MTL - The Last Apostle-v7 Chapter 18 Appraisal

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Next, Du Yuqi followed Feng Lin's instructions. Instead of using the shadowless sword, Eleanor, he used a wooden sword to confront the enemy. This wooden sword can only bear a small part of his strength. In this case, the two sides will be almost Standing on the same starting line in terms of strength, the skill of flattening as a sixth-tier strong can be exerted, but Du Yuqi's toughness seems to be excellent. Although he is below, he can always resist.

However, after just practicing for two days, the two sides couldn't fight again. Du Yuqi grew rapidly in the battle with the sixth-order strongman. The swordplay experience obtained from Soderos was quickly absorbed by him and integrated. Later, Du Yuqi gave birth to infinite changes in this wooden sword.

The advantage of Zheping was originally rich in experience and skill, but in the back, his advantage turned into a disadvantage. He actually had to deal with Du Yuqi with unreasonable force and skillful means, but Du Yuqi had changed the wood before consulting. Sword, what is this rogue?

So two days later, Zheping refused to discuss with Du Yuqi directly, because he felt that if he continued to fight, his mentality was expected to completely explode. The Du priest in front of him seemed to be at the fourth or fifth level, but was born with divine power and swordplay. It is even more harmonious to practice like those old monsters. Occasionally, a flaw is almost a trap. Once it is attacked, it will fall into the routine ...

Next, Du Yuqi had a discussion with Feng Lin once, and the final result was definitely a loss, but I do n’t know why, even if it was the best effort when it was lost, Du Yuqi always had a sense of intent in his heart, As if his strength was still not fully exerted, as if he was tied to a hand to fight with others, and he failed to enjoy it ...

But even Du Yuqi himself couldn't find a reason. He was wearing a powerful six-sword set of seven wounds, holding in his hands a forged and forged top-level Wuying sword. He was also in the best condition. It doesn't make sense to feel bound.

Just when Du Yuqi was in confusion, Jeter also brought his uncle Domenji. The old brother Brin didn't seem to change much. On the contrary, it seemed that his spirit had become better, and there was still more on his neck. With a delicate pendant of a golden human head, the eyes of this golden human head are made of black gemstones, which looks bright and beautiful.

When Duo Mengji saw Du Yuqi, he filled with indignation:

听说 "I heard that the stigma of our Goblin tribe is hiding on the West Coast. My old man came here to scorn the scum and scorn him. Where can he take me quickly?"

When I heard the words of the old man Domengji, Du Yuqi suddenly had an ominous premonition and felt that he couldn't make a big mistake. But after thinking about it, it doesn't matter anymore. After all, isn't the **** old brother Brin Sherlock ignoring himself? Since wood has worse results, it doesn't matter how you make mistakes.

The next thing is naturally to take the old man Domenji to collect debts-oh no, it should be friendship. The party quickly came to Sherlock's shop. The nostril brother Brin was still in a daze at the counter, and Domenge had stepped forward aggressively, and slap it on the counter. :

"Call me that Sherlock **** !!"

My younger brother Brin was snoring. I didn't know anyone was coming in. I was so frightened that I felt a fierce blow on my body, and then I grabbed my ear by the fierce old man Domenji:

"Hurry up and call Sherlock the bastard!"

The younger brother Brin burst into tears, and then ran in like a fly. As a result, Sherlock with white beard, white hair, and eyebrows ran out quickly, and began to yell at the same time. :

"Which **** came here to make trouble, and I got caught. You must lick my toilet with your tongue brighter than the window on Third Avenue!"

As soon as Sherlock looked up, he saw Domengee. The two elder brothers Brinton were silent and looked at each other quietly ... Just as Du Yuqi was expecting whether the two would smile at each other and smile at enemies, then When he had a drink, Sherlock rushed up quickly, and then hit an uppercut and hit Domonji's chin. When Domonji stretched his legs when he fell, Sherlock immediately lost his balance. Falling to the ground, two old brothers Brin, estimated to be over a thousand years old, began to yell at each other while yelling:

"You shameful liar, how dare you live in this world!"

"You rotten rotten scum, quickly return my heirloom treasure! Otherwise I will send you down to see my grandfather today!"

"I've never seen a shameless person like you!"


The two Goblin should be older, and they separated breathlessly after less than a minute of scuffle. However, their war did not end, they began to spit at each other, and then began to confront each other. In particular, the younger brother Brin has been hiding away, lest he be "injured" by accident in this scuffle.

小 The little brother Brin sighed and said sadly:

"I didn't expect Grandpa Sherlock to be so old, but he was still so angry. It was 60 years ago when I saw him so arguing with others ... but why can't they quarrel tomorrow! I will immediately Close the store to buy coral jelly. You wo n’t be able to buy it late. "

Du Yuqi glanced at the child with a little speech:

"... this, this, this brother, right, this eldest brother you know about 60 years ago?"

This little brother Brin with a big nostril said suddenly:

"Yes, is there anything wrong? Viven has been an apprentice with Grandpa Sherlock for more than 200 years ..."

Du Yuqi covered his face and said that he was really ignorant. It turned out that the little brother Brin who was called Viven only looked small. In fact, he was more than two hundred years old. Like Sherlock, he was also caused by a prank of the gods. Even his personality and mentality were permanently immobilized at the age of ten. Sherlock accepted him because of his sympathy for the sick ... After hearing the words from Du Weiqi, Du Yuqi's heart suddenly moved and he took the younger brother Brin Pulled aside, in a gentle tone:

"You just said, have you been a master apprentice for more than 200 years for Master Sherlock?"

"Yes?" The younger brother Brin Weiwen said suddenly: "Is there anything good about this?"

Du Yuqi laughed even more happily:

"No, you like to eat coral jelly? So go and buy it. I also like to eat it. The frozen coral jelly in the Ophelia Hotel on the street next to it is very delicious, topped with their special sweet sauce, It's really memorable, oh! "

Wu Weiwen swallowed a saliva, expecting:

"Yes, I smell good every time I pass through that door!"

Then he said sadly:

"But I do n’t have money ~ ~ I ca n’t afford the coral jelly there, so I can only buy it from Aunt Kassana at the end of the street, but I ca n’t go today because Aunt Kasana does Coral jelly is in demand and will soon be sold out. "

Du Yuqi laughed with a smile:

"This kind of trifle is nothing, so please! I invite you to the Orphea Hotel for cold coral jelly. You can help me to see the origin of a thing in my hand. No matter what you can't see, I ask How are you eating? "

Wu Weiwen said excitedly:


Du Yuqi smiled and said:

"If you don't believe me, then I can ask you to eat first, and let us appraise after we finish eating, so whether you succeed or not, you will have iced coral jelly, will you?"

Tong Weiwen said with joy:

"Yes, yes, that's it."

The iced coral jelly has a very beautiful appearance, showing a pink color. When it is placed on the plate, it trembles in the plate. Regardless of the taste, the appearance is already a first-class praise.

The younger brother Brin called eight in one breath, and then began to eat wildly. After eating, he contentedly touched his belly and exhaled a white gas. Du Yuqi delivered the mysterious earring, and the younger brother Bulin looked at the earring. Smell it first, and then bite it with your teeth ....... When Du Yuqi was already speechless and felt that he had come to him to determine whether he had made a mistake, Wei Wen spoke:

"I'm sorry sir, I don't know the material of this earring."