MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 008 into the city, welcome to eat 瘪

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In the afternoon, Mo Qianxue grinds the rare dried mushrooms and dried shrimps into fine powder in the kitchen. This is her own homemade monosodium glutamate, which can be used to freshen vegetables. Can you dig into the bucket of gold in the city, this MSG is essential.

After the grinding was finished, she tasted it with her finger and suddenly opened her eyes and smiled. It is a natural, non-polluting natural food that tastes great.

Just packed up, Zhang Zizi let the column to inform the strangers, and tomorrow, he will go to the city to take business, let her pick up and prepare for departure tomorrow morning.

After Ning Shaoqing had been mixed with a cockroach, he had been blind and closed his eyes.

"Sir, let me use your pen and paper for me!" A thousand miles into the house and wandered around for a few laps, or the period of Ai Ai opened.

Before going to the supermarket, she liked to list herself. It is not easy to enter the city, but you have to buy everything you want to do.

Ning Shaoqing heard the brow and trembled and replied: "The pen and ink are on the table here, you use it yourself."

Although he agreed, he did not get up and let go, just moved the chair to the side and gave up a space that could only stand.

This individual twisted man carefully!

Mo Qianxue thought of the scene in the early morning, stunned and raised his eyebrows. He walked over in the past, and no one else grinds, lays paper, lifts a pen, moves down, and is smooth and skilled.

Ning Shaoqing sat down and refused. She wanted to ask her to ask for more, to say a few words, or what she didn't understand. I pointed forward to one or two, so I could find some places.

However, seeing the thousands of snow to write and draw, like a stream of water, his eyes have changed and changed.

The plum blossoms are small, and they are on the paper. They bloom like petals, and they seem to have aroma.

Good word!

Standing up, Ning Shaoqing’s dissatisfaction was conquered by the plum blossoms that had been bloomed. “You wrote this?”

"I used to make a ring, maybe it was a meal, I would have a lot of dishes, write some menus, get the restaurants in the city, maybe I could change some money and come back."

Mo Qiang answered while continuing to write.

Ning Shaoqing looks complicated. He wants to have his daily seafood and seafood, and I don’t know how much food is wasted. Now his wife has to live by selling menus.

Mo Qianxue did not notice his change of color, and looked at the little plum in front of him. I haven't written the brush for many years, and the sword is not old! She proudly picked up the paper and blew it, and smiled casually. "Sir, do you have anything you need, I will bring you back."

Ning Shaoqing shook his head and then went out and stood in front of the old willow tree in the courtyard. The scene of the past flashed in his mind.

That day is his crown.

After the ceremony, the father and the family announced that he was the next owner of the Ning family, which is the greatest glory of the family.

Just wait for your wife and children to have a handover ceremony.

The crown of the future home of the Ningzu, one of the three super-worlds of the Three Dynasties, is very lively and extraordinary.

He congratulated the whole country and always kept his courtesy. He insisted on being cautious and he drank a lot.

After the break, the mother waited for him to drink the soup, and the younger brother helped him to go to bed.

Everything is so harmonious!

If, the younger brother's knife can be a little more, a little more, not to cut his belly, but to pierce his heart...

If, the bowl of poison in the bowl of sobering soup is even more powerful.

If, in his hand, there is no detoxification spirit given by the abbot of Xiangguo Temple.

If it is not for him to practice martial arts for many years, he will be able to do it.


That night, eight guards killed each other.

That night, **** hurricanes.

That night, the liver and intestines were broken.

The sly hand pressed to the abdomen, where it was already scarred, and even the scar did not remain, but he still felt the pain of the bones.

That knife is not his belly, but inserted in his heart.

Forget it, if they want it, let them be good.

Although the body remains unclear, although he was saved, he also knew that his life was not long. I only intend to live in this mountain.

But now, when I think of the woman in the house, he has a little regret and survival in his heart.


The sky was just white, the fog in the field had not been scattered, and a carriage had been walking on the winding country road.

Tianxiang City is far from Beijing, but it is very prosperous. It is also very close to Wangjiacun. There are only forty or fifty miles. It is also a matter of time to take the carriage.

For the first time, the strange snow saw the ancient towns, and the natural novelty looked a lot more.

