MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 62

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When Song Feiyan and Song Cun arrived at the barracks, the soldiers were practicing. They went directly to the training ground. The sharp-eyed soldiers saw General Song striding forward, his momentum becoming more and more high-spirited. As for Song Cun, who was wearing a gray coat behind him, they ignored him. up.

Seeing the bravery of the soldiers, Song Feiyan nodded in satisfaction. Song Cun stood behind her with no emotion on his face. He was a little surprised. He glanced over and found that some of the soldiers had developed their inner strength. Individuals' internal energy varies in depth, but it is already out of the category of ordinary soldiers.

This is a low martial world.

The soldiers practiced for an hour, while Song Feiyan and Song Cun stood there watching for an hour.

The general was still standing there, and the soldiers did not leave after their drill.

Song Feiyan looked at Song Cun with great interest, and asked, "How, are you confident?"

Song Cun stood up and looked at a group of soldiers with no expression on his face: "I have confidence."

At this time, all the soldiers turned their eyes to Song Cun who was behind the general. The soldiers didn't know the identity of the young man. Seeing him wearing a gray coat and not having any hairpins on his hair, they thought he was a young man from an ordinary family. There was a young general. He smiled and said: "The general saw that we have worked hard in training soldiers, so he brought Mr. Xiao Lang to show us. Do you relieve the boredom?"

Although she said these words in a sloppy manner, her eyes were very open, without any other distracting thoughts. Being molested by a woman, Song Cun felt a little amused, but was not angry about it.

The other soldiers laughed and booed after hearing her words.

Song Feiyan knew that they only liked flirting and had no other malice, so she could stop them. At the same time, she also knew that since her son chose this path, he had to abandon the concept of identity, otherwise even if he was asked to practice martial arts, he would just Can be confined in the house.

Song Cun didn't speak, he stood up, raised his eyes and looked at them lightly, and then the soldiers found that although the young man was dressed in ordinary clothes and his identity could not be guessed, but he had a clear appearance, his black eyes were light, and his thin lips were pursed. Standing there with straight lips gave people a sense of distance, they couldn't help but shut up, and stopped joking with him, what the hell, they are not afraid of killing people, but they are afraid of an unknown boy?

There was a slight smile in Song Feiyan's eyes, and she shouted loudly: "Bai Dayun!"


"Bai Eryun!"


"Liu Xiangmai!"


"Big eyebrows!"

Song Feiyan called out the names of ten soldiers in a row, and when she finished calling, she said: "The ones whose names are called come out!"

Ten soldiers came out, stood in front of Song Feiyan in a row, and said in unison: "Please give instructions, General!"

Song Feiyan looked at Song Cun and asked, "Do you know why I called them out?"

Although the soldiers didn't know why the general asked the boy, they didn't speak.

Song Cun glanced at them and said, "I don't know." He didn't say he knew.

Song Feiyan smiled and said, "They are the stronger ones among the soldiers."

When the ten soldiers heard the general's praise, their faces showed excitement. You must know that the general is rarely praised.

Song Cun didn't speak, but the expression on his face was as firm as ever.

Song Feiyan asked him again: "If you regret it, there is still time."

Song Cun: "I don't regret it."

Song Feiyan was both proud and worried. She was so proud of having such a son who went up against difficulties. If he said he regretted it, she would definitely be disappointed. But at the same time, she was also worried about what to do if her son lost the battle with the soldiers, how would she coax him?

At this time, she thought of Xie Xinglan, at worst, beat Xie Xinglan once, if not once, just beat her twice, she can always be beaten, let her know how to be a good wife and head, and how to treat her son well. You won't be sad, will you?

She nodded secretly, that's all.

Their conversation made the soldiers confused, like a cat scratching their hearts, they were curious, but they dared not ask.

Song Feiyan looked at the ten soldiers in front, and said: "You are all young soldiers with relatively strong military force in our barracks. This young man wants to practice against you. Use your full strength, let him take a good look at the capabilities of our barracks soldiers .”

The son is indeed talented, and he has mastered the inner strength that others cannot develop in a few months. Not only that, but on the way to the military camp just now, she suddenly found that her son has broken through the second level of the martial arts. The soldier had only practiced for several years, and she was so shocked that she didn't know how to speak, not to mention she didn't believe it, even others wouldn't believe it.

But it is not yet known whether these fighters can be defeated. After all, he has no combat experience.

