MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 33

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It was Marshal Kevin's wife who opened the door.

This is a beautiful woman who raised her hands and smiled with a smile. She has a beautiful appearance, a beautiful figure, and an elegant temperament. It is the type of mature woman that the first owner of Yuean most envied. actor.

During the period when Yue'an was outing, Marshal Kevin and his wife often met in this residential area. They always walked together holding hands, rubbing their ears, and each smile was full of tenderness.

As a cat, Yue An can see that the relationship between them is quite good.

Of course, Yuean brought him in the future, not because he liked this beautiful big sister, or because he had a big favor with Marshal Kevin-but because these two people saw him every time in the community, Except that he didn't bring anything with him when he first saw him, he would carry some gadgets with him afterwards. When he saw the white snowy hair ball, he touched his head and fed a little snack.

It's totally different from those who met someone who just wanted to touch him without feeding.

In Yuean's view, those who are willing to feed cute kittens are not bad people.

Yuean leaned his head, his tail hooked the small handle of the mahjong box, and meowed at the marshal wife who came to the door.

The glamorous lady looked down at him, Yan Li's face showed a slightly surprised expression.

The kitten squatting outside the door now had a small black cat-shaped light brain hanging on its neck, and a miniature camera flew next to it. The tail had just been released from the small box handle behind it, and the box was dragged all the way. There were already a few signs of wear on the bottom.

At this moment, the light-brained interface was floating on the kitten's head, and the live broadcast room opened, and a variety of air bubbles constantly appeared on the top of the white hair ball.

Mrs. Ellie looked at a bubble in her head, and looked at her Yuean with a crooked head, showing a sweet smile.

"What's wrong?" She crouched down, and expertly touched Yuean's head.

"Meow." Yue An struck the soft hand, jumped behind the box and pushed the box in front of his wife.

"For me?"


"Can I open it now?"

Yuean licked his paw: "Meow."

Madam reached out and opened the box, looking at the neatly arranged small squares inside, and hesitated, "Huh?"

"Who's here?" Marshal Kevin wore a dungaree suit. The big trousers were set on the lower body, and they came out from the house without trimming. When they swept over the camera on the side of Yuean, they walked back and went back again and again.

Mrs. Ellie scratched the kitten's chin with one hand and looked at the small squares with one hand.

There are many patterns, four of each.

Crude craftsmanship doesn't look like a craft-after all, there is nothing to praise except the small white square trimmed neatly.

Crafts also need to be sold to sell them, okay?

The lady glanced at the live comment area where there is no use for eggs, and then flipped over and over the top layer of the neatly arranged small square, and still couldn't figure out what it was.

She gently scratched Yue'an's chin, and didn't feel embarrassed about the thing. She simply asked generously in front of the live broadcast: "Little Yuean, what is this?"


Yuean raised a small paw, dragged the light brain page floating above his head, tossed the live broadcast interface aside, and turned it over to the rule interface modified by Ji Xiuyu yesterday.

"Mahjong ... rules? Mahjong?" Madam Ellie finally felt that this was not something that could be said in a few words. She looked at the rules and let the door open. "Come on."

"Meow ~" Yuean's tail once again hooked the handle of the box, dragged the box in, and the small claws were wiped off on the small carpet at the door, so that the four claws would not be ashes on the floor of the home. .

Marshal Kevin has changed into a formal suit, and when he walks out, he sees his student's cat lying on his wife's leg, swinging his tail leisurely and comfortably, and stroking.

Mrs. Ellie's palm is soft and tender. At this time, she is watching the rules of pictures and pictures on the panel intently. She is long and beautiful, like white jade, and gently strokes the milky white cat on her knee.

Marshal Kevin looked mad at this picture!

My husband hasn't enjoyed this kind of welfare for many years, but he can't even compare to a cat who hasn't met for a month!

Ji Xiuyu's stinky boy added five hundred energy crystals to him, but now he dares to send a cat to grab the master's favor! !!

Pooh! !!

It's heartbreaking!

Marshal Kevin simply wanted to rush over to squeeze the cat away from him.

But just think about it.

With a solemn, calm and reliable face, he walked to his wife and sat down.

"What is this?" He asked.

Yuean's ears shook, and he raised a glance at Marshal Kevin who was sitting over. He moved disgustedly and moved his **** to the other side.

Marshal Kevin: "..."

I'll tell you that I'm angry, but I will rub the soft kitten crazy.