The atmosphere of the city, the height of the wall is three feet, the towers are numerous, and there are patrols of soldiers who have long guns, and the atmosphere of a prosperous age is everywhere.

The inner city is also very prosperous, bluestone pavement, with red wall green tiles next to it, quaint storefront, and faucet.

All this made the thousands of snow shocked, and made her feel a lot, and her heart was more determined to rise.

She took the hand of Fang Zizi and walked on the street.

Relatively unfamiliar with the snow, the Fangzizi is very cautious. Although she has also entered the city several times, she is only limited to places where some poor people like the big market exchange goods, and where to go shopping in the city.

After visiting for a while, Mo Qianxue quickly found out which street had the most sprinkling buildings, and which restaurant had the best business.

At this time, it is not yet noon, the door of the restaurant has been opened, but there are not many customers, it is a good time to talk about business.

The strange snow holds the hand of the square scorpion, and the foot is going to enter the most stylish style of the facade. It is also the best restaurant in the legendary business - Yingke Xuan.

Just arrived at the door, but Fang Zizi behind him pulled her back hard and flashed to the side and asked, "This place is not for us. The voice of the blind is so panic, let's go." Turning her head and burning her eyes, she added another sentence. "I am afraid, I am afraid that a lot of ingredients will be broken, we can't afford to pay."

A thousand snow smiled and comforted. "Everything has me. I just want to do what I said. Nothing!"

After the whole clothes were put into the door, I saw the second welcoming.

Xiao Eryi listened to the two people not coming to eat, the smile that was originally squeezed out disappeared invisible.

Once again, I said that I came to the shopkeeper to talk about business, and looked up and down their good life.

Seeing that they are both in a thick coat, without ornaments, a raft, and a chopsticks on the head, are dressed as a countryman, and the second child directly scorns them and goes out.

Between the shovels, one inside out.

The man was in a long gown, and his long image was very shrewd and his face was not good.

"What the **** is going on?" Listening to his tone of voice should be a matter of management.

The strange snow is waiting to be explained, but the second child grabbed the previous step and opened the cavity.

"Liao Guanshi, these two female liares are not talking about the business of the treasurer, let the small pass, the small refuse, they do not go."

Liao’s management did not even both of them, and he cut the face of the little girl’s face.

"I have to ask for anything in this matter, and I can't directly blast it out. No more, send two pockets, don't delay doing business. How do you do it? Do you want to do it?"

Don't use the second one to blast, the strange thousand snow waist stick has been, pull the bow and pay attention to the square scorpion to go out.

Send two heads? When is she?

When a thousand snows go out, they take a sip, and the dog’s eyes look at people’s low things. When do you regret it?

Look up and look at it, there is also a sprinkling building on the opposite side - Baiyunju, the scale is similar to their home, the decoration style is elegant.

Although the style of this sprinkling building is high, I heard that the business is very light, and this is not within the consideration of a thousand snow.

However, due to this excitement, her heart was full of anger, and she thought about it. She took the hand of Fangzizi and came to the opposite side.

This time she was not polite, as soon as she entered the door, her chin was slightly raised, and she was standing there, letting Xiao Er go to the shopkeeper. This year, I have always respected the robes and disrespected people. If she doesn't have a blouse, then she will come to the point of imaginary.

Soldiers who, deception also!

Business is also the same.

Xiao Er saw that her clothes were broken, but her temperament was extraordinary. Her speech was somewhat arrogant. Although she was somewhat reluctant, she was afraid of offending people who were hesitant.

"After delaying the things of the main house, can you eat sin?" Mo Qianxue saw him hesitant, his face cold, and he sipped at him, but in fact he was playing a snare.

Fang Fangzi saw this account, and his face was guilty behind her, timid, not like a companion, but like a servant woman.

When she was young, she couldn't figure out her details. When she was drunk, she was shocked and thought about it. It was just a matter of handing.

In the unlikely event that he had mistaken the family, he could not afford a small running hall. So, the face smiled, the words were polite, and said: "The small front leads the way, two of them please."

------Off topic ------

This Yingke Xuan will be **** in the future~

Finished, spoiler, editing will not wait for the whip, hurry flash ~~~