MTL - The Legend of the Witch Girl-Chapter 20 Leave Wushan

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Since Bai Yan became Wushan's strongest witch, she has even strengthened her determination to leave Wushan.

Since she came to Wushan to learn witchcraft to make herself powerful, now she has done it. As for the last congenital realm, it depends on her fate. After all, no one has been able to do it for a hundred years.

I have been away from home for three years and I am strong enough to go back.

Bai Yan is ready for everything, thinking about leaving tomorrow.

Today is her last day in Wushan. Although her feelings are gone, she should still say goodbye.

Bai Ye came to the door of Ziqin's room and knocked several times, but no one responded. Bai Ye was suspicious of others, thinking of waiting for Ziqin to come back later and tell him. So she went to the Presbyterian Hall first to resign.

It was not surprising that the elder saw Bai's arrival. He had long guessed that Bai would not stay in Wushan for too long, but he did not expect that she would come so soon.

"Elder, now that my witchcraft has been accomplished, I want to go down the mountain." Bai Yan indicated his intention.

The voice of the elders is vicissitudes, as if they have experienced countless years of baptism. "Baiyu, I had long thought that you would not stay in Wushan, and I would not force it. And you should not belong here, your fate It's the world. "

Bai Ye is a little puzzled, is the world? Should she belong to this world?

The elder said, while stroking his white beard, he said, "Baiyu, I know that you are born with good fortune. Now, the suffocation on your body has gradually faded after the erosion of time. Unfortunately, you must bear this good fortune. The pressure and pain that followed. Eighteen and eighteen, is it a knot or a robber? Alas! "The elder sighed after he finished speaking.

Her destiny is so natural, it's inevitable!

Bai Ye understands that fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and now that you have it, you need to bear the consequences. As for the eighteen-year-old robber, the soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil.

"Remember Bai Ye, thank you Elder."

What happened to Bai Su suddenly? She wanted to ask something, "Elder, do you know where the master has gone today? I want to say something to him."

The elder froze, and it seemed that Ziqin hadn't told her something.

"Ziqin went down the mountain yesterday." The elder explained to Bai Yan.

Down the mountain again? Bai Yan had to look at Ziqin's identity again, and she wanted to get information from the elder's mouth.

"Elder, why have the masters been going downhill frequently in the past three years?" Bai Ye couldn't figure it out. In Wushan, there are very few special cases of violation of regulations without impunity, such as Ziqin. However, such exceptions are only for those who are distinguished or who were born in Wushan. What kind of person is he Ziqin?

"Oh, Bai, don't try to guess him." The elder warned Bai, because even the elder himself did not see the Ziqin. Bai Yan frowned. "Did the elders not know?"

The elder Wangtian sighed, "Yeah, I just know that Ziqin is distinguished, and such a person is by no means a thing in the pool."

Bai Ye was very recognizable to this point. Ziqin's body indeed exuded a distinguished and mysterious atmosphere, which made people elusive. For Bai Yi, he is a foggy forest. The closer it is, the more dangerous it is. Only by peeling the fog layer by layer can he see everything in the forest.

Ziqin is so unpredictable.

It seems that the identity of Ziqin has not been obtained from the elders, and Bai Ye said goodbye to the elders.

Instead of returning directly to the room, she went to Lingyun Pavilion. She came to see Shui Linger.

Ever since Shui Ling'er was defeated by her at the Witchcraft Conference, Shui Ling'er was in a state of complete despair and his heart was ashamed.

Seeing Shui Linger lying on the soft couch inanimately, Bai Yan seemed a little uncomfortable. In the impression, Shui Linger should be stubborn and self-willed, and proud, but now she is like a dead person. Even if she sees her, there is no wave.

"Shui Linger, have you defeated me once and become a wasteful person?" Bai Yan said sarcastically, hoping that this would arouse her enthusiasm.

"You have won me, you don't have to show it in front of me." Shui Ling'er's voice was weak, but he could still hear the heart's dissatisfaction.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, and there is no Baiji above Wushan." Baiji's words were a bit untrue in Shui Linger's ears,

Is she leaving?

"Bai Ye, I tell you, I don't need you to let me." She thought that Bai Ye deliberately let her, which made her even more humiliated.

Bai Ye listened to this and smiled, "Oh, my Bai Ye is not a virgin, I am waiting for you to **** the name of" The Strongest Witch "from me."

Shui Linger shivered, what did Bai mean? Are you motivating yourself?

The weak Shui Linger did not have the usual arrogance, but looked like a quiet girl.

Knowing that Shui Linger's heart had shaken, Bai Yan continued to say to him, "Shui Linger, you are the elder's only granddaughter. This Wushan needs you to guard."

This is the end of the story, and she would not say more. She thought that if Shui Linger had a little conscience, he would know what to do.

I don't know why, today her heart is a little soft and not so indifferent to others as she is leaving. That being the case, only allow this time to soften.

Bai Yan returned to the room after wandering the entire Wushan, and the girl heard that Yu was packing her luggage. When she saw Bai Yan, she sobbed and said, "Miss Bai Yan, when you leave, I don't know when I will see you again when I listen to the rain!"

Listening to the rain really admired Bai Yun, whether it was Bai Yan's forbearance, tenacity, or cruelty, she admired it. She took care of Bai Ao for three years. In fact, she didn't do anything, but many things were done by Bai Ao herself. As soon as Bai Ao left, she couldn't bear it.

"Listening to the rain, there is always a difference. If there is a fate, you and I will meet again." Bai Ye sees parting and meeting very transparently.

Three years is enough to make her mentally mature, mature and calm, such a white magpie is more attractive than before.

When the rain wiped her tears and nodded, she would remember that even if they no longer met, she would remember that there was such a strange woman that she admired.

It was another sleepless night, and the white cricket put on a light shirt and felt the coolness of the night breeze.

In these circumstances, Bai Ye's mind emerged from the night of the Witchcraft Conference. That night's Ziqin seemed different from usual, with some tolerance and some fragility, how similar to her.

Ziqin, who are you?

In the early morning of the next day, Bai Ye brought his baggage and left the room.

When she saw the door of the opposite "Yasher" closed tightly, she felt a trace of cowardice in her heart, but was relieved in an instant.

It seems, it seems that you and I are destined to be missed, and three years of companionship should be a passer-by in the long years!

Bai Yan retracted his gaze and left the place without looking back.