MTL - The Landlord And His Wife-Chapter 142 : The red fruit in trouble

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He Ruyu heard that the eldest brother and sister-in-law were here, so he came over with the child, sat down and listened for a while, and said in surprise: "Brother, you are also here to help Xiaoling of Deng's sister-in-law's house. made peace?"

He Wenqing was stunned: "What? Who else said it?"

He Ruyu said amusingly: "Sister Deng also told me that she went to my house to find me a few days ago, saying that her family is so beautiful, and the age of Liushu is suitable, or something. Said a lot... I was vague at the time, and only promised to ask questions."

"Yeah, it seems urgent."

He Wenqing also smiled and said: "I also told my wife several times, but a villager couldn't wipe his face, so he could only agree to ask."

He Wenqing's wife hurriedly nodded: "Yes."

He said: "I don't know how Xiaoling is in his family, but... I know about Sister Deng. She had only been married for half a year when I went out, and she was quarreling with her mother-in-law at that time. fierce..."

He Wenqing and He Ruyu both nodded, no one said a word, obviously, although the two brothers and sisters came to help talk about this matter, but they knew what Mrs. Willing, mainly because a village is not very easy to refuse.

They are all family, He refused, and they were not uncomfortable, but they talked about the marriage of Liushu Liulin, He Ruyu smiled and said: "The tree and the forest are really fragrant now. The pastry is over, and the family next door to us also inquired about it, but there is no suitable girl in their family, so they also inquired about others."

He Wenqing's daughter-in-law smiled and clapped her hands: "Who said no! These little daughters-in-law and big daughters-in-law in our village, as soon as they got in the car, they said that the two children were married. It has become a habit. Especially Liu Lin... let alone, there are more people asking Liu Lin than Liu Shu!"

"The tree is our eldest, we all know that being the eldest daughter-in-law is not easy." Liu Changgeng said with a smile.

He Wenqing's daughter-in-law asked the He family: "Eldest sister, let's not talk about the tree first, Liu Lin is the same age as Liu Shu, so you have to be careful! The daughter-in-law of the old family in our village, a Ask me hard..."

He Wenqing pulled him before he could speak. He Wenqing's wife stopped her mouth in shock and turned to look at him. He also smiled and asked, "Liu Lin, don't worry, He's not the's okay to show him one of his own." He looked at Liu Changgeng with a smile and said, "My child's father, what do you think?"

Liu Changgeng smiled.

He Wenqing's daughter-in-law also understood at once, what Mrs He said was her own, and it was her uncle's house if she couldn't escape. This uncle's age is suitable, isn't it her own Xiuxiu?

He Wenqing smiled and said: "It's still young! No hurry, really no hurry, wait until the matter of the willow tree is settled."

"Yes, yes, let's talk about the tree!" Liu Changgeng also smiled.

He Wenqing's daughter-in-law immediately understood, and immediately began to ponder this matter, weighing Liu Lin in her heart. Because Xiuxiu was young, she really didn't think about it, but when she heard the elder sister meant it today, her husband seemed to know something, and he also meant it.

Xiu Xiu Niang is of course more willing, as she said, Liu Shu Liu Lin is now a good son-in-law candidate that many people are staring at, it is better to keep it for others! The best thing is that Liu Lin is not the eldest, and Xiuxiu is not the eldest daughter-in-law when she gets married. She doesn't have such a heavy burden. There are two cousins. The eldest sister is both a mother-in-law and an aunt, so can she treat her daughter poorly? !

When Xiu Xiu Niang thought of this possibility, she really wished! She was a little embarrassed at this moment, and smiled and pursed her lips.

Seeing eldest sister and eldest brother's tacit understanding, He Ruyu understood it long ago, and said with a smile: "Oh, I regret not having a daughter now, if I have a daughter, I will also Big sister, come kiss and kiss. Willow and Liulin are such good characters! Moriko is also, and there will be a future for sure!"

He Wenqing sneered: "You save it! The calculation is wrong! You are not only a younger sister, but also a younger brother and younger sister! You have a daughter who is also someone's younger sister... What is the calculation? "

When I went home, there was no one at home. I thought that my daughter-in-law was here, so I came here.

He smiled and said that he didn't have to go, he would eat here at noon, and then he went to the kitchen to prepare meals with Wang's, Xiu Xiu Niang had to hurry to help.

At noon, the house was very lively, and the shop Willow and others all came back. Moriko was very happy to see the two cousins.

The two cousins ​​are younger than him, but they are still about the same age. He was very interested and wanted to visit him in the afternoon. Liu Sen also wanted to lead his cousins ​​around, and asked his uncle He Wenqing. He Wenqing smiled and nodded in agreement.

