MTL - The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe-Chapter 546 Small scale chopper

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Time flies by like a white horse, and three months have passed in a flash.

According to Leo's plan, today is the day to officially leave for the universe.

There were many people who followed Leo, including Carol, Little Lilith, Natasha, Lorena, Steve, Bucky and Tony Stark.

Counting Leo, there are nine people in total.

Anyway, as long as there is no major incident between Earth and Aioux, these people will be idle when they are idle. If something major happens, Leo can come back in a second by opening the portal, and he will not delay in handling things.

So these people naturally want to follow and go to the universe to open their eyes.

Matt wanted to stay to take care of the children, and Peter wanted to stay to take care of Mary Jane, whose belly was getting bigger and bigger, so the two of them couldn't go.

But they are willing to send a gift to everyone in the universe.

Early in the morning, at the Marvel Base, on the roof of the Erwin Laboratory Building, the huge Marvel ship was suspended in mid-air.

The spaceship has a maximum cross-sectional area of ​​5,000 square meters, which is similar to a medium-sized shopping mall. If necessary, it can accommodate an entire army.

This spacecraft is based on the Nanbo Maru. After two years of continuous design and improvement, it was transformed by Leo alone. It is equipped with high-end weapons and equipment, uses a large-scale nether energy reaction core, and uses a very strong defensive vibranium for the outer shell. , and is equipped with a powerful energy shield, and also uses Pym particle technology and solidification portal technology.

It can be said that this spacecraft is the crystallization of the technology that Leo possesses today. It is full of power and maneuverability, and it can also rank among the top of all high-performance spacecraft in the universe.

Leo took the other eight members to the roof of the Erwin Laboratory Building. Matt and Peter each led their wives, and Heather was still holding the child. They warmly waved goodbye to Leo.

Leo smiled and nodded, then remotely turned on the tractor beam of the Marvel spacecraft, and several people flew up and entered the spacecraft.

Inside the spaceship, Leo sat in the lounge, sipping fine wine, and commanded comfortably:

"Stim, activate autonomous navigation, target, Xandar."

"Om~ Okay."

Xandar's Star is one of the most prosperous planets in the Milky Way.

In addition to the Xandars living on this planet, there are also a large number of other intelligent races in the universe. It is an economic hub and a transportation hub in the universe.

Naturally, the news there is also very well-informed.

Leo took a fancy to this and wanted to go to Xandar to find the whereabouts of Morag.

Before and after, Leo obtained various star maps through the Ancient One, through the Skrulls, through the Kree, and through Asgard. Basically, the star maps of the explorable universe have been lit up.

Therefore, although Leo has never been to Xandar, he is well-versed under the guidance of the star map.

According to estimates, in four days, Leo can reach Nova Corps from Earth.

Two days later, hurry up and hurry, Leo has already traveled halfway to Xandar.

Leo took a nap from the bed, got up, and stretched.

There is no day and night in the universe, but the Marvel will simulate day and night, so that the team members in it can get enough rest.

"Om~ Master, good morning."

Stim greeted Leo.

"Call everyone to get up and prepare breakfast." Leo instructed.

Twenty minutes later, after washing up, a group of people gathered at the dining table, chatting and laughing, drinking coffee and eating omelettes.

The topic of discussion is very simple, nothing more than the various beautiful stars seen in the universe in the past two days.

Steve leaned back on the sofa and sighed:

"Fifty years ago... Fifty years later... This is a world-shaking change. When I first woke up two years ago, I thought I had accidentally slept for a thousand years!"

"You think you're an Asgardian!" Steve's best friend Bucky sarcastically said, "If you really slept for a thousand years, you'd already be a pile of dry bones."

The others laughed immediately, happily.

Leo also held the mug with a smile on his face and took a sip of coffee.

It's nice to have such a group of members.

But at this moment, Stim's slightly hurried voice suddenly sounded: "Warning, warning, the 23.5° angle on the right is detected, and three unknown spaceships are approaching 120 light seconds away."

"Oh?!" Leo raised his interest, raised his hand and waved, and the picture detected by the hyperspace detector was displayed in front of him.

I saw three spaceships in the appearance of assault ships, chasing the Marvel at 0.4 times the speed of light.

"Is it the enemy?" Tony put his head close, looking interested.

Leo nodded: "Look at the appearance of the spaceship and the menacing appearance, like interstellar pirates. Stim, pretend not to find them, and drive according to the normal course and speed, and see how much these notorious pirates are."

Leo was interested, and in this boring journey, it seemed to be not bad to occasionally make some adjustments.

The three interstellar pirate ships soon approached the Marvel, and the Marvel received a threatening communication from the pirate ship.

"Listen to the spaceship opposite, you are already surrounded by the Liede regiment, give up your resistance immediately, stop the spaceship, we only want money, not kill..."

"Stim, keep sailing and ignore them," Leo said.

The Marvel continued to sail forward, with a slightly faster speed, pretending to be invincible and fleeing.

Seeing this, the three pirate ships immediately caught up and opened fire on the Marvel.

Interstellar pirates are all murderous and have no humanity at all. As for what they just called "just for money and not kill"...

Just listen to it, if it's true, it's a child.

The three interstellar pirate spaceships continued to fire at the Marvel. The energy weapons hit the Marvel's hull, blocked by the energy shield, and splashed with invisible ripples.

"Old wolf, it looks like this is a big fat sheep!"

"Yes, they just ran and didn't fight back, obviously they couldn't beat us."

"But they are faster than us."

"Let's hang them up, inform the boss, and send fast strike ships to block them. This time it must be a bumper harvest."

When several interstellar pirates were excited, Leo and others were also very comfortable in the spaceship.

"Om ~ The current integrity of the shield ~ ~ Stim report.

Basically harmless.

"Leo, let me go out and deal with them." Carol rubbed her hands, her hands itching.

"No," Leo shook his head, "Let me solve it, just take this opportunity to try out the weapons of the Marvel."




Three shells with different functions flew out.

The first shot is the most basic energy bomb. It goes straight to the ground, ignoring the energy shield of the interstellar pirate ship as nothing, and directly smashes an interstellar pirate ship.

The pilots of the other two pirate ships were stunned. The original fat sheep instantly turned into a ferocious beast, and the little heart could hardly stand it.

But by the time they wanted to turn around to avoid it, it was too late.

The second battleship was hit by the Pym magnifying projectile, and half of the pirate ship's wall swelled directly, causing a huge explosion, and the driver in the pirate ship died.

The third battleship was hit by the Pym shrinking projectile, and the pirate ship shattered, and the air inside was scattered into the vacuum. The low temperature and low pressure instantly took the lives of the pirates.

The Marvel battled against three pirate ships.

He didn't even bother to stop to clean up the spoils. Leo didn't like the pirate's wealth at all. The Marvel flew directly into the vast void and continued to head towards Xandar.

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