MTL - The Last Apostle-v6 Chapter 186 monologue

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Monitor said:

"Master Iron Fang came down this time for a tour to see if there were any dead ends in security. This is also within his area of ​​competence, so after talking with this Du priest, he also went to other places I walked around, but all went on horseback and didn't spend much time. "

After listening to the replica Norton, he didn't say much, after a while he said:

"What about now?"

Monitor said:

"Master Iron Fang has left."

Replica Norton said earnestly:

"He's leaving now? Not quite. Are you sure there is no physical communication between him and Rev. Du, and he doesn't give him anything in private?"

The monitor smiled bitterly:

"Master Norton, this Du priest was originally arrested by Lord Iron Fang and although their conversation was not very clear, the picture was very clear. I can be sure that they did not have any direct physical communication, more It is important that Rev. Du is in the black No. 8 area. The jail fence there seems to have a wide gap, but it is filled with high-frequency sound waves. That sounds an alarm! "

Replica Norton groaned:

"I've always been very tricky in the iron fangs. I'm acting very elegant, unpredictable and uncontrollable! Adults have amazing ambitions, and the current talent is dying. It is necessary to be tolerant and dare to use people. Tolerant, but our subordinates must make up for the vacancy! Who else knows where the steel cavities are now? "

The monitor shrugged and grinned:

"Master Norton, Master Iron Fang has the permission of the supervisor. Under such permission, in addition to the close monitoring of the Heiba ​​area, his whereabouts can be captured, the rest of the place is not tracked and recorded. Behavioral "

The replica Norton did not speak, and cut off the call between the two parties directly.

At this time, the steel cavities had slowly emerged from a rising freight elevator. Usually, it was used to transport some dangerous goods and explosives. Poisonous gas leaks often occurred. What crystal block exploded or the like, the carrier died. No corpses are common, so basically people are not near. Besides, at this time, the steel cavities have specially observed the schedule, knowing that no one will pass here within an hour.

At this time, the corner of the mouth of the steel fangs covered by the mask had a smile:

"Very good, I have already fallen at this step, and to what extent it will ferment depends on God's providence, huh, who do I play for? Of course, I play for myself, really stupid! Damn, why are you Come out! How dare you, my weak and ignorant personality, question my actions !! "

At this time, the body of Iron Fang shuddered, and then gritted his teeth:

"I tell you, Zhao Qiuyu, this is already my body, and you are dead! The priest Du is arrested for the sake of maximizing my interests. At this time, I am doing these things for the sake of maximizing my interests. No, how could it be possible to get Ozma's mutant Terra stones? "

"Ha ha ha, naive, really naive, abandon your helpless and weak feelings, I will eventually become a new apostle, and then create an unprecedented and huge empire, larger than the Delos empire, you can witness Isn't all this lucky? Shut up! Otherwise, I will tear you up little by little, and I promise that each piece will never be bigger than Ghent's breadcrumbs! "

In the end, the sound of steel fangs is almost hysterical, with a hint of rudeness in it, if anyone appears in front of him at this time, it will be bound to be attacked by him crazy! Fortunately, this neighborhood is very remote, and it is very dangerous to often die. In this case, the loss of the steel tooth decay is not seen.

After a few minutes, the hoarse whisper of steel fangs sounded again:

"Finally calm down. Weak creatures, childish feelings are things that shouldn't exist at all! Well, the next thing is to spread the truth in the heart of that chess piece-the cruel truth! Then she must I will commit suicide in order to liberate my brother! Ha ha ha ha ha! My layout has begun in full swing! Chaos! Chaos, confused! In this case, I can continue to be strong! Ah ha ha ha ha ! "


one hour later,

Among the cells in the Heiba ​​area,

Du Yuqi stood in the center of the cell, holding a glass of water in his hand as if contemplating, his lips wriggling slightly, as if he was chanting some kind of mantra or the like.

At this time, Du Yuqi has maintained this attitude for more than ten minutes. There are eight hidden alchemy eyes around him, but he didn't notice anything wrong, and the monitors were tired of seeing it later. And he took the initiative to find a reason for Du Yuqi's behavior-wasn't this guy called Du priest? Of course, the priest is going to ask for gods and prayers, which is not unusual.

Besides, how strict the defense in the Heiba ​​area is, don't say that he is a prisoner, and even if he is fully armed, he can't break through the wall of sighs, so go to a cup of coffee and chat.

However, this monitor has indeed shown serious misconduct! Because Du Yuqi was not praying at this time, but was planning to escape! To be precise, they are plotting to escape under the supervision of a full eight alchemy demon eyes without the supervision of a blind spot! !!

How did he do it? All the mysteries were in the glass of water in his hand.

From the other angles, there is a glass of water in Du Yuqi's glass. With his movements rippled slightly, no abnormalities can be seen, but from the perspective of Du Yuqi, the bottom of the mouthwash cup is clever A peculiar vortex, this vortex actually formed a transparent mouth, and a piece of one can also emit a very subtle sound, and this sound actually seems to be bound by an invisible pipe, can Directly transmitted to Du Yuqi's eardrums like headphones, and not leaked.

"What a hell, my evangelistic book of dusk!"

"Yeah, where are the documents I handed over to you?"

"Damn, you don't even know what it means to mortgage my stuff with you !!!"


Through this almost invisible transparent mouth ~ ~, you can hear that many people are talking, these people are talking eloquently, expressing their utterance to Du Yuqi with the most intense words. Dissatisfaction, I believe that if they still have a sense of reason, then they would have scolded her mother.

Listening to their words, Du Yuqi looked calm and sneered at the corners of his mouth and did not squeak. It was not until the guys had vented for a full ten minutes, and after regaining their senses, this lightly said:

"Did you finish talking? When you're done, think about something useful and face the reality."

Soon, a hate voice came from across:

"what do you want?"

This voice has a high degree of recognition, and it is precisely fierce.

Du Yuqi said lightly:

"Well, presumably you have read the seized loot through various channels, then presumably, you have also found that the thing you mortgaged to me is not here."

Previously, the iron fortress where the clowns and others were located was shot down, and then they became captives of the violent hunting group. They were about to face the cruel fate of digging out and reading information. At this time, Du Yuqi quietly appeared. Became the only straw they could catch.

Under the circumstances, Du Yuqi's attitude towards them was either rescueable or not. However, the senior members of this group of organizations must ask Du Yuqi to save, and the time was very urgent. The attacking foreign enemy may be repelled at any time, so fierce. Rishou and others are helpless. In order to impress Du Yuqi, he can only accept his big lion. In order to win the trust of Du Yuqi, he can only take out his most important thing as a mortgage. In the future, he will use the brilliant epic soul that Du Yuqi wants. exchange.