MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 444

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"No, the business is very important to me, and I won't give it to you."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, the company's eyes on Ling Ye changed a lot. She thought that Ling Ye only regarded herself as a tool, and she also regarded herself as Ling Ye's tool, but even a tool has its importance and disadvantages. There are important relationships.

"You,,, how about this, let me give you this Holy Grail, that... Matthew said that the power of this thing can even affect the world, anyway... it must be more important than the enterprise, how about we exchange it?"

Francis asked again, she really loves the company. People who have never experienced the sea don’t know the significance of a ship to people who sail on the sea. To be honest, it may be a miracle that can realize dreams in terms of value alone. The Holy Grail is indeed more important than an aircraft carrier, but Ling Ye doesn't think so.

At this moment, Ling Ye still shook his head, "No, companies are my partners, not items, and I won't exchange them with you."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, the eyes of the enterprises on one side softened. The most cherished thing of the enterprises is their friends and partners, and they would not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for this.

She never thought that a human being would say such a thing. At this moment, the company's heart was filled with emotion, because she heard the respect from Ling Ye's words, and it was acceptable.

"Then, you mean that if the company is willing, you can block it, right?"

Francis suddenly laughed.

Well, listening to what Francis said, Ling Ye was stunned. What's the situation? Didn't he say that the captain has a big chest and no brains? Why is this guy so smart? What a big-breasted, brainless being.


Ling Ye gritted his teeth angrily, but he had said everything, and now he vomited after eating, so he didn't slap himself in the face.

But at this moment, as if seeing Ling Ye's angry appearance, the company shook its head.

"Don't ask me, I'm the admiral's wife, so I will always be by the admiral's side."

Listening to the words of the enterprise, Francis' eyes became brighter.

"It's so perfect, how can there be such a perfect boat.

It's too damaging for me."

The more Francis thought about it, the more jealous she became. If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't beat Ling Ye, she would be thinking about whether she had snatched the company over.

"Okay, stop talking, let's go."

On the one hand, Matthew stood up directly. Although she was also shocked that Ling Ye could own such an existence as an enterprise, she was shocked. As a loyal fan of Ling Ye, did she think that Ling Ye, no matter how amazing it was? Nothing too much.

On the other hand, the Enterprise sailed quickly, under the power system, the Enterprise sailed forward through the wind and waves, Francis watched this scene more and more itchy, and finally left here out of sight.

On the other hand, Ling Ye looked at the enterprise in front of him and said with a smile, "Enterprise, thank you."

"Why did the admiral thank me?"

The company didn't understand, didn't she just make a correct choice just now? Listening to the company's words, Ling Ye showed a smile, "Of course, thank you for trusting me, don't worry.

In this world, you will not be alone."

And listening to Ling Ye's words, a trace of panic flashed across the face of the company. She thought of her companions in that world. After she left that world, would they be injured or killed? Looking at such a company , Ling Ye naturally knew what she was thinking. At this moment, Ling Ye took the hand of the enterprise and gave her encouragement and said, "Don't worry, don't think too much. As I said, you are my companion. When the time comes, your I'll help you with anything else."

Listening to Ling Ye's words, Enterprise felt that her heart warmed up a lot. The more she looked at her... the admiral, the more pleasing she was. At this moment, Enterprise had only one thought in her mind, "Maybe, I really found a good admiral."


Chapter 1310━A promise with Matthew

The promise with Matthew is on the vast sea, the wind is blowing up the dark clouds, between the dark clouds and the sea, there is a petrel flying proudly! Sometimes they line up in a line, sometimes they line up in characters,,,, "Senior , You recited it wrong, it doesn’t seem to be Haiyan.”

By Ling Ye's side, Matthew couldn't help reminding her in a low voice.

Listening to Matthew's words, Ling Ye quickly reacted.

"Ahem,,, it's nothing, don't care about these details."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he and Ma sat on the deck of the main ship, the sea breeze was gentle, and occasionally they could see seagulls flying over their heads.

Looking at the endless sea and sky in front of him, Matthew has always been very excited.

