MTL - The Last Apostle-v6 Chapter 201 get away

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Then these three mechas actually began to deform and combine to form a huge fortress-shaped mechanical monster. The upper body looked like a six-armed centaur, but the lower body was fully equipped with sixteen tracks as a propulsion device. After the combination was completed, Dr. Morrow's little head quickly fell from the sky, formed the last piece of puzzle and entered this huge mechanical fortress. After moving his arms, he began to scream proudly:

"This is the strongest research result of the great Dr. Morrow, which is comparable to the ultimate creativity of the Seven Gods elytra, ants, come and face the creations that will appear in your deepest nightmare. Hey, you Why are these fragile ants fleeing !!! "

It turned out that when the mechanical fortress combination was completed, the three Du Yuqi had escaped without a word and Dr. Morrow was dumbfounded! He did not expect that the biggest weakness of the gadget he designed was found out in the first time, that is, the lack of action in rugged areas!

In fact, strictly speaking, this six-armed mechanical centaur fortress is already quite a great work. No matter the firepower, the defense is very strong, and it can be said that there are no dead angles in the attack at 360 degrees. It is estimated that the defect is in Lack of mobility in rugged areas and waters.

But there is a way that no one is perfect, and no gold is enough. If Dr. Morrow's design is not flawless, or if he really likes what he said, he can rival the creativity of top designers such as the Seven Gods elytra, then Mo It is also impossible for Dr. Luo to replace his chief position with Norton.

Seeing the three Du Yuqi fleeing towards the mountain, Dr. Morrow was willing to change a body to chase, but then thought of the fate of the previous mechanical giant ape, and suddenly felt like a rodent. If Du Yuqi had a sniper in their team before, then Dr. Morrow may not be able to escape with his head.

Therefore, the last thing Dr. Morrow could do was to release a general violent fire and blast the direction in which the three Du Yuqi escaped into a sea of ​​fire, but his heart was also very clear. Such an attack may be common for ordinary professionals. It is useful, but for Du Yuqi, the three battle-hardened strong men, it is simply not a threat and can only be used as a farewell to send off.


After successfully escaping from the pursuit of Dr. Morrow, Du Yuqi, accompanied by Jet and Xi, returned to the place where he was hypnotized by the sleep shellfish extract before, and took out the things he had buried, these things. You still have to rest in your own hands to be at ease.

The next three did indeed stay enough in the test site of the Beilmark Empire. After evading the pursuit of Zero Organization, they came to a small town deep in Lorraine in accordance with the prior agreement and contacted every He Mingxi, both sides talked about all kinds of things after the separation, they are very sighing.

And when I like the big scene, when I heard Soderos ’illusion comes out, I am already fascinated, not to mention the appearance of a tree branch that is suspected of Excalibur Liangyue, and the big director who kills the zero organization in a single shot is even more anxious. I feel that if I can see this earth-shattering battle with my own eyes, I will be willing to live for ten years.

From Ming Xi's side, there was also the news of Lin. After knowing that Lin was finally here but the fate of the family, all the people were also relieved for him. After leaving Yuelun Mountain, Lin heard that their whereabouts were also at Quickly came to the meeting, and Shuang conveniently agreed to meet at Huttonmar.

So next they went to Huttonmar, while waiting for Lin, while taking a good rest, and at the same time looking for a way to treat Du Yuqi's blind eye.

In the process of seeking treatment, Du Yuqi also considered a new understanding of the treatment system of Arad mainland. All diseases and injuries that cannot be treated by conventional alchemy medicine will be evaluated as severe and get the star rating.

It is the most difficult to bring people back to life, equivalent to a five-star coefficient.

Then let the person whose vitality is exhausted continue to live, which is equivalent to four stars of difficulty,

Next is the regeneration of broken limbs (referring to broken hands and feet, and damage to important parts of the heart and brain), which is Samsung.

Once again, deafness, blindness, and broken fingers and toes require treatment. This is two stars of difficulty, and Du Yuqi belongs to this situation.

As for the problem of one-star difficulty, it is often some non-fatal but very painful disease or injury, such as severe rheumatoid arthritis, or a lumbar disc herniation, or chronic refractory cough, erythema Lupus and the like.

Fortunately, Du Yuqi is surrounded by ground snakes, and there is always a way to go. Even Lin can provide sufficient treatment funds, so in the end, Du Yuqi found a true priest without any effort and performed for him. Divine magic restored his eyesight.

While receiving treatment, Du Yuqi also successfully connected with people sent by the fierce Sun Shou and others, and then they were very fancy goods, and they offered a high price for them to exchange their brilliant cosmic souls for collateral. You do n’t need a brilliant universe soul, but can you afford the consequences without these things in my hands?

Therefore, in such a situation of artificial swords and me for fish, Du Yuqi extorted these high-level executives to almost even the pants to be taken off, and then he was satisfied. As for the consequences of this, Du Yuqi was in vain. Give these things back to them. Can these guys shake hands and sit down and make friends? Isn't it the same that Du Yuqi will die when he catches it?

Now Du Yuqi extorted them fiercely, it was nothing more than pulling the original 10,000 hate value to 50,000. Now that the 10,000 hate value is already a table full value, what about the 50,000 hate value? ? In fact, if you think about the positive side, Du Yuqi's extortion and exploitation are more severe and deeper, which in turn greatly weakens the enemy's war potential and is profitable anyway.

After Du Yuqi's search of the splendid universe soul here, Lin also arrived. Now Du Yuqi still has a lot of things to do, and he really feels like a lack of skills:

For example, to sacrifice blasphemy bracelets on the earth, it is convenient to open the fixed plane channel from Arad to the earth.

Another example is to find a place to open the crystal chip obtained from the city of the Devil, but the decoder that Jeter snatched from the Isabella seems to be still charging.

And Du Yuqi still lacks a weapon that can compete with the previous high-strength split-mind blade. This thing can be exchanged with the brilliant cosmic soul for the temple. Although the power of the temple is going downhill, it is thin. Dead camels are larger than horses, and they have an amazing accumulation over centuries. And according to some current news, the sacred hall has made new breakthroughs in the research and development of the brilliant universe soul at this time, and the demand for this stuff is even more hungry. I believe that Du Yuqi can bring these brilliant universe souls he has collected to choose A satisfied weapon.

And after Du Yuqi killed Bai Shulu ~ ~, he got a peculiar earring from him. The clue of this thing Du Yuqi also needs to be discovered.

There are also many mysteries brought about by steel fang Zhao Qiuyu: such as the twins of fate, the seed plan, what answer does he want from Du Yuqi, and what is the layout of Kahn? All this and Du Yuqi's relationship?

After clearing these complicated things, Du Yuqi chose one of the most important things, coughing, which is rest and relaxation.

He is struggling, and now the most eager thing is to go to a small shop outside the school and sit down, and ask for a 30-string pork belly, and then drink a few bottles of ice beer. Go back to your den and sleep comfortably under the covers.

Keke, I heard Du Yuqi ’s emotions. There was already a glittering liquid flowing out of Jet ’s mouth. He immediately and fully supported Du Yuqi ’s behavior. I hope that Du Yuqi will open the fixed plane channel from the earth to Arad continent as soon as possible. Can't wait to move to the earth to become flowers and children. Obviously Lin has the same idea, and asked why he doesn't directly sacrifice blasphemy bracelets on the Arad continent. In this case, he should be able to open the plane channel in advance. He and Jeter You can return with Du Yuqi.