MTL - The Lover’s Prattle-Chapter 24 Demon **** (4)

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Biquge, the fastest update [Quick Wear] love words will finally have the latest chapter of the master!

Demon has powerful self-healing ability.

Qing Ruo had given him medicine, no use of dust cleaning, but to find a suit from his Qiankun bag for him to change.

She turned her back on her, and called her obediently to clear her bloodstream and change her clothes.

"Qingruo, OK."

Qing Ruo turned around, and he sat by the bed with one leg on the bed and one leg stretched in the air, holding the changed clothes in his hands and looking at her with his head raised.

A scary and scary face was pitiful because of its soft, clever and somewhat ignorant expression, with pointed ears and blood-red eyes, like a World of Warcraft confused after injury.

Qing Ruo hooked his lips, with a slight and indulgent smile, went forward to pick up the clothes in his hand, folded them neatly next to him, and put them in his Qiankun bag.

Take out a quilt, go to bed and pull him down together, cover the quilt eyes, and cover the two with quilt. "Take a rest, try not to practice, even if you can't sleep, just lie down quietly . "

He hummed softly.

Qing Ruoyang's hand, a spell covering the night pearl embedded in the cave wall, her hand under the quilt slowly approached in the darkness, holding his cold hand.

After a while, the two breathed almost in sync, and he backhand, holding her small hand in the rough palm.

Without the cover for the camouflage, he had scars on his hands, prominent bone joints, thick cocoons, holding Qingruo's strength slightly, and her delicate skin was slightly tingling and aching.

Qing Ruo leaned over his side, and slowly put his other hand on his face. The scar on his face was very deep and heavy. He was so frightened that he felt trembling when he touched his face.

She ran across her fingertips one by one, and finally stopped at his chin, saying nothing, and sighing softly.

With a slight sigh in the darkness, Lin Zhao was almost out of breath with the pain.

Lin Zhao raised his hand and held Qing Ruo's hand.

Pulling her finger, she reached the deepest and largest scar of the skull, and touched the scar from the head to the tail again with the method she just rubbed.

"This was cut by Xuan Jue Men."

Followed by the scar from the left eye across the bridge of the nose to the corner of the right mouth, "This is the head of Jinghe Gate."

The scars were counted, not only a few major gates, but also some small gates. The last scar on his arm reached the palm of his hand, holding Qingruo's fingertips.

Lin Zhao came together and kissed her lips. The scars on the lips rubbed her lips and itchy and itchy.

"Qingruo, let's sleep for a while."

Qing Ruomu said, his cheek close to his chest.

If Qing Qing really fell asleep, she was struck by Lin Zhao's forehead.

Unconsciously, when he woke up, he saw his hand near her forehead again, raised his hand and grabbed him, and called him softly, "Lin Zhao."

He was smiling, smiling softly, looking weird on a scarred face.

Immediately speaking, "Qing Ruo, I'm dead."

Qing Ruo completely fell asleep, released his hand and turned to sit upright, his eyes filled with anger and distress, but his voice was calm and cold, "Who?"

Lin Zhao followed and sat up slowly, got out of bed slowly, stood on the side of the bed and pulled up his wrinkled clothes slightly.

Qingruo frowned, then opened her eyes sharply, "What do you do to lower things ?!"

Obviously, Zongmen did not dare to deal with Lin Zhao, but it would not be necessary if Lin Zhao Xiu was known by Zong Men to lower things.

Lin Zhao wasn't in a hurry, and she hummed a little, seeing that she was about to get up from the bed and stretched out her hand, and when Qing Ruo got out of the bed, she let go of her hand, took out her own Qiankun bag, and began to take it inside. thing.

Flying instruments, defensive instruments, a pile of messy things are either for escape or for life.

Qing Ruo frowned, he sorted things out, started putting on his body, turned around and handed Qing Ruo a magic weapon, a flying weapon, and the speed is almost the ultimate in the magic weapon. "Go back to Zongmen or Go to your father. "

If Qing didn't answer, he stared straight into his eyes, "What about you? Where are you going?"

Lin Zhaoding gave her a firm look, the persistence in her eyes.

He turned his head, put the flying instrument in his hand on the bed, and continued to pack things. "Xuan Jue Men has begun to mess, this place is not safe."

Qing Ruo grabbed his arm and was very strong, even using aura.

Lin Zhao is now in a state of incomparable harmony with Qingruo. He has pain in his arm and turns his head to look at Qingru unhappyly.

She had a cold face with a more angry look, but her words were calm. "You are doing this now, and it is easy for several major gates to join forces to kill you."

Lin Zhao shook her arm and did not shake her hand, Qingruo pinched tighter.

The magical spirit of violent killing in his body began to uncontrollably swell, and the black scars on his face began to turn blood red.

Qing Ruo was still staring at him, and he did not hide, there was no concession.

Lin Zhao first bowed his head, "Qing Ruo. You go to the ancestral gate or go to your father."

He repeated his words, a little helpless.

Qing Ruo released his arm and stepped back.

Lin Zhao did not look up, and continued to pack things. After packing, he started to go deeper into the cave.

The distance was a little far away, and Qing Ruo called out to him.

The cave was full of echoes from her, "Lin Zhao ... Lin Zhao ... Lin Zhao ..."

