MTL - The Lucky Farmgirl has a Pocket Dimension-Chapter 22 Wheelweed

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  Chapter 22 Trichosanthes

  Sun Mei patted the dirt on Zhao Zhitong's body, hugged Zhao Zhitong, and walked quickly towards the school: "You girl, why did you go, you are covered in dirt."

  Zhao Zhitong put his arms around his mother's neck, and replied truthfully: "I'm digging wild vegetables."

  Sun Mei: "What are you digging for? Isn't there vegetables in our vegetable garden now?"

  Zhao Zhitong shook his head: "It's different, that one is a treasure."

  Sun Mei laughed and didn't take it seriously: "What kind of treasure can wild vegetables be?"

  Zhao Zhitong leaned close to Sun Mei's ear and whispered, "This is a secret."

   Seeing the little girl's mysterious look, Sun Mei only laughed at her mischievousness, and didn't ask any more questions. After arriving at the school, she explained a few words to Zhao Zhitong, and then went to find Squire Wei first.

  In the school, the food provided by the kitchen for the children is given to the school by the parents of the students every month. The Wei family contributes a lot, and they will regularly send some meat to the kitchen to improve the children's food.

   Naturally, the school kitchen is also managed by the Wei family, so that the husband will not be distracted by chores and can concentrate on teaching.

  Sun Mei and the other woman in the kitchen were also hired by Squire Wei's family, and all their wages were paid by Squire Wei.

  Recently, the family is busy, and Zhao Zhitong may have to eat in the school, so she has to talk to Wei's family first, and hand in the food.

  After Sun Mei left, Zhao Zhitong didn't rush to the front yard as usual, but found wheelweed by the roadside of the vegetable field.

  The book says that soaking Trichosanthes in water can clear away heat and improve eyesight.

   This was early this morning, when she was looking for herbs for her father, she discovered it.

  Although she couldn't find the herbs she wanted to give Dad, she found a lot of Trichosanthes.

  Grandpa Bai said that the effect of Trichosanthes can clear away heat and improve eyesight, so Zhao Zhitong wrote it down and prepared to pick it to give to her husband.

  Zhao Zhitong picked a few wild vegetables, and felt that they were almost ready, so he ran to the front yard with a bag of wild vegetables in his arms.

  As soon as he approached the front yard, the sound of students reading loudly came over.

  Because the age of the students in the school is generally too young, they are still in the enlightenment stage. Today, Mr. Meng is teaching Thousand Characters.

  And a few older children are reciting the Analects taught by the teacher.

  Zhao Zhitong thought that there were many words in the medical book that she didn't understand, and felt that she should learn more, so she ran to the classroom lightly, closed the first window, and followed the teacher in the room to read with a loud voice.

Mr.    read a sentence: "Clouds make rain, dew turns frost."

  Students learn a sentence: "The clouds make rain, and the dew turns into frost."

  Zhao Zhitong followed the reading very hard, almost at the top of his voice. The grandma's voice was very loud, and it was very prominent among the voices of the students in the school.

   It made Qiao Muchen, who was sitting in the first row, turn his head to look at her from time to time.

  Mr. led the students to read aloud several times, and then began to explain the meaning of this sentence.

   While he was explaining, he saw Qiao Muchen and Zhao Zhitong, who was lying on the window, looking at each other, winking, grinning, with a very rich expression.

   "Cough cough!" Meng Xuejiao coughed lightly, put down his book, and called out, "Qiao Muchen, tell me, what does this sentence mean?"

   After being called by the master, Qiao Muchen immediately looked away and stood up with his small chest upright.

After bowing first to Mr. Wang, he replied confidently: "Mr. Hui, this sentence is to explain the formation of the phenomenon of cloud, rain, frost and dew. It's hoarfrost."

   "Yeah." Meng Xuexue touched his beard and nodded in satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad, sit down, you still have to concentrate in class."

  The son of the Qiao family, Qiao Muchen, is also a student that Meng Xuexue is extremely satisfied with.

   "It's sir, I would like to follow your teachings." With his affirmation, Qiao Muchen sat down complacently. Zhao Zhitong, who still didn't forget to glance at the window proudly, almost raised his tail.

  Of course, at this time Zhao Zhitong completely ignored him. At that time, she was having a lively discussion with Grandpa Bai in the space.

  Zhao Zhitong: "Grandpa Bai, do you think Mr. explained it wrong? Mr. is very powerful, Mr. can't be wrong, it must be Qiao Jiaojiao who said it wrong, hmph."

  Grandpa Bai: "..." This girl has double standards.

  Grandpa Bai spoke slowly, and explained: "Mr. Meng didn't explain it right, and Qiao Muchen also explained it wrong."

"What I mean is that this sentence itself is somewhat wrong. Girl, the ancestors summed up their experience and wrote it into a book. Our descendants can obtain the experience and thoughts of our ancestors through reading, but not all of our ancestors Yes, at any time, we must not lose our judgment."

   "Oh." Zhao Zhitong nodded emphatically with a half-understanding face.

Grandpa Bai began to explain on his own: "The last sentence of these two sentences, the saying 'dew turns into frost' is open to question. Frost is an ice crystal formed by the condensation of water vapor in the air, not water vapor first liquefied. It becomes dew, and the dew solidifies to form frost."

  Zhao Zhitong didn't understand half-understood, or just didn't understand: "Grandpa Bai, I don't understand very well."

  Grandpa Bai stroked his beard, smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand now, when it's winter, girl, you can go and verify it yourself, and you will gain true knowledge through practice."

  Zhao Zhitong nodded happily, and readily agreed: "Okay, okay."

   At this time, Mr. Meng had finished explaining, let the students read for a while, and then announced that school was over.

  When Meng Xuejiao walked out of the classroom to his residence, he saw the little girl standing outside the door of his residence, holding a few wild vegetables in her hands, and looking at him with bright eyes.

   Seeing him coming, the little girl handed him the wild vegetables she was holding as if offering a treasure: "Sir."

  Looking at a handful of wild vegetables, Meng Xuexue didn’t understand, so he asked, “For me?”

   "Yeah." Zhao Zhitong nodded emphatically, and said in a childlike voice, "Yesterday, I saw that Mr.'s eyes were red, and mother said that Mr.'s eyes are tired from reading. This is a wheel plant, which is used to make tea and improve eyesight."

"Ha ha."

  As soon as he heard this, Meng Xuexue was instantly happy, and reached out to take the weeds: "Okay, I'll accept it, sir, thank you girl."

   Mr. Jian took her wild vegetables and thanked her. Zhao Zhitong was overjoyed in an instant, and said joyfully, "Sir, let me make tea for you, I know how to make tea."

  Meng Xuexue: "Girl, this wild vegetable is still green. You can't make tea now, you have to dry it."

  Zhao Zhitong was puzzled: "Dried?"

  Meng Xuexue knew that Zhao Zhitong’s grandfather’s family was a medical practitioner, so he was not surprised that Zhao Zhitong told Zhao Zhitong to make tea with clover grass to improve eyesight.

   Seeing that the girl only knew that she could improve her eyesight, but didn't know how to dry it, she knew that she must have listened to it by accident, so she wrote it down.

  Meng Xuejiao said: "Yes, in medicine, it should be called concoction. The medicinal materials in pharmacies are only used after they have been concocted."

   "Oh~, so that's how it is." Zhao Zhitong nodded his head, and realized for the first time that herbal medicine needs to be processed before it can be used.

   Thank you for your votes~



  (end of this chapter)