Looking at Mash like this, Ling Ye kept looking at her with gentle eyes.

"Senior, why are you looking at me like this?"

Ma Xiu looked at Ling Ye's eyes in front of her, and she lowered her head with a blushing face. At this moment, she could feel her heart beating continuously.

"It's nothing, just... I feel that you are very cute now."

Ling Ye still smiled and looked at Matthew in front of him, "Matthew, do you like the sea very much?"

"Well, it's the first time I've seen the sea with my own eyes. Such a view is really beautiful."

Matthew happily looked at Ling Ye in front of her, and at this moment, a seagull landed beside her, and Matthew ran over happily, looking at Matthew who looked like a cute girl in front of her, Ling Ye was right The girl felt distressed.

Ling Ye knew that Matthew was actually a girl who yearned for freedom very much. However, because she was a product of an experiment, she was weak and sick, and she never left Chaldea to see the... beautiful scenery.



Ma Xiu, who was about to pet the seagull, was taken aback suddenly, and at this moment, the seagull flew into the sky in surprise.

"Senior, you scared them!"

Matthew looked at the seagull flying away with pity, but at this moment, Ling Ye stretched out his hand silently. For a moment, a soft magic power directly wrapped the seagull, and then flew back to Ling Ye's hand.

"for you."

Ling Ye handed the seagull to Matthew, but Matthew just touched the seagull happily, and then let it fly into the sky.

"You can keep it if you like it, it's nothing to raise a bird."

Ling Ye spoke from the side.

However, Xiu shook his head.

"No, the seagull is the freest bird, and it would be too pitiful to keep it in a cage."

Matthew said silently, seeing such a school girl Ling Yetu touched something deep in her heart.

This cute little girl is really kind from the inside out.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye couldn't help asking, "Matthew, how about I tell Olga Marie how about you working in my bookstore in the future? I have a lot of heroic spirits there. How about working for Olga Marie in the past, anyway... he can also be a shield soldier."

Poor Achilles, if he knew that he was sold out by Ling Ye, he would probably lament that he was not a good person.

However, Matthew shook his head.

"No way, senior, I am the only combatant in Chaldea now, if I leave again, the boss and the others will be too pitiful."

Listening to Matthew's words, Ling Ye could only feel helpless, that's all, this kind of thing can't be forced, but,

, "Nama Xiu, we agreed that if there is a chance in the future, I will take you out to play, okay?"

"Really? Senior! Thank you."

Ma Xiu nodded happily, this little girl is really the kind... who would be happy for a long time because of a little thing.

And when Ling Ye and Matthew were discussing these things, a few pirates ran over not far from Ling Ye.

"Eldest sister, second sister, and brother-in-law, we found a new island, should we go to shore?"

Listening to these... what the pirates said, Ling Ye nodded silently.

"Okay, go talk to the company, we will immediately.


"Yes, brother-in-law!"

All of a sudden, these... pirates just turned around and left, and at this moment, behind Ling Ye, Francis looked at Ling Ye in front of him in a daze, " Ling Ye, can you explain to me when you became their brother-in-law?"

After listening to Francis' words, Ling Ye finally came to his senses.

"Wait...! Don't get me wrong! I didn't react either!"

It was only at this moment that Ling Ye realized that it was not his fault why he was regarded as a brother-in-law... The little pirate wanted to be wrong, the main reason was, when did they see Drake If Drake is allowed to serve as the deputy captain, isn't this Ling Ye their brother-in-law? Looking at Drake in front of him, Ling Ye could only helplessly change the subject.

"Look, what a beautiful island, let's go, everyone, let's get off the boat and have a look, maybe there will be something good!"

Looking at Ling Ye who changed the topic in front of him, Drake could only sigh.

"Okay, everyone, get ready to go down, even if it's to replenish it, it's not bad."

After speaking, a group of people walked towards the island in front of them.

Chapter 1311━━Blood Ax King Eric

Blood Ax King Eric "It's here! Ling Ye! Mash! And everyone, let's go and see!"

