MTL - The Last Apostle-v6 Chapter 208 Plane Flash

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Because Jet is black, it ’s really too simple. Just set a place of origin as Libya, Congo, Nigeria and other places. The guarantee is that no one can find flaws because there are thousands of tribes there. Some tribes still live the most primitive hunting life.

Although Lin is a yellow race, it is still very simple to forge a new identity. In order to please Du Yuqi, the secretary of Chu Dashao even put forward a very clever proposal that is to make Lin's identity truly " prince"!

Of course, the identity of the prince in this world is also very different.

For example, the British prince must be world-renowned, and every move has caused social attention. It is estimated that someone used a condom to spend money on it, and someone turned the trash can at the door several times. The identity must be unique.

Second-class princes, such as those in the Middle East, are represented by princes such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The royal family is a group of stallions. They can raise their chests and say that they are princes who have been replaced by fake ones. no problem.

Of course, the prince also has a poor version. For example, Africa and Nigeria, there are 38 large cities, and each city will have a prince, at least one prince! As for the tribal chiefs of all sizes, as long as they claim to be kingdoms, the chief's sons are all princes, and the gold content of these princes can be imagined.

The advice of Secretary Chu Dashao to Du Yuqi is to get a poor version of the prince. He suggested the country of Tonga, Oceania. The total population of this country is about 100,000 people. It is an island country consisting of 173 islands, while the Chinese population is almost 15,000. (The following is a fabrication)

The local customs in Tonga are quite open, and the royal family is quite popular. According to statistics, there are two or three hundred princes. And for such a small country, unlike the Middle East, there is no black gold like oil. As a pillar of the economy, some members of the royal family who live in distress can make a lot of money, and even their status can be packaged into packages for sale.

It only takes about 100,000 US dollars, then you can get a well-known prince identity, and all the identity procedures are so real that you ca n’t get it. Even if someone comes to investigate specifically, it will guarantee nothing, because it involves the credit of an industry. problem.

Therefore, Lin's identity now is the eighth overall successor of the Kingdom of Tonga (this identity costs an additional 60,000 US dollars), which is a product of a royal family member after a night of love, his mother is a Chinese and died very Early in life, he grew up with a grandmother in a small town in Indonesia (the town has been completely demolished). After a half-life of the royal family, he suddenly found his conscience and recognized him, but Lin insisted on making a living independently. One return was to fulfill the mother's last wish and return to China!

Therefore, this time the hype came around Lin's identity. One broke the news first to say that Lin was the real prince, and then another broke the news to scam scammers. After the quarrel between the two parties caused countless people to eat melon, the scammers broke the news This number began to throw out a series of evidence. After seeing that the name of the liar was about to be taken into account, Lin took out the iron certificate, and Tonga also came forward to officially recognize it (this official recognition costs 200,000 US dollars), and the dust will Finally settled down, Lin will really be cast as a "prince" from now on, and naturally be blessed with nature, attracting countless young girls and young women to go to the fire and become obsessed with death!

By the time the series of punches came out, Lin was already red and his fans had surpassed tens of millions. At this time, he naturally released his latest single: Sigh.

Needless to say, this single with a strong foreign style has once again detonated the music circle and caused an amazing trend.

Immediately after, Jette and Lin released a magic black Gothic (comment by critics) song called Decaying Tears, with a different style. The accompaniment of Jate's vocalist Lin once again made countless fans.

At this point, the two have successfully become big stars on the planet. Although they have only released four or five songs to the outside world, they have already begun preparations for the concert. This is not just for the money, but more importantly for Lin. Musical instruments have powerful magic power. Even in this last age of the earth, they can exert slight effects. In this case, the effect of playing on the spot will be better and more die-hard fans will be obtained.

And a series of hype from them, Du Yuqi was tired by the side. If it was changed to let him play in person, it is probably due to gratitude, but Du Yuqi was enjoying Lin and enjoying it, but Du Yuqi is understandable, after all Lin's true identity is the son of the deceased king. No matter whether he was educated or the environment he was in, he has influenced him subtly, telling him that he is above 10,000 people.

At this time, the kind of life that Lin sought after on the earth was actually very similar to the royal life he had longed for before, losing relative freedom, luxury, busyness, embracing and being embraced by millions. Adoration, admiration! Since he would not be able to regain his country on the Arad continent, he would have to second best and live this life on earth.

With the popularity of Lin and Jeter, their life circles gradually separated from the three of Du Yuqi, and it is impossible to stay together. At most, they can get together for a week or two. At this time, Du Yuqi finally got a hint, saying It is its own relic: the evidence of walking on the plane has been promoted, and whether to obtain it immediately, Du Yuqi naturally chose to obtain it, so a new relic appeared in front of Du Yuqi.

This relic is about the size of a button, showing a rhombus. The surface has a crisscross pattern that is intertwined and has a strong sense of mystery. It looks like a star map in the sky, which is quite delicate. There is also a faint silver light on its surface, like an armor.

All the sacred objects are directly bound to the believer's soul, which is just a layer of illusion to others, so this is also a very reliable thing that will accompany it for life and will not be destroyed and taken away by others.

Reliquary: God's family.

Active special effects: The plane flashes, you instantly get into the shadow of the plane, and then move at an amazing speed, launching a raid on a target up to 50 meters away, it will suddenly appear behind the target!

When you enter the shadow of the plane, any attacks that cannot penetrate the plane will not work against you, the enemy will not be able to sense your position, and you can only stay in the shadow of the plane for up to three seconds. time.

You can only launch a plane flash on a visible target. There is no restriction on target selection. It can be an ally, an enemy, a tree or a stone. However, if there is a dimension anchor or similar ability nearby, the plane flash will Will fail.

Each flash of the Plane will cost five Holy Krona and will need to be recharged for 24 hours.

Passive effects: Lightness (III). Holders of the Fate of the Gods will receive the blessing of the **** of the contract, and the movement speed will be greatly increased by level III. However, after the body is effectively attacked by the enemy (even if parry, successful block), the movement obtained Speed ​​blessing will be halved, but will regain blessing ten seconds after being separated from enemy attacks. (This special effect is already top level)

You can choose to spend a sacred kronor and temporarily upgrade Passive Special Effect Lightweight III to an aura, so that your teammates also get the acceleration effect for an hour.

Passive special effects: grudge pollution ~ ~ Whenever you successfully launch an attack on the enemy (even if the enemy has blocked or parried) five times, your next attack will be accompanied by grudge pollution, The enemy's weapons and equipment are polluted, the performance is reduced, and the grudge pollution effect can be superimposed.

Passive special effect: God's mercy. The holder of the Fate of the Gods has won the favor of the Covenant God, so when performing any behavior that may consume the Holy Krona, there is a 10% chance to trigger the effect of God's pity, making this Holy Krona Spending is extra waived.

After receiving the new relic, Du Yuqi was immediately attracted by the active special effect of the plane flash. Although the recharge time of this special effect was up to twenty-four hours, although the cost of each use of it was huge, although this active technique No offensive power, but its value in Du Yuqi's eyes, even compared to the awakening skills! Called offense and defense!

The 50-meter-long active displacement skill can be said to have the upper hand when dealing with a mage, a sharpshooter, and a profession that looks at the same distance as life.

Not only that, you can stay in the shadow for three seconds, and any attacks that cannot penetrate the plane will not work for you. This is equivalent to an invincible invincible skill.