She shouted once, but countless voices echoed through the cave.

Lin Zhao paused for a while, but continued to move forward.

"Linzhao ... Linzhao ..." Qingruo said again.

Lin Zhao hooked his lips and scolded himself as a demon without humanity.

Stopped and turned.

The distance between them was very long, he turned, relying on good vision, even if it was not clear, but he did see a burst of laughter on her face.

Bright and hot, like the sun overhead, too close to burn, but too far away and miss the warmth.

The sound of footsteps mixed with the echo of the road. If Qing came over, she never walked away from this cave. Long hair flew behind her, and it was not known whether the wind brought her hair or her. Wind in her hair.

Close, close.

There are still five meters.

Qing Ruo stopped, opened his arms wide, his voice was full of smiles, "Lin Zhao, come over and pick me up."

Lin Zhao laughed.

Nodded her head and strode towards her. Two big palms supported her face on both sides, and her gentle and tyrannical but domineering and strong bowed her head and kissed her delicate and sweet lips.

Qing Ruo opened his arms and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Qingruo, close your eyes."

He gave an illegible account of her lips, two hands resting on her cheeks, and then a lingering kiss.

Later Qing Ruo told him that if he hadn't looked back that day, she would still keep up with herself.

Lin Zhao smiled and didn't answer, but was thinking in her heart. In fact, she couldn't get away that day. Even if she didn't call him, he would turn back eventually.

He was too clear that his temptations could not pass this level first.

It's just that she let him win this time. She won this temptation and won her even more.

Two men began to be hunted down.

Qing Ruo has now become a demon head everyone shouts.

Lin Zhao is not only decent, but the demons also want to kill him. After all, he also occupies the name of a demon king.

The Demon Clan does not understand the twists and turns more directly than the decent, the demon king Xiu lowered, then whoever killed him is the new demon king.

Directly to Qingruo, if he avoided the pursuit and hunted, he was very irritable.

The years of Xiuxian Realm were the real Bai Jun. They hid and hunted, relying on the two high-level instruments and hunting and hunting skills of the two, and hiding in various secret caves for several months.

Four years later, in the Xiuxian Realm, it is almost becoming black and white.

Lin Zhao is going to harden again.

Qing Ruo is about to collapse.

Because Lin Zhao was very serious and told her that the hardening time would take a long time, and after the hardening, his cultivation would be completely gone, and he didn't know the specific situation.

Therefore, they must be fully prepared.

Thankfully, although Lin Zhao's Xiuwei has been falling, in the past few years, Qingruo's actual combat experience in evasion and fighting has continued to improve, and Wu Da has also successfully realized several times, and Xiuwei has promoted another class.

Qing Ruo passed the roasted Warcraft legs to Lin Zhao.

The ugly and edible guy picked up the big mouthful of food, and if Qing Qing rolled his eyes, he was ready to tear the other leg and pass it.

Lin Zhao now needs to eat, it's uglier than it was ... it's uglier ...

The skin is not white and tender. The skin beneath the scar is a color between cyan and bronze, much like the lowest-level little devil that naturally breeds in the dark.

It can be said that if it were not with Qing Ruo, basically all monks would see him and would not consider him a call.

Lin Zhao finished eating a whole World of Warcraft, and played a full meal.

He pulled a piece of grass from the side and shoved his mouth into it, leaning back against the branches behind him, shaking Erlang's legs lazily, "Qingruo, what do you say I will become hardened again?"

Qing Ruo rolled her eyes and was too lazy to care about him. What she is thinking about now is not what he has become, but the two life-saving devices. In fact, the endless pursuit of these two years has been consumed.

If he weakens again, how will she protect him.

Lin Zhao ate meat and had oily hands. He could see that if the branches of the barbecue were thrown away, his hands would stretch out naturally, waiting for Qingruo to clear his hands by the way.

Such a simple spell, an introductory spell, and a spell for a three-year-old child in the Immortal Realm, he has to cast now. It is not impossible, but it is very difficult.

The two are now in the Forest of Warcraft, and Lin Zhao's body is too weak, which restores the demon's instinct. They are more active at night and more active during the day. They are relatively weak during the day and are also afraid of sunlight.

This will eat, the trees are lush, he leaned against the trunk and stumped, he was a little sleepy.

Qing Ruo sighed for a long time, took out a small thin bag from Qiankun, and smashed it with his head covered.

What she couldn't accept now was that he, a demon, would catch a cold? !!

Or was it cold because of sleeping the previous two days ...

Probably he didn't have the concept of a cold, but started to runny nose the next day. The current one is not the normal one, and the color is not described. Anyway, if it is unacceptable, it is not clear.

Lin Zhao frequently asked her to perform the dust cleaning technique before she felt strange and asked him what was wrong.

The guy was cute and aggrieved and said she felt that there was always water in her nose.

Then started to cough ...

The cultivation of immortals, whether it is human or magic, is probably the first time someone has a cold.

So Lin Zhao had no idea what happened to him.

Or Qingruo said roughly what the symptoms are.

From then on, Qing Ruo did not dare to let his body always be cold and cold ...


Qing Ruo,

I am scared,

I'm afraid you will accompany me to hell.

Fear of **** without you.

—— [Black Box]