The ten soldiers looked at each other, thinking that the general was joking with them. Although they were ordinary soldiers, their military strength was not as good as that of the corporal commander and Shichang, but they had also been on the battlefield with real knives. They are practicing against each other, this is not bullying weak men, even if there is an order from the general, they are unwilling.

Besides, men are weak and weak, and they are inferior to women in martial arts. Five to six out of ten women can develop internal strength, but one hundred men may not be able to develop internal strength. Over time, some families Or the army is no longer focusing on men, but is fully cultivating women. Even if there are more men than women, as long as one female warrior with inner strength is cultivated, it is equivalent to a hundred or more ordinary soldiers.

More than ten years ago, the protector of the king was able to defeat the provocateurs of the other two countries with his own strength. The whole court was in an uproar for that feat. People have different views on men's martial arts. Some families also tried to train men, but they did not After getting nothing, he gradually gave up, after all, there is only one protector king in the world.

Even if this young man has some force, he is putting on airs to look good. The general asked him to fight against them, but he didn't know whose face it was. It's okay to play with him for as long as possible, but they all killed the enemy on the battlefield, and their hands and feet are not serious, so what if they hurt him?

Zhang Damei stood up and said: "General, there are many ordinary soldiers in the army. We all have internal strength. If we don't make a move, we will bleed. For the sake of this young master's body, how about letting those ordinary soldiers Try it with him?"

Since the general asked them to come out to practice against this young man, he would definitely not give up easily, and they could only turn around and refuse.

Song Feiyan looked at Song Cun with interest in his eyes.

Song Cun looked at her helplessly, Song Feiyan restrained his emotions so as not to make his son angry.

Song Cun stood up, looked at the man, and pretended to ask, "What? Are you scared?"


Afraid of him being a teenager?

Although this man is a young man, although this man's appearance is also the type she likes, but he looks down on her, which is unbearable, Zhang Damei blushed and said: "I will be afraid of you? I am afraid that I will hurt you. If you cry to the general again, we will be punished.”

Song Cun said: "I'm not afraid of getting hurt. What are you afraid of? Besides, your general asked you to practice against me. Even if you hurt me, the general will not punish you. You can rest assured."

Zhang Damei poked his neck: "You are a man, I don't fight with men."

Song Cun looked at her, and suddenly punched, Zhang Damei froze for a moment, reacted very quickly to dodge, Song Cun punched again, and she dodged again.

The soldiers next to them couldn't help giving them an open space.

Song Cun punched quickly. She dodged both left and right punches. While dodging her, she said, "I said, I won't fight with men. I won't. You should stay at home as a weak man." What are you doing in our barracks, wife and son?"

Song Cun looked at her, smiled suddenly, and started to get lucky. He pushed out his palm, and there was a wave of energy around him. His eyebrows were wide open, and he ran away with luck. He didn't land on the ground until he was more than ten meters away, staggering a few steps. She looked at Song Cun in amazement, if she hadn't reacted quickly, she would have been hit by this boy.

The soldiers watching the battle were also shocked. This young man, this young man has actually developed his inner strength, and judging by his aura, he can tell that the young man's inner strength is strong, not worse than Zhang Damei.

Song Feiyan put her hands behind her back and watched them fight with a smile on her face.

Song Cun looked at her and said with a smile, "Fight again!"

After talking about his luck, he flew towards her.

The soldier next to him exclaimed again, this, this young man, he can do light work even though he doesn't look like much? Where did the evildoer come from?

Zhang Damei didn't dare to underestimate her any more, and used all his strength to fight. Song Cunfang only used 40% of his power. Seeing that she was no longer avoiding the battle, but fighting with all his strength, he once again swung his fist with 80% of his strength. After swinging out, the surrounding soldiers continued to spread around.

Zhang Damei gritted her teeth and resisted with all her strength, but gradually felt that her skills were not enough. Where did this young man come from, his fists were soft and soft, but with unstoppable force, even if she used all her skills, she didn't move at all.

Song Cun looked at her and said with a smile: "This round ends here."

After finishing speaking, he exerted lightly and pushed forward with his palm, Zhang Damei plopped and fell to the ground.

There was silence all around, even Song Feiyan didn't expect her son to defeat Zhang Damei so easily.

The generals and soldiers watching the battle all opened their mouths in disbelief. This boy, this boy actually defeated Zhang Damei. You must know that although Zhang Damei is not the strongest among the soldiers with inner strength, he can at least rank in the top ten. But was defeated by this young Piao Piao with a few punches? It's just unbelievable. How did he practice?

Song Cun didn't raise his eyebrows after falling to the ground for a while, but looked at the other soldiers and said, "Next!"