Drake immediately became excited when he saw the island. She has not sailed like this for a long time, and she is very happy to be able to resume her old career now.

Seeing Drake so excited, Ling Ye shook his head helplessly.

Sure enough, the sea is Drake's eternal home? The enterprise controlled the ship to slowly dock, and then Ling Ye led Drake and the others directly jumped off the Enterprise.

"The island looks nice."

Ling Ye felt the solid land on the island, and then looked directly at the group of people behind him.

"Let's go, everyone, whoever stays here, come with me for a walk"

Listening to Ling Ye's words, everyone looked at each other, and then,,,, "Senior, let me go with you."

Ma Xiu, an obedient school girl, is naturally willing to follow Ling Ye, and saving the singularity is her mission.

"Okay! Just to see if there are any...interesting pirates for us to plunder."

Drake is also extremely excited at the moment, well, Drake has been very excited since he came to the sea, Ling Ye has no objection, but, listening to her words, why does Ling Ye always have a feeling that she wants to eat black? Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway...these pirates don't have many good people, so what if it's black and white,'s their own people who take advantage of it.

Thinking of this, the three of Ling Ye walked straight to the deepest part of the island, as for the rest of the people and the pirates, they were all left in place by Drake to wait for Ling Ye's return.

"There are people living on this small island."

As soon as he entered the woods on the island, Drake suddenly said, and after hearing Drake's judgment, Matthew on the side didn't understand why Drake came to this conclusion.

"Miss Drake, how do you know?"

Hearing Matthew's question, Drake smiled confidently, "Little Matthew, haven't you noticed that the trees in front of us have signs of breaking, and these... ...The incision is also very smooth, obviously cut off by someone with a particularly sharp weapon, and, don't you, there are no wild animals along the way on such a large island, which shows one thing."

"Have all these beasts been eaten?"

Matthew asked suspiciously.

"That's right, you got the answer right, but then again, little Matthew, you have to protect the little squirrel on your shoulder, don't be caught and eaten."

On one side, Drake looked at Fufu who was beside Matthew, and hearing Drake's words, Fufu stood up directly on Matthew's shoulder, and then touched her little paw! "Fu!! Fu!! !"

Fufu's meaning is obvious, if you want to eat me, I'll see how I teach them! Don't forget, although Fufu looks harmless to humans and animals, but don't forget, she is one of the legendary seven beasts! And listen to Fufu At Fu's words, Ling Ye smiled at the moment, and then he directly hugged Fufu in front of him. Ling Ye still likes Fufu, a good pet who is willing to sacrifice himself to become a schoolgirl.

"Okay, don't discuss these things anymore, since it is confirmed that someone is there, it will be easy to handle."

"Easy, how easy? Although I'm sure there are people living here, if they don't come out, we have nothing to do."

Drake looked curiously at Ling Ye in front of him, and at this moment, Ling Ye smiled, and then,,

He stretched out his hand, "We don't need to look for it, just let him find us."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he directly raised his hand, and then, a magic formula was directly held in his hand.


Whoosh! A strong flame flew directly from Ling Ye's hand to the sky, and the burning flame lit up every place in the forest! And at this moment, seeing Ling Ye's actions, Drake finally understood Ling Ye's intentions. mean.


It’s because your idea is to let others come to you.”

Listening to Drake's words, Ling Ye blinked at her, "Of course, otherwise it would be so troublesome to find such a big island."

It may be that Ling Ye doesn't like troublesome things, so he chose the simplest method at the moment.

Sure enough, with the release of Ling Ye's magic power, somewhere on the island, an angry roar sounded! "Roar!!!"

Hearing this voice, Ling Ye immediately knew who lived on this island.

"With this roar, it means that we have come to the territory of King Blood Axe."

Ling Ye thought of a figure in the original book, Eric the Blood Axe, that... violent pirate king, Ling Ye was not sure at first, but now, after hearing this voice, Ling Ye already knew that .

"Let's go, Matthew, Eric should be right ahead."
