strong, he would not be able to sit in Xingyun Village and shock Baoding Mansion, let alone teach Long Xiaoyun such skills. Young genius.

You must know that back then, he was the big bad bully who picked out the three bad guys outside the pass and rescued Li Xunhuan from them. "

"Do you think that a master of this level would not be able to see the tense situation at that time and would inadvertently put his arm around Li Xunhuan's shoulders?" You Longsheng asked.

 Duan Qian and Feng Wan shook their heads together. They could both see that something was wrong between Zhao Zhengyi and Tian Qi.

"So, Long Xiaoyun's attitude is to deceive you little minions. In fact, everyone in the insider knows it, but they just haven't said it."

You Longsheng said, "Long Xiaoyun is worried about his reputation, and Li Tanhua is worried about his brother's face and family. I didn't expect that Mrs. Long was so ignorant that she revealed this matter and let you all know about it."

 “That’s it!” You Longsheng spread his hands, “Long Xiaoyun died directly in society, how will he see anyone in the future?”

 (End of this chapter)