MTL - The Little Devil of Mr. Wen is Bewitching the World-Chapter 254 This crew makes me feel comfortable

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  【Cui Zhengxiao V: It is an honor to be invited to personally participate in the production. I am fortunate to have seen a live performance, a super powerful little girl, looking forward to meeting and cooperating. //W·Y Studio: Hey, everyone. See you in December! When the cold winter hits, the fog will finally dissipate. [picture]】

   Later, there were photos of Cui Zhengxiao at the scene when fans po out of the finals. Because the picture quality was too clear, he himself sat in the third row to watch the performance.

  Who is this?

   Many young people may not be familiar with it.

   The familiar things of the parents' generation can no longer be familiar.

   Push forward 10 years, in that era when technology is not yet developed.

  The days when listening to songs depended on tapes, CDs and MP3s.

  Cui Zhengxiao was the king of that era. He made his debut at the age of seventeen or eighteen and became popular all over the country in just a few years.

   Up to now, the status is still the king level.

   is the childhood idol of many people who have grown up.

   His posters are pasted on the mottled walls, and they have turned yellow for more than ten years. The memory of moving house is still there.

   In those years that belonged to Cui Zhengxiao, his songs were all over the streets and alleys, and they would be sung by old women and children.

  The all-rounder who wrote lyrics and composes music. He faded out of the entertainment industry after getting married five years ago. Now there is very little news about him on the Internet.

   Even the media only occasionally broke out which street he appeared on.

   There is no more news.

  Cui Zhengxiao's wife is an outsider, and I heard that they are still childhood sweethearts. It took more than ten years of love to achieve a positive result. Accompany him from nothing to thousands of attention. When he retired from the circle, he said that the first half of his life was accompanied by music and fans, and he also got his own glory. He is worthy of everyone, but only owes her. In the second half of my life, I will leave it to my pillow, and I will spend the rest of my life with my wife and children at home with peace of mind.

   He protects his wife and children well.

  A man who has been in the entertainment industry for decades, his status is not low until now, his contacts are even wider, and he is also a big-shot figure.

The media did not dare to offend him easily.

   Now Cui Zhengxiao is out again.

   turned out to be for a small draft champion.

   Speaking of Xiaoquan is based on Cui Zhengxiao's status.

   After all, there were many people at the level of kings and queens who wanted to ask Cui Zhengxiao to cooperate, but they were decisively rejected.

   In the eyes of those who have been famous for a long time, it is not just a small draft champion.

   With the current rank of the situation, it is completely unqualified to invite a big man like Cui Zhengxiao.

   So some people don't understand.

  What exactly does she rely on for the occasion.

   "Yeah, what exactly are you relying on?" Wei Yi didn't understand, so she asked. Cui Zhengxiao is also her idol oooooo~ although she is very excited and excited now. But she shares the same doubts with the majority of netizens.

  No play today.

   are resting in the hotel, tomorrow will start the ceremony.

   nibbled at the duck neck that Yan Weicai bought, and answered the questions of the melon eaters at the scene.

   "Probably because I have to call Cui Zhengxiao uncle!"

   "Is she your mother's brother?"

   "Of course not, I can't tell you the specifics. Anyway, it's a little blood relationship. You know the Chinese relatives and civilizations! A New Year's Eve dinner might give you a few more inexplicable uncles and uncles."

   Yingjing was only lucky to meet the legendary uncle who was somewhat related by blood, but not much blood.

   Growing up, there was almost no contact.

   It is probably the company's handwriting that I was able to invite Cui Zhengxiao this time.

At night.

   Qi Siyan, who was filming far away, also reposted the studio's Weibo.

  【Qi Siyan V: When the cold winter hits, the fog will finally dissipate. Happy cooperation. //W·Y Studio: Hey, everyone. See you in December! When the cold winter hits, the fog will finally dissipate. [picture]】

   If you just look at the previous sentence, it is not impossible for Qi Siyan to forward it as a friendship.

   can add a sentence of pleasant cooperation and it is intriguing.

In the    finals, Qi Siyan was willing to dance for the occasion, which was unprecedented.

  Qi Siyan was at the peak of his debut, and he was always the only one who was a backup dancer.

   Now that the two are collaborating, they are still helping Yingjing's new album build momentum.

   Some fans are not calm.

  [Cub, you must have taken a fancy to the beauty of the occasion! ]

  [When did my brother rush to promote it to others? It's over, what did I think of. ]

  [Baby, money matters, don't be fooled by the goblins in the entertainment industry. ]

   [Brother, wake up a bit. This woman is too beautiful, and you are too good to hold her back. ]


   is also heartbroken.

   Probably because Qi Siyan's fans were making too much noise, he himself had to come out and send another rumor.

  【Qi Siyan V: Making money is the most important thing, I am making money. 】

  The master said so, and most of the fans believed it.

yes! Cooperating with Yingjing is equivalent to making money!

   It's just that this woman is menacing, and there is a feeling of conquering the world.

   Finally, no one stopped her and let her start the 'Big Kill Quartet' mode in the entertainment industry.

The    album was decided after discussing with Sheves, and the time was set at the end of the year. Relatively ample time. Sheavis was beginning to worry that she would be very tired if she had to film and do things on the album side again.

   As it turns out, once again he was overthinking it.

  Some people knelt down and begged to let God eat their food.

   The occasion is being chased by God to feed him.

  The black powder has no strength for a while, so it stopped.

  At the opening ceremony, I met the enthusiastic director, the enthusiastic male lead, the warm female second and the female third…

   Everyone is so enthusiastic.

   They are all newcomers, there is no pretense and a bunch of people play together after a while.

   What Ying Jing did not expect was that the second and third women were still her fans.

  After the opening ceremony, the handsome male protagonist went straight to the occasion.

   "I like you so much. I even went to watch it during the finals. It was hard to buy tickets at that time. Fortunately, I found someone to grab one."

   The other one is even worse. I didn’t buy it directly, and I don’t have any connections, so I can only watch it online at home.

   The second girl is called Yuan Liuxuan, and the third girl is called Tao Tongtong.

  The actor of the male protagonist is Han Jin.

   are students of film school.

   "I'm a year older than you, but not from a school."

   "I know, my sister is also famous in high schools."

   "Are there still boys in our school who use your photos as wallpapers?"

   "They even went to the scene to cheer you on!"

   Han Jin looked at her embarrassedly while chatting.

   "I like my sister very much too, can you take a picture with her?"

   Not only girls like her very much, but boys also like her very much!

   Being called elder sister by such a cute boy, Yingjing elder sister agreed without hesitation.

  Han Jin blushed when taking a group photo, but he smiled generously in the occasion.

   In the end, not only did he take a photo with Han Jin, but he also took a photo with several others, and even the director came to take a shot.

   Compare it!

   Overall, the first experience was very good.

   The situation has a hunch that she will be very comfortable in this crew.