No one stood up, they looked at Song Cun blankly, with surprise in their eyes.

Song Cun's voice suddenly raised: "Next!"

Everyone came back to their senses, Bai Dayun stood up, looked at Song Cun, eager to try: "I will fight with you."

Song Cun looked at her. This soldier was stronger than the soldier just now. He said, "You make the move first!"

Bai Dayun doesn't have the habit of not fighting with men. In her eyes, there are only differences between strength and weakness. Since the young man asked her to make moves first, she will make moves first. She is good at close combat, and she practiced the moves to kill the enemy. , Through the battle between the young man and Zhang Damei, she knew that the young man had a strong internal energy.

She thought of this young man with red lips and white teeth. It looked like he grew up in the inner house. Although his internal strength was amazing, he didn't have much combat experience, and his external skills were definitely not as good as his internal skills, so he avoided his strengths and attacked his weaknesses.

She had to let him know that if he could defeat Zhang Damei, he might not be able to defeat her. Among the soldiers in the barracks who had been on the battlefield, which one hadn't killed anyone? Only high internal strength is not enough.

Song Feiyan could guess her thoughts from the way she made moves. Bai Dayun was indeed smart and observant. She hadn't practiced martial arts for a long time. Thinking of this, she frowned, then regained her composure, and stared at the two of them closely.

Seeing her move, Song Cun didn't look panicked, but flashed a smile, and took her move flexibly.

Bai Dayun was stunned for a moment, and continued to make moves, Song Cun accepted the move easily again.

Bai Dayun didn't give up, and each time her moves became more fierce, Song Cun unhurriedly deciphered her moves one by one.

The people watching the battle held their breath as they fought and did not dare to make a sound.

After dozens of rounds, Bai Dayun was out of breath, Song Cun said with a smile, "It's time for me to make a move."

As he spoke, his eyes sharpened, and he attacked her lower body with his right foot, Bai Dayun panicked, before he could dodge in time, he was actually attacked, but before she could stabilize her body, a strong wind from Song Cun's left palm hit her , she was knocked to the ground by him at once.

She couldn't believe that she was defeated by this kid just like that, and lay on the ground in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

The surroundings were silent again, two soldiers were defeated by Song Cun, and they dared not underestimate this young man anymore.

Song Feiyan yelled: "Okay!" and then burst out laughing.

All the soldiers felt aggrieved, where did the general find these monsters, they are so powerful at such a young age, would they still be allowed to live?

Song Cun looked at everyone: "Next!"

The soldiers selected by Song Feiyan looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't know the strength of this kid, but they saw that he defeated Zhang Damei and Bai Dayun with ease. Thinking about it, his force was not weak, at least not weaker than them. People hesitated in place, and no one came out.

Song Feiyan snorted: "Bai Eryun comes out."

Bai Eryun stood up with a bitter face. Her martial strength was not as good as that of her elder sister. The elder sister was defeated by this kid. One can imagine what happened to her in the end.

As expected, Bai Eryun lost in the end, followed by the next one, and within an hour of the next one, all ten soldiers were defeated by Song Cun. They were unwilling and had nothing to do, the fact was that they lost to a young man by force.

Song Cun felt that he could still fight again, but Song Feiyan patted him on the head and said, "Let's talk about it next time. It's late today, it's time to go back."

Song Cun could only go back home with her.

Before leaving, Song Feiyan explained to all the officers and men that they could not spread the news of today, "All of you have been defeated, it seems that your force is still too low. Practice hard, don't slack off, don't work hard, today you can be easily defeated by a young man." If you can easily defeat them, you will be able to defeat the enemy on the battlefield tomorrow."

All the soldiers took orders and watched them leave. Bai Dayun asked, "Who is that young man?"

A head of a thousand households said: "Don't ask too many questions, the general won't let this matter spread, you all keep your mouth shut, practice hard, and you don't feel ashamed to be defeated by a young man."

The few soldiers next to him who still wanted to ask something honestly shut up.

After returning from the barracks, Song Cun went back to his room to wash up.

Song Feiyan was in a great mood. She never expected her son to be so uplifting to her. Although those soldiers were all her soldiers, his son's ability to defeat them already showed his son's ability. Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth curled up. She looked down upon him. Son, he is even more evil than his father's talent.

Back in her yard, Song Feiyan called Steward Song over and asked, "Is there anything wrong in the mansion?"

Ever since she realized that the Hu family was not as kind as she thought, she paid more attention to the affairs of the General's Mansion.