Madam Ellie watched the interaction of one person and one cat funny, and shook her hand gently, drawing her husband's attention back.

"This is a small game on Ancient Earth. It's a little interesting, but it's still one person short." She glanced at the live broadcast page that Yuean had on her head and thought for a while, and said, "Just pick an audience. . "

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room seems to have completely forgotten the things that Ji Xiuyu and Yuean they were concerned about at first, and they are like crazy to click the event registration button in the live broadcast room.

Just kidding, do you know who made the event? ?

The last cat in the universe!

Empire Shield Marshal Kevin!

Star Superstar Lady Ellie!

Which is not a character who can shake one side by letting it go?

And tens of billions of people are alone!

Sign up!

Who doesn't report who is stupid!

Many media practitioners who have been squatting in the live broadcast room, trying to deduce some information from the side of Yue'an, came with the intention of writing a big news. One afternoon passed, and it was seen that the sky would be dark in Yue'an. However, the big news did not get one, but it was stuffed with a mahjong operation full of brains.

Not work!

The indicators are there, what kind of press release can be reached? !!

The media person thought about it, then patted his thigh and wrote down three topics.

A marshal of the Imperial Marshal Ji Xiuyi filed a lawsuit against six people in the No. 1 Ladder Laboratory of the Ministry of Science and Technology to the Supreme Court of the Empire. The Supreme Court announced that it was entrusted that day. Is it privilege or sufficient evidence?

Recently, Yuean did not see the IP mask of the scientific research department of Lahei. Was the scientific research department finally giving up completely, or did the two parties reach a settlement on the issue of the laboratory on the first ladder?

Cat friendship-Yuean took the ancient earth game to Marshal Kevin's house, does it symbolize that the tension between the two Marshals is about to break the ice?

What is Blind Chicken!

What is out of nothing!

What a serious nonsense!

This is!

Check out these topics!

It's absolutely amazing!

People in the media started to diverge their minds, and then when many StarNet users' attention was dragged to Mahjong, they issued their own manuscripts, turning them back to the right path.

Ji Xiuyu is too busy today.

He first scooped out two people held in a military prison and handed it to the inspectors of the Supreme Court of the Empire. Then he accompanied them to visit the other four defendants one by one as a deterrent by force, and finally accompanied him and his team of lawyers and the Army Propaganda Department to the Research Department with the inspectors.

The professional quality of the researchers in the Ministry of Scientific Research is quite good. Few people in the entire Ministry of Scientific Research did not know what they saw through the law enforcement instrument the night before, but there was no word of publicity.

Including several soldiers brought by the marshal, they also closed their mouths, together with the staff repeatedly asked how many did not say the slightest.

During the collection and verification of the evidence, the acting minister who accompanied him also cooperated quite well. There were some small details that could not be seen by non-professionals, and he added them one by one.

When these small details are put in court, they will be accumulated straws that increase the sentencing of the accused.

Ji Xiuyin admits that because of his own experience, he had been prejudiced against people in the scientific research department from the beginning, but after this incident, he looked a little differently to these researchers.

By the time the submitted evidence and the facts of the case were all verified, the Empire Supreme Court announced that it would be open three days later, and the sky was already dark.

Marshal Ji came out of the Supreme Court's office building with two legionnaires who were worried about his life and death and asked to follow, and a car stopped in front of them.

The window was lowered, revealing the emperor's secretary.

Ji Xiuhuan is not unexpected.

The reason why he went directly to the Supreme Court of the Empire is also because this court is the only court where even the emperor cannot intervene, and even the emperor can try.

As long as the evidence is sufficient, it is not impossible to sue the emperor.

The emperor would find him because of this, and Ji Xiuyu was not surprised at all.

It was just that the young little emperor didn't rush over to question him directly, but let the secretary come. It seems that he has grown a lot after a few years of absence.

Marshal Ji generously opened the door and took his two legionnaires into the car.

"Marshal Ji, has the military moved too much recently?"

The secretary didn't talk to him too much. The emperor was rushing out of his mouth in the palace. How can there be so much time for Tai Chi!

"His Majesty has not treated you since he ascended the throne, and your demonstration is really inappropriate."

Ji Xiuhuan remained calm on his face. How did he feel so uncomfortable?

Why did the military move so big? Why did he demonstrate?

Sooner or later, he and the scientific research department are about to turn over. The emperor should have been prepared for this.

Well, he admits that his method was a little bit fierce and a little bit overdone, but he couldn't talk about the demonstration.

Marshal Ji was dazed by this.

