MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 006 doubt, all leaks

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I heard the sound of knocking on the door, and asked a thousand snows, "Who is this?"

Outside the door is the tender and courteous voice of the emboss. "Sister, I am an emboli."

The strange snow opened the door, but found that the rain did not know when to stop.

A little boy stood next to the emboss, and asked her to ask Ann with the emboss.

"Sister Niang, this is the pillar, the big name Zhang Baozhu." The pillar listened to the embolt to introduce himself, but the sly smile, obviously no emboli.

The three of them just stood in the hall, and the emperor took the boy and said to Mo Qianxue.

"He is a lama. I just came back from the city today. Last time, my mother asked him to bring me some ink and paper. He sent me and listened to me. The thousand words you told me. Wen, I have to pull me to ask the teacher to talk about it."

He is so clearly that he wants to come and pull a companion.

The strange snow does not break his care, but he is very fond of his good studies.

Besides, the son of this horse-drawn carriage took the initiative to send it to the door, which is also a good thing.

Packing up the emotions, a strange snow smiled, "Well, just happened to have a shower, the teacher has nothing to do, I will teach you for a while, but if the teacher is not good, you can't be a joke."

Next, she took them to read a thousand words, reviewed the words that were explained to the emboss last time, and said a few new words.

Closing the book, the pillar is also the color of worship. "Sister, your knowledge is so good, will you paint poetry?"

"There are not many teachers who know how to make poems and paintings. You must learn well with your husband."

She will not be a poem, and her poems are almost the same. As for painting, it is still possible to draw a few Chinese paintings.

"Xie Shi Niang teaches! But the emperor still thinks that the teacher's thousand-character text is really good. I understand it when I hear it..."

"The pillars also think that the teacher is really good..."

Mo Qianxue said a few allusions before he turned the topic to the father of the horse-drawn carriage, and inadvertently asked some things in the city.

The two boys said a few more words, watching the thousands of snow face tired, very polite speech.

Send away the two kid, the strange snow to see the hour is not early, ready to enter the house to pick up the embellishment to go to lunch.

As soon as I entered the hall, I saw that Ning Shaoqing did not know when she had gotten up, sitting on the chair at the table and looking at her thoughtfully.

There is no guilty conscience for a thousand snows, it seems like grabbing someone else's things.

Then, when I felt that I was not convinced, I looked up and looked back at him. To solve his own problems, it can be considered to help him share his concerns.

The four eyes are anxious and the atmosphere is a bit dull.

Just as a thousand snows felt that it was hard to bear again, when he looked at the dawn, Ning Shaoqing finally opened his mouth.

"You have been in a formal school?" There are many literacy in the ring, but it is impossible to say that it is the head.

It’s not good to have a thousand snows, and the subtext of Mr.’s words is doubting her identity.

In fact, she also suspected this problem because she had dreamt of a woman many times.

It’s just that the woman is not being bullied. Instead, she is surrounded by servants, in the big house, in the garden, under the promenade, happy and laughing. The woman looks like a prominent person and should be the original owner of the body.

However, she is a strange snow, no matter how prominent her original identity, she only wants to be her own.

I figured out this section, she pretended to regret a smile, squinted and said something, "It seems that I have never been to it." Sixteen years of hard work, but said that she did not officially go to school, she can not wait to bite off her tongue, good Well, she didn’t have formal schooling in ancient times, so it’s not lying.

Looking at the doubts of Ning Shaoqing's face, he said with a smile: "I didn't say it. I used to forget a lot of things when I used to have a fever. I know if I have never attended school. I know a few. Words."

Speaking of this, her eyes were red, as if she had been poked into a sad place. "If I am going through school, I must be a big lady, how can I fall here?"

Ning Shaoqing is not a sharp-minded person. She sees tears in her eyes and hears such words. My heart is already soft.

But he was arrogant, not apologizing, for a moment, just picking up the books on the table and starting to look at it.

Mo Qianxue saw him without words, and when he cleaned up, he entered the kitchen.

After the thousands of snow went out, Ning Shaoqing put down the book, and his fingers knocked on the table and fell into thinking.

He grew up as a family owner, and the analysis of the problem is naturally comprehensive.

The words of a thousand snow, although he did not believe, but for a moment they could not find a flaw.

It’s true that there’s a lot of people who are good at learning.

It’s just that one’s sect is the master or the shackle, and it’s not a one-night eve. He’s a wife’s sect, obviously a habit!

However, a young lady can still bear the temperament to plant the land, do farm work, move the table, and clean up the yard...

Ning Shaoqing’s mouth was raised, and his little wife was a bit interesting.

However, his body...

The raised corner of the mouth was too late to show its most beautiful curvature, and it was replaced by a sigh of sigh.


Closing the kitchen door, the face of a thousand snow fell, and the brow wrinkled slightly.

Originally a 14-year-old girl, lying in the wilderness, she must have been in great trouble.

She, the arrival of the strange snow represents the new life, there is no need to find the roots and grievances of those big houses.

However, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

She can't help but hide the risk of hiding in the dark.

It seems that we must be strong and fast.

Not only for not being sold as a slave, but also for the trouble that the original owner’s suspicious identity may bring.


Sure enough, a thousand snow inadvertently asked a few things in the city, shortly afternoon, the pillar of the mother Zhang Zizi, went to the door.

It is also a small woman.

The scholar Jin Gui, who is famous, is even more honorable.

The literary section of the word, even if it is only a show, the social status is much higher.

Ever since the pillars of her family entered the school, the villagers looked at her differently, and the family members gave me a high look.

After the son went back, from time to time, the teacher praised the teacher, and said that the teacher asked a lot about him