When she was eating, Liu Xuer saw her parents' expressions and knew that the marriage that Xiaoling's family mentioned in Xiuxiu's mouth was not going to happen.

There is an example from the previous generation! Can they be worried? Therefore, when it comes to the willow tree, there are thousands of choices and caution.

After dinner, Liu Lin, Liu Sen, and Liu Tao took He Zhongzhou and He Zhonghao to the shop, and Xiuxiu wanted to go too, and promised to bring something for the little girls in the village! After eating, she followed behind her mother, and didn't say she wanted to go, but she followed, like a follower. He Wenqing and his daughter-in-law, of course, knew their daughter, and it was nothing to go out with their brothers and sisters. The two nodded in agreement.

Xiuxiu happily asked Liu Xuer, "Cousin, are you going to the shop?"

Liu Xuer hesitated for a while, she didn’t come to Shicheng for dinner today, I don’t know what happened, and the elder brother Liushu has to settle accounts at home, calculate the accounts of various shops a while ago, she wanted to see what happened Sample.

Liu Lin is now a big boy, and he knows everything. If Shicheng didn't come today, he knew that Liu Xuer would not go out. He said, "Big brother and Xu'er are going to settle accounts at home. They may come out later. Xiuxiu, if you want to go, just follow us. Your sister will be here in a while."

Liu Xuer nodded quickly and said, "Yeah Xiuxiu, you go with your brothers first, I'll be over in a while."

Xiuxiu nodded and agreed, all of them were brothers and brothers of the family, it was nothing to go out with her, she just asked Liu Xuer subconsciously.

So this side went out, and the problem came again. When Xiuxiu went out from home this morning, she promised a few sisters who played well and brought them handkerchiefs and colorful silk threads. Go back, but these two things are in the shop that Liu Tao manages.

He Zhonghao naturally all followed him.

Liu Lin was in charge of the new shop, so he said to Liu Tao, "Then you lead Xiuxiu, and the eldest brother and Xu'er will go in a while."

Liu Tao stepped forward and unlocked the lock, removed the first door panel, and said to her with a smile, "Xiuxiu, go and watch first, I'll open the shop door."

It was beautifully placed, and Xiuxiu watched carefully along the first glass cabinet.

There is also a porcelain bowl on the cabinet. There are several red and round fruits in the bowl, and there is a bonsai next to it. Xiuxiu didn't pay attention to the bonsai, but she was suddenly attracted by the fruit. Her favorite is to eat fruit. She has never seen such a fruit before! So I took one and put it in my mouth and chewed it.

The fruit is a little sweet and sour, and it's delicious. Xiuxiu didn't eat enough of one, so she squeezed a few more, smiled and turned to look at Liu Tao, who was moving the door at the door: "Brother Liu Tao, this is What kind of fruit is it? It's sweet and sour, and it's delicious."

Liu Tao just moved a door panel in his hand, when he heard this, he turned his head, and then saw Xiuxiu eating the fruit on the counter, and was so shocked that the door panel fell from his hand !

Frightened and screamed and rushed over: "Oh, that's not edible! Can't eat it! You've already eaten it?! Eat a few... My God!"

Xiuxiu was so frightened that she threw away the fruit in her hand! Still chewing in his mouth, he quickly spit it out on the ground, crying with a cry, "I ate several..."

Liu Tao dragged Xiuxiu to the door and told her to spit it out! But Xiuxiu was nervous and frightened at the same time, and her throat was still a little swallowed! Frightened and cried, "I swallowed... I swallowed! What should I do?!"

Liu Tao also turned pale with fright, jumped up and shouted, "Hurry up to the hospital!" But he didn't forget, he rushed into the shop and held the change box he just brought, He rushed out and called the next door, "Big Brother Liu, Big Brother Liu!"

A young man in his twenties came out of the shop next door, and was frightened by his anxious voice: "What's wrong?"

"My sister accidentally ate that red fruit! You help me look at the store, and I'll take her to the hospital!" Liu Tao was about to burst into tears.

The young man was also startled: "What!"

Liu Tao couldn't care about the detailed explanation anymore, grabbed Xiuxiu, who was still crying and vomiting at the door, and hurried to the hospital.


His wife came out of the backyard and asked, "What's the hurry?"

"No, Liu Tao bought a pot of red fruit bonsai in the morning, but his sister ate the fruit by mistake! may be poisonous! If this is fatal, maybe If we are to be implicated, I have to go and see!" After speaking in one breath, the young man hurried to the direction of the hospital.