MTL - The Man Standing on Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 49 confusion

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After having breakfast, Wang Ke simply took the two of them to the clothing store to buy clothes.

There is also a clothing store without a salesperson. After entering the dressing room, everyone can choose a variety of clothes. There will be a mechanical mouth in the dressing room to spit out the clothes directly for customers to try on.

Olivia walked into the dressing room, and heard a female electronic voice coming out: "Hello, respected customers, body measurements will now be taken. Please do not move at will to avoid errors."

If it hadn't been for the Earth's common sense training on the Mondo continent, Olivia would have thought that there was a woman talking, and she would worry that someone would hide where she would change her clothes.

But now Olivia doesn't have this idea, she knows that it should be some kind of technology to store the sound. So she followed the female voice and stood still.

Soon I saw several green rays sweeping repeatedly around her, and the electronic screen in front of her eyes had listed her body data on it.

Then the picture turned around, countless various costumes and their pictures appeared on the screen for Olivia to choose, and looking at so many dazzling, never seen before, or gorgeous, dignified, or **** Olivia's eyes flashed out immediately, regardless of the material or style of the clothes, much more than the Mondo mainland.

Half an hour later, Bartok had already changed his T-shirt and jeans, and sat boredly sitting at the store door, waiting with Wang Ke for Olivia, who was still trying out.

While waiting, he apologized to Wang Ke and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, Olivia didn't think it would take so long to keep you waiting. Or I'll urge him."

"It's okay. Wait for the beautiful girl. I don't care." Wang Ke looked at Bartok, and the young man in front of him was regarded as an excellent young man regardless of his appearance or talking. But between every move, there is a flattery to himself.

Thinking about this is also impossible. The gap between the earth and Mundo is too big, let alone the entire magic star has been colonized by the earth. There is a huge gap between the two in terms of force, not to mention other aspects of science and technology, culture, education and living standards.

Even if Bartok doesn't show it, his inner inferiority will always affect his behavior somewhat.

Wang Ke said with a smile: "I am already lazy and lazy like this today. Your Majesty's wedding was held the day after tomorrow. If I still work today, I'm afraid I won't even want to eat."

Bartok said cautiously: "Your Majesty's wedding. It must be a large scale?" For the people of Monduo, the earth is the divine world, and Li Anping is the king of the gods. If it weren't for Wang Ke to take the lead, he would be unlikely to discuss Li Anping's affairs in front of Wang Ke.

"Of course." Wang Ke said: "There is no need to talk about global broadcasts, all kinds of fireworks, fireworks. It is full of warehouses. Tickets for weddings have been fired to 500,000."

"Tickets for a wedding? Can this kind of thing still be bought and sold?" Bartok said somewhat unacceptably. In his mind, wasn't this kind of blasphemy against Li Anping.

"The seats in the auditorium are limited. There are also 100 randomly distributed to civilians. These 100 positions can be bought and sold. In fact, even if the other high-level seats are sold, your majesty will not mind. But no one has done so yet. "

Wang Ke smiled and shook his head: "You have just come to the earth. You are not used to it, you will know it later." With that, a weird expression appeared on his face and asked, "Yes, your position is also It can be sold. 500,000 can buy a lot of things for you to take back. What about the wedding content, you can watch the live broadcast in the room. "

Bartok quickly shook his head in shock: "How can this work, even the sword can't force me to do this kind of blasphemy."

Wang Ke saw Bartok haha, startled by his joke, and at that moment Olivia stepped out of the dressing room. I saw her change into a long white dress. Set the whole person as beautiful as the same lily.

Seeing Wang Ke and Bartok sitting there, Olivia blushed and said, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time." If I didn't know there were two people waiting outside, I'm afraid she couldn't help it. Try a dozen more clothes.

"It doesn't matter, you look pretty in this suit."

Next. Wang Ke took two more people to buy a cell phone, and then booked the hotel in advance.

In just a few hours, the appearance of the two medieval men and women has become no different from modern people.


At 11 pm, Olivia and Bartok each have a room in the hotel.

Olivia jumped onto the bed, and the whole person fell into an unprecedented soft bed. Everything on Earth was so much she liked, and even the toilets in the hotel room here looked cleaner than Mondo's palace. She really wanted to be a mage so she could stay in the magic school here to study. You can always enjoy the modern life of the planet.