Steward Song didn't hide anything, and said, "I blocked a letter from the third young master."

Song Feiyan frowned and asked, "What letter?"

Steward Song directly presented the letter. Song Feiyan took it, tore it open, took out the letter inside, and unfolded it. After reading it, her face was livid, and the letter was crumpled into a ball by her, and she said word by word: "Let Song Yu get over here."

"Yes." Butler Song bowed and stepped back.

Song Yu was reading a book in the room. When he heard Steward Song's words, he felt a little confused. Thinking of the letter, he asked calmly, "What does mother want me for?"

Then he couldn't think of it, he asked his own people to pretend to be her to carry out that letter, and his mother wasn't at the house in the afternoon, so it was impossible to find it. He can't mess up.

Steward Song smiled, "I don't know."

Song Yu secretly scolded him for being old and immortal, knowing that he couldn't get anything out of him, so he didn't force him anymore, and let him go to his mother's yard.

When he arrived at the house, he saw his mother sitting there with a blank expression. Just about to salute, a whole piece of paper was thrown on his face. He was stunned and looked at the ball of paper that was thrown at him. He couldn't help but panic and trembled. shouted: "Mother, mother!"

Song Feiyan stared at him closely, her eyes were sharp, and she shouted: "Kneel down!"

Song Yu knelt down with a thud, panicked, seeing the familiar paper, he knew he was done for, the letter to Xie's house was seen by his mother, his obedient and filial image in front of his mother was shattered, what should he do ?

Song Feiyan said coldly: "Same temperament as your father, cruel and vicious, full of intrigues and schemes."

He is cruel and vicious, and his mind is full of conspiracies and tricks. How terrible it is to use such words on a young man, what will others think of him? Should he be thankful that his mother didn't say that about him in front of outsiders?

Song Yu lowered his head, his face was blue and white, but he didn't dare to speak, his mind was in a mess.

Seeing his appearance, Song Feiyan couldn't help but get angry, there was nothing like her in his submissive appearance, she said: "Go back and think about it with your father."

After speaking, she stopped looking at him and strode out of the yard.

Song Yu was paralyzed on the ground with a gloomy face, his mother had no motherly heart towards him, he sneered, yes, her motherly heart was given to Song Cun, how could he have his share?

Song Yu entered the main courtyard under the guard of a few servants. Seeing his distressed appearance, Mrs. Hu was startled, and asked quickly, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

After the boy retreated, Song Yu threw himself into his father's arms and started to cry. Mrs. Hu was even more startled and asked, "What's the matter?"

Song Yu was sobbing: "Mother, mother knows about my letter to the Xie Mansion."

Hu was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Her, how did she know?"

"How do I know!" Song Yu said loudly, and then said: "My mother also said that I am as cruel and cruel as you, and my mind is full of conspiracy and scheming. Is she disappointed in me?"

Hu didn't expect the general to find out about this matter. For a while, he had no choice but to ask the general? She had grounded him, obviously she would not see him, he turned around in a hurry, he could only say: "Why are you so careless?"

Cruel and merciless, full of scheming, he let out a sad laugh, he didn't expect him to be like this in the general's mind.

Hearing what he said, Song Yu said angrily: "You didn't ask me to write a letter to the Xie Mansion. Otherwise, how could I be grounded by my mother? How could I let my mother down on me? She doesn't love me very much. He hates me even more now."

Mrs. Hu slumped on the ground, her face full of remorse: "I didn't expect your mother to find out about this!"

The general didn't care much about the affairs of the mansion before, so he dared to ask his son to write a letter to Xie's mansion, otherwise he would not dare to give him a hundred courage.

Because of a letter, even his son was grounded, but Song Cun had nothing to do, and he was still living in the general's mansion safely, enjoying the treatment he had when he was not married, how could he not hate it.

He smiled slyly, ruthless, scheming, if possible, who would want to be such a person?

After breakfast, Huanhuan came over and said, "I heard that the third young master has also been grounded."

Song Cun was a little surprised, he asked: "What's going on?"

Huanhuan said, "It's because of a letter."

a letter?

A look of interest flashed in Song Cun's eyes, could it be Song Yutong's letter?

Huanhuan looked at the interest in the young master's eyes, and said, "I heard it was a letter from the third young master to the Xie family."

Song Cun opened his eyes wide, could it be that Song Yu gave Xie Xinglan the letter? He likes Xie Xinglan? That's why my mother was so angry?

His mind is now on martial arts, no matter what it is, he doesn't bother to care about it, anyway, the father and son have been grounded by their mother, so they can't disturb him.

A few days later, Xie Xinglan came to the General's Mansion again.

These days, his son's martial arts are advancing by leaps and bounds, and his internal strength has broken through the third level. Song Feiyan is as proud as she is, and as upset about his marriage, but at this moment, Xie Xinglan has come to her door. How can she give her a good face? The person who dotes on the servant and neglects the main house is not even as good as she was back then, so why should she marry her son?

Her tone was alienated, and she asked knowingly, completely treating her as an outsider: "Is there something wrong with Mrs. Xie?"

Xie Xinglan frowned. There is no housekeeper Song Cun these days, and the house is a mess. Her father is not in good health and is sick again. She has to worry about business affairs, and after returning home, she also has to worry about her father's illness and take care of housework. , she was exhausted, and she just wanted to take Song Cun back and manage the housework, so that he could relax.

General Song's words made her very irritable, and made her feel that marrying the son of a military general has many advantages, but there are also many disadvantages. At least in the face of such a strong mother-in-law, she has no ability to resist.

She suppressed the anger in her heart and said: "Mother, my father is ill, I'll take A Cun back."

Song Feiyan sneered in her heart, your father came to pick up Cun'er only when he was sick, so could it be that my son is only good for serving others?

She said: "Unfortunately, Cun'er also suffered from the wind and cold yesterday. Isn't it too good to ask him to serve your father while sick? Besides, there is no one in your Xie Mansion, so you can only let A Cun serve your father?"

It didn't take Song Cun to send someone to tell her, she had already made the decision for him.

Xie Xinglan couldn't help frowning again, and she asked, "Why is Ah Cun sick again? Shall I go and see him?"

Song Feiyan waved her hand and said: "No need, your father is not in good health, you go back and take care of him, I'm here with Cun'er, don't worry about it."

Xie Xinglan's heart was filled with anger. She didn't know what happened to Song Cun for the time being, but she could see clearly that General Song was dissatisfied with her, and it was true that he stopped her from seeing Song Cun.

She didn't know what General Song was thinking, anyway, she was not in a hurry, and with Song Cun's feelings for her, she didn't believe that General Song could stop Song Cun from returning to Xie Mansion.

When Song Cun became anxious and missed her, even if General Song stopped him, so what if he was not allowed to return home? As long as Song Cun made a fuss about going back to Xie's mansion, General Song would not be able to stop him.

She decided that it was General Song's intention that Song Cun did not return to Xie's mansion.

She relaxed, looked at Song Feiyan, and said, "If that's the case, then mother will be exhausted."

Song Feiyan was a little surprised to see that she could suppress her anger in an instant, and then she snorted again, Xie Xinglan was not angry because she couldn't get Cun'er, didn't it just mean that she didn't care about Cun'er? Thinking of this, he looked at Xie Xinglan even more unkindly.

Xie Xinglan only felt that she was uncertain, and she didn't want to see her face here, so she got up and said goodbye to her.

Song Feiyan looked at her back and sneered, don't say she was being unreasonable, her son is so outstanding, Xie Xinglan deserves to be pampered, she doesn't know how to cherish, there will always be times when she regrets it.

Besides, Cun'er has outstanding talent in martial arts, sooner or later he will surpass her, what difference does it make if he marries or not? You don't have to marry into someone else's family and live by watching other people's eyes. Her son should be free to do whatever he wants.

But don't worry, she has to wait until she knows what Cun'er thinks before she can act.

Song Cun was not practicing martial arts, but holding a law study, Huanhuan came up to him and said, "Master, Xie Shinv has come to the mansion."

Song Cun looked at him: "Just say I'm not in good health."

Huanhuan interrupted him: "She's back again!"

Song Cun: "..."

Huanhuan said: "The general said that you caught cold again and asked you to recuperate in the general's mansion. Mrs. Xie has gone back."

Song Cun looked stunned, but he didn't expect his mother to see his intentions and helped him get Xie Shinu away.

Huanhuan looked at him tangled: "Eldest young master, is it really okay for us to never go back to Xie's mansion?"

Of course Song Cun knew that it was inappropriate not to go back to Xie Mansion all this time, the key was that he didn't want to go back at all, nor did he plan to go back.

He frowned and said, "Leave these things alone, I will take care of them."

It is not so easy to get together and leave, even if he can persuade Song Feiyan, the Xie family will definitely not agree, since he does not agree, he will stop struggling, practice martial arts well, and just wait for an opportunity to solve it once.