But he was the first to show his attitude: "These people deserved the crime."

"Marshal Ji." The secretary's voice increased slightly. "We don't speak secretly. What do you think? Her Majesty wants to know clearly."

Everyone understands people, understands people to speak openly.

"The five hundred energy crystals on the black market were bought by the military?" The secretary asked.

Ji Xiuyong was very puzzled how to get involved in this incident suddenly.

But he didn't say anything, after all, nearly half of the five hundred energy spar had already entered Yuean's small belly.

And his teacher carried such a big pot for him.

The secretary took this as a default.

"It was bought by Marshal Kevin. As for why Marshal Kevin bought the energy spar, we admit that we are indeed wrong."

I want to send a hero who has propped up an era to the grave, although the politics is indeed full of dirty dirt, but in retrospect, I felt that I had water in my head.

"Marshal Kevin purchased five hundred energy spar in response to our actions, which is understandable, but Her Majesty hopes that you will not centrifuge with him for this reason."

The secretary said bitterly: "Marshal Ji, I understand the heroes and the heroes, and I know the truth about the cooking of dogs and dogs."

Ji Xiuyu didn't speak—in fact, he hadn't understood what the secretary wanted to tell him.

Obviously, it is very open, why does it sound like a puzzle?

"You are worried that you are following in the footsteps of Marshal Kevin, so if you want to reconnect with him, your emperor can understand."

The secretary looked at Ji Xiujiu who was indifferent on the surface, and couldn't figure out what he thought, so he could only continue to say.

"... But there is no longer the idea of ​​moving Marshal Kevin again. I hope you can continue to stand on the opposite side of Marshal Kevin and restrain him from each other. You also don't want to see the military department being jeopardized because of your up and down heart. In the end, did the chicken fly? "

Ji Xiuzhen turned his head to look at his two legionnaires.

The heads of the two legions were looking down at the light-brain interface at the moment, pretending that they had heard nothing.

In the entire car, it seems that only the secretary is playing politics seriously.

Ji Xiuyu still did not say a word.

He knew exactly what the secretary wanted to say.

The secretary's meaning was that Kevin was annoyed by the fact that the top of the empire wanted to send him to the grave, and bought five hundred energy stones that could easily destroy a city as a threat, so that the top officials stumbled back to the idea.

And during this time, Ji Xiuhuan frequently acted against the people in the research departments guarded by the high-level empire, and seemed quite restless.

The top of the empire wondered if the two marshals of the military were going to join forces to get things done.

Although they have the economic lifeline and some private soldiers, they still advise the military strength of the entire military.

Ke Jixiu still has no idea.

-When did he show an attitude of joining hands with his teacher?

The head of the Fourth Army Corps sitting behind him poked at Marshal Ji's waist.

Ji Xiuyu turned his head and saw at one glance Yuean and Marshal Kevin sitting at a table playing a holographic projection of Mahjong.

The news headline is: Friendship breaks the ice! The two marshals will join forces!

Ji Xiuyu: ...

Ji Xiuyu :? ? ?

No, you ca n’t think that the two marshals are going to join forces just because Yuean went to find someone to play Mahjong? ?

Don't you think it's a bit too funny?

Still not happy people have some entertainment?

Marshal Ji looked at the secretary, and couldn't say anything about it.

He wanted to explain that Yuean's behavior had nothing to do with him, and felt really pale and weak, because it was all his cat.

But don't explain it, Marshal Ji felt that he was extremely innocent, and after a busy day, he could not go home, but was smashed by a black pot, very wronged.

The secretary insisted: "Although it is a pity that those talents on the first ladder, we will give up completely and no longer provide lawyer assistance. Your Majesty hopes that you can give a clear promise."

Ji Xiuyu: "..."

It can be said that the essence of the play.

Marshal Ji simply wanted to pry open the brains of those high-level groups and see if there was water or cotton except cotton.

Playing mahjong can make up a big rebellion. Can these silly forks still work?

"Marshal Ji, we will no longer intervene in this lawsuit. Your purpose of sending your cat to Marshal Kevin has been achieved, so let's be precise."

Ji Xiuyu: "..."

I'm not that I didn't stop talking.

Ji Xiuzhen finally couldn't help it.

With no expression on his face, he calmly said, "Vietnam is still a child."

He really just went to find someone to play Mahjong!

You can let him go and let me go!

Marshal Ji has a headache.

The author has something to say: Yue'an: It's true, I'm older than you.