MTL - The Life Through Books of the Salted Fish Family-Chapter 458 drink some wine

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  Chapter 458 Drink some wine

  Yan's second son entered the door with his meal in hand.

Today's dinner is placed in the kitchen, the big round table is set up, there is not much room for footsteps, it looks like the room is full, the fire on the stove is burning hot, big geese are stewed in the two big pots, and the sides of the pots are pasted. A row of bright yellow pancakes, they were lifted up when they were cooked, and then pasted around again, with the cooperation of Nanny Rong and Madam Cui, a basket of small yellow pancakes was collected in a short while.

  Ms. Cui hurriedly greeted the puppy to run errands and send him home.

Yan Laoer originally wanted to keep Mrs. Tofu at home for a meal, but the lady said that there were still a few children in the family who were worried, so she rushed back. Yan Laoer and Mrs. Cui sent him out of the village, and came back to chat with his sister. If he wanted to go to his house to learn how to cook big geese, the second Yan could eat together with Zhang Luo.

  Miss Cui deserved it, so she simply asked Mistress Rong to bring the two big geese in the family and kill them together.

  Cui Langzhong sat at the table, his body straight and serious.

   Seeing Yan's second son come back, his eyes lit up.

   "Sister, where are my uncles and aunts, why didn't they come together?" Yan Laoer asked while taking off his clothes.

Mrs. Cui took a sip of the soup, smashed it, said: "I can't persuade you, I can't wipe my face, forget it, it will be fine when they are at ease after a long time, you are quite lucky, it will be fine soon, smell Smell, does it smell good?"

"It's very fragrant. I can smell it from far away." Yan Lao Er said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, let's drink some? I still have half a jar of wine here. It was brought by Li Tou and the others last time. I didn't drink it. Don't think so."

   "I don't mind it! I don't mind it!" Cui Langzhong was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. The next moment, he seemed to think of something, restrained his smile, and looked at Mrs. Cui one by one.

  Ms. Cui gave him a blank look, and whispered: "Virtue..."

   "I'm happy today, so I'll break your fast for you, just half a bowl, don't drink too much." She said with a tigerish face.

  Cui Langzhong nodded vigorously, and said happily: "Don't drink too much, half a bowl will be enough."

   He stopped sitting upright, and stood up clumsily to help hold the bowl and put the chopsticks on.

  The big goose here has been stewed, Madam Cui greeted: "You take this pot home..." After she finished speaking, she weighed it for a while, but it was still heavy, and then said again: "Wait, I'll put it in the pot first."

   Divided into two pots, Cui Langzhong and Dagouzi each took one back.

  Yan's second child went to the cellar to get wine, and bumped into his wife and daughter.

  Li Xuemei's hands were empty, and Yan Yu carried a basket on one arm.

   "What are you going to do?" Li Xuemei asked.

   "Well, I remember that there is still half a jar of wine in the cellar, and it happens that my brother-in-law is here, let's have a drink together." Second Yan said.

   "Your daughter was thinking about it for you, and she brought it up." Li Xuemei pointed to the basket on her arm.

  Yan Yu squinted and smiled, raising an arm.

  Yan Er Er smiled and took it. "It has to be my daughter, and it has to be Daddy's caring little padded jacket!"

   "Dangdangdangdang..." Yan Yu opened another basket. "There is also the frozen fruit that you like to eat, take it out and melt it now, it will be delicious after dinner, you have to save some stomach."

  It was the first time for Da Ya to mix cold dishes. She cut the shredded dried tofu into thin slices. She carefully recalled the steps that Aunt Rong taught her step by step.

   After mixing it up, put it on the table in no hurry, and brought it to Aunt Rong first, and waited for Aunt Rong to taste it, then nodded to her, then stretched her eyebrows and eyes, and smiled brightly.

   Qinger was on the side, arranging the dishes very seriously.

  Sliced ​​salted duck eggs and a kind of black duck eggs with strange taste, half of each plate, two plates should be placed.

  Nurse Rong seemed to have eyes behind her back. Once she had set it up, she turned around and put the two plates on the round table.

  Then gently pushed Qing'er, signaling her to come to the table.

  Yan's second family came in, and the small kitchen was completely bustling.

Yan Laoer: "Hey, my niece made this cold dish today, uncle, you have to taste it..." He directly stirred a large piece with his chopsticks, stuffed it into his mouth, and praised indistinctly: "Well... delicious... delicious!"

  Li Xuemei greeted everyone: "Sister, don't be too busy, sit down quickly... Rong Niangzi, I will clean up later... Da Ya, Qing Er, big dog, little dog, come to the table."

  Yan Yu: "I'm sitting with Brother Big Gouzi and Brother Little Gouzi, sister, you and Qing'er go over there to hang out."

  She waved at the big dog and the little dog, and the three little heads came together.

Yan Yu whispered: "Hey, one for each person, don't let people see, the brown sugar cubes I brought back from Fengming are rare, and there are wine inside, do you dare to eat? If you dare not eat, return it to me, I will give it to you." You change to something else..."

   "Dare!" Da Gouzi said decisively.

