MTL - The Last Apostle-v6 Chapter 157 Drive away the wolf

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Du Yuqi's painstaking solution is very simple.

After making a series of preparations, he took a deep breath, then suddenly jumped out of the hiding place, lest someone else screamed, while still waving his clothes vigorously:

"Surender! I want to surrender! I have very important intelligence about Mutant Terra's Stone!"

As soon as Du Yuqi jumped out, he immediately attracted a team of crazy Ivans on patrol, but not only that, the ground shook slightly-it was the sudden movement of King Tau Tzu Kwong, and he stomped on the ground. .

At this time, in order to increase her persuasive power, Du Yuqi even held a splendid cosmic soul in her hand and spread it out in the palm of her hand, in order to avoid the possibility of the other party opening a fight without saying a word.

Soon, Du Yuqi was surrounded by dozens of crazy Ivan groups. At this time, Du Yuqi's heart can be said to be relieved, because as long as the other party did not do anything, then it means that the other party can communicate. Then the success rate of his trip suddenly increased by 30%.

Soon, the crazy Ivan who surrounded him was separated, and then, a higher-looking Mad Major Ivan strode over, and the cloudy electronic eyes examined Du Yuqi for a while, then sent out from his throat. With fuzzy mechanical synthesis:

"Human, what do you want to do here?"

"Invasion?" Du Yuqi immediately said suddenly: "No, no, no, I didn't come here to invade. I was brought in by the **** enemies and forced to bring in. As for the purpose of my coming here, of course, I want to dedicate A lot of precious wealth for adults! This is the sample I brought to adults! "

He said at the same time that he lifted up the splendid cosmic soul and brought it to the crazy Major Ivan. The Mad Major Ivan stared for a while and then picked it up to signal Du Yuqi to go with him.

Soon after, Du Yuqi was taken to a place that should be a prison after a strict body search, but most of the time, no one was detained and dusty, and Du Yuqi was brought into the prison. Later, he heard a dull explosion outside, and the rest of the crazy Ivan swarmed over immediately. After hearing the explosion, Du Yuqi's mouth showed a smile.

Du Yuqi stayed in the prison for less than ten minutes, and saw a burly demon stepping over, surrounded by a group of guards. The demon's skin was fiery red, and the outer edge of the arm was mutated into With the shape of the blade, it looks full of aggression, but it has a lot of wrinkles on its skin and looks relatively old.

After seeing Du Yuqi, he opened his door and said:

"Human, I am His Excellency Ios, where is the wealth you want to dedicate to me?"

Du Yuqi said:

"Should I have seen the cosmic soul I dedicated to my adult just now?"

Ios lifted up the cosmic soul twisted in his fingers and snorted:

"You mean this? This is indeed a very refined energy, but it is still too little to be called wealth!"

Du Yuqi seriously said:

"Master Ios, this is just a sample I brought out. In fact, I know a place where there are a thousand brilliant universe souls !!!! And hiding in this plane, this counts as one. Amazing fortune? "

"It's absolutely impossible!" The devil was in a rare state of disappointment, and gave out a roar: "Do you know what this is? This is one of the purest energy crystals in the universe! How could this suddenly occur? A large number, do you know what you are talking about? "

"Hehehe!" Du Yuqi smiled confidently: "I'm talking about only part of this amazing wealth. Among this wealth, there are twelve bottles of God-like potions like Remy's aid, and Two variant Terra stones. "

"Nonsense, nonsense!" Ios growled violently. "You are insulting the wisdom of Lord Ios. I am clear about each stone in this plane. How could such a huge thing appear? Wealth, man, I will chop you into a meat sauce to sharpen my blade, and quickly tell you what your conspiracy is. "

Du Yuqi smiled, and simply sat down and relaxed:

"It doesn't matter, Lord Ios, you kill me by hand. Do you think it is necessary to lie to you?"

Ios sneered:

"You are actually an intruder spy who wants to cheat me out of an ambush. Your trick has already been seen by me."

Du Yuqi sighed:

"My lord, I was forcibly captured by these abominable invaders. Before I escaped, I saw the invader's quartermaster inadvertently buried the wealth, saying that it was because they would probably be wiped out by the army. , So be careful-this is why I was hunted down, so as long as the adult got the place I told you, you only need to send two crazy Ivans in the past to dig and know if it is true or false-adult you think I Is the purpose of risking death to be fooled by two crazy Ivans? "

Ioston paused for a while, and apparently Du Yuqi's answer was completely different from his previous idea, and could not help but say:

"How could an intruder have such a fortune?"

Du Yuqi shrugged:

"How do I know, in fact, I am just a prisoner arrested, they fancy my unique medical skills to make me work for me."

Ios immediately hoarsely said:

"Then you tell me immediately where the burial site is!"

Du Yuqi immediately felt wronged and weak:

"Dear Lord Ios, I managed to escape under your protection. Now the whole person is tired and hungry, and has been injured and has vomited a lot of blood."

He said, while revealing the previous abrasions, Ios immediately growled wildly:

"Tell me the location right away! Otherwise, I will let your blood and brain smear on the ground together !!!"

"Then you will always say goodbye to Lord Ios with that great fortune. If you think my life can be compared with that treasure, then please do it." Du Yuqi shrugged his shoulders helplessly. .

Ios was standing in place for a while, and those who knew him knew that the irritable devil was at the brink of eruption at this time. There was a manic and anger-like voice in his heart shouting:

"The fakes are all fakes! It is impossible to have such a huge fortune ~ ~ The one in front of you is an outright liar, he must have conspiracy in it!"

However, no matter how loud this voice shouted, there was another secret whispered in the voice of Ios:

"What can this person deceive? At best, it is the trivial price of two crazy Ivans, conspiracy? Where is the conspiracy? Please say aloud, that huge treasure is real and must exist, and today is you Fortunately, Ios, do n’t miss this great opportunity. With this wealth, you can be on the throne of the Devil King. "

Therefore, when all his subordinates thought that Ios would directly start to cut the bold and insane guy in front of him into pieces, Ios turned and left, leaving here, and only whispering outside the prison. To the most trusted subordinate Roy:

"Roy, go talk to him and see what this person has to ask, if some basic requirements can meet him."

So Du Yuqi quickly got water, food, and even a small bottle of alchemy healing potion, and then he told Roy not to worry, because after night here, a large group of strange mists will appear on the surface, which will bury the treasure. It ’s covered, so even if you promise to cooperate right away, you wo n’t be able to find it until dawn. For example, let ’s discuss one thing first, that is, how much dividend you should get after you dig out the treasure.

The condition that Du Yuqi originally proposed was June 4th, and it was the great Lord Ios. The proposal was a shock to Roy directly, because he felt that if he submitted this proposal, he would be furious Adults will definitely cut themselves into four pieces, and Ios with OCD will keep the weight of each piece consistent! !!