Olivia, lying in bed, suddenly felt confused and suddenly broke into her heart. The next moment, her mind was relaxed, and the entire person was completely asleep.

Just after Olivia fell asleep, a cyan light slowly emerged from her eyebrow, like a certain cyan crystal slowly extended, these cyan crystals continued to multiply in the air at high speed, In the end he was completely detached from Olivia's body.

They assembled and spliced ​​in front of the hotel's big bed, and finally turned into a man's appearance. The man hummed on the unknown music while sitting on the sofa.

I saw him slamming a finger, the instant coffee on the table, the instant coffee started to rise, and the wall-mounted TV on the wall also turned on, and began to beat the channel.

When the TV jumped to a variety show, two tossed coffees were also placed on the table in front of the sofa.

The man watched the variety show on the TV and made a loud laugh. Oddly enough, no matter how much he laughed, Olivia on the bed seemed to have not heard it, and fell into a deep sleep.

For more than two minutes, there were sounds of whispering sounds in the air around Youth Four, and I saw countless tiny particles continually combining. It was the ubiquitous nano-worms in the air. They combined with each other and became After countless massive metals, then these massive metals were combined with each other to become a human body, and finally turned into Li Anping's appearance.

Li Anping sat in front of the man, looked closely at each other, and asked directly: "The weapon that Dionysus built was provided by you?"

"Oh? Don't you ask who I am?" The man smiled. "Darkness is indeed what I provided to Dionysus, but I didn't expect him to be stupid than I thought. In either case, it fails.

But it doesn't matter anymore. It is precisely because of this unpredictable chaos that the human heart makes me put it down. "

Speaking, the man took a cup of coffee in front of him and drank slowly: "Just your little pet has spent more than two hundred methods scanning my body. Is there any result?"

Li Anping's brows frowned, and there was a gleam of cold light in her eyes.

Seeing him like this, the man said, "Don't be nervous. I didn't protest with you, let alone fight with you. If that's the case, why should I sneak up on the earth."

Li Anping narrowed his eyes and did not speak. When the other party just appeared in the hotel room, he had discovered the other party through the nanoworm, but when using various detection methods, the man was greatly unexpected by Li Anping.

The opponent is like a chaos and a singularity that appeared before the Big Bang. No time or space can leave a trace on his body, and it is like combining matter and energy into a ball, it is like a danger. To the extreme gunpowder barrel, and here is the earth.

Because of this, he chose to talk instead of directly engaging in war, grabbing the opponent, or dissecting the opponent directly.

Thinking of this, Li Anping secretly decided to strengthen the earth's defense system again to prevent this from happening.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Chaos Tide, the devil from the white earth." Feeling the murderousness of Li Anping flashing, Chaos Tide added: "But I am interested in battle, destruction and the like. No."

Li Anping said coldly, "Then why do you come to earth?"

"Nothing, I'm here to help you."

"help me?"

"Just like helping Dionysos, I spread the seeds of chaos in the multiverse. I prefer to help the weaker side than the stronger side."

A mysterious smile appeared on the face of Chaos Tide: "The white earth has been calm for too long ~ ~ This situation is not my favorite. If there can be some forces against the devil or even the demon, then The multiverse will become even more chaotic. "

Hearing the other party ’s answer, Li Anping said in his heart: ‘If he is telling the truth, then this guy is a typical pervert, harming others and being bad, super crap. ’

Seeing Li Anping's expressionless expression, the tide of chaos shrugged: "I can give you a clear message that an eighth-level high-level evil protoss warrior will reach the cross-border gate in eight months. You There should be no problem in killing him, but after killing him, the earth will really attract Red's attention. The evil protoss is not so good at dealing with it. "

The tide of chaos took another sip of coffee, and then said: "Just say red first. This guy, although not the most powerful among us, is the one who is most eager for the ultimate pursuit, and the so-called heart The thickest one is in retreat most of his life. "

After saying this, the tide of chaos sighed, and said with a look of compassion: "Once he is released to fight you, the consequences are unpredictable." (To be continued. If you like this work, Welcome to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)