  Puppy also looked at her with bright eyes.

  Yan Yu saw the opportunity and quickly stuffed two pieces of wine candy into their hands.

   "Don't tell anyone, I only have a few yuan, not enough." She repeated worriedly.

   Little Gouzi and Big Gouzi wiped their hands to their mouths, and the cold cube sugar in their hands disappeared.

  They didn't even see what it was like.

   But Xiao Er is such a baby, so it must be a good thing.

   Besides, there is still wine here!

  Both the big dog and the little dog don't know what wine tastes like, but they always hear their mother say that their father is greedy for wine, and it should be something delicious, otherwise, why would they be greedy.

  The chocolate slowly melts in the mouth, and with a little force, the wine core wrapped inside will flow out, mixing sweet and bitter alcohol with a slightly drunk taste, with endless aftertaste.

  Li Xuemei saw the three children sitting far away from the adults, each of them was blushing, and their eyes were like stars.

   said: "Xiao Er, are you three hot?"

  Miss Cui glanced at it, and said indifferently: "It's hot, open up the clothes outside."

  Big Gouzi and Little Gouzi were very obedient, they opened the mouth of the little padded jacket a little, and smiled silly.

  Yan Yu was busy picking food for the two brothers.

   "Brother Big Gouzi, Brother Little Gouzi, eat a cold dish, mixed by my sister!" I also picked up a chopstick and put it in my mouth, "Sister, it's delicious."

   "Come on, corn cakes, big goose meat, salted duck eggs, you have eaten, this is my new home-made preserved egg..."

  Yan Yu wished to bring all the dishes to the two brothers.

  Who would have thought that brother Big Gouzi and brother Little Gouzi can drink too little, and the eyes of the two brothers who just ate just a little wine like sugar candy...

  Fortunately, the two Gouzi brothers are very obedient, they eat as soon as they are offered, and they don’t make trouble. Yan Yu takes care of the two of them while eating by himself. Others at the table can only see the three children cooking obediently, eating so deliciously.

   "Hey, this big goose is really good, next time it will be on sale, let's take it and eat it!" Mrs. Cui's mouth was very busy, she had to eat and talk at the same time.

  Yan's second child didn't give up much, while responding to his sister, while sipping wine with his brother-in-law.

   "Brother-in-law, don't be embarrassed to stretch out your chopsticks, this is home, come on, let's go."

  Miss Cui: "Oh, this jelly is delicious, it's cool."

  Yan's second son said: "Sister, eat more if you are proud of it. Today's talk went smoothly. Thanks to my sister's help, I didn't say anything, and it was all in the wine."

  Miss Cui saw that her second brother had sipped half a bowl of wine for a week.

He said bluntly: "Let's stop talking heresies. You should help me, and I should help you. In the early years, my sister's eyes were blurred by eye feces, and I didn't see clearly that my second brother is so good. Finally, it's not too late now." , Sister has no ability, you are willing to treat me as a sister, sister is happy, we will be together as a family from now on, if you need anything, you can just talk, your sister, your brother-in-law, you two nephews, you can do whatever you want...

   Come on, this wine sister **** you! "

  Ms. Cui Gululu drank all the wine in Cui Langzhong's bowl.

  The two siblings continued chatting with a smile.

   "... my brother and sister gave me an idea, a big board, you go and have a look someday, it's really useful, that's how the big goose was collected."

   "Sister, if you work hard, you will definitely make a fortune."

   "Get rich... Let's all get rich! Wait until my sister gets rich, and then treat you to a big goose."

   "Okay, I'll wait."


  Ms. Cui was drunk at first glance, Cui Langzhong poured water into the bowl in front of her as a drink, but she didn't notice it, she took half a mouthful of the bowl, and drank happily with Yan Laoer.

  Cui Langzhong secretly poured some wine for himself, but he didn’t dare to sip it little by little. He followed the rhythm of his wife and Yan Er, finished drinking in two or three sips, and squinted his eyes for a long while aftertaste...

   The guests and hosts enjoyed the meal, and it was dark when the Cui family left.

   Fortunately, the two families live back and forth, and they can touch back with a little moonlight.

  As soon as the Cui family left, Yan Lao Er immediately turned into a hardworking and good man, sent all the women in the family out of the kitchen, and cleaned up by himself.

  After everything was tidied up, Yan Laoer pushed open the door anxiously.

  Waiting for him were the couple who were reconciling accounts with the oil lamp on, and the dogs and cats lying on the kang on the ground.

   Qi Shushu raised his eyes to look at him.

   Alcohol and sugar, the house likes ~ sucking ~ ( ̄ii ̄;)

   Everyone, don’t worry about whether to share it with the two dogs, whether it’s safe or not, let’s have a happy meal~

Yan Laoer’s problem, to be honest, there are several around Zhai, Zhai’s mother insisted on letting Zhai invest in relatives to open restaurants, and then, as expected, they lost money... Really, I think about it, don’t hit the south wall , how can you know it hurts (*^▽^*)

   PS: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass~ I want to get the top ten badges for the monthly pass in the first quarter of 2023.



  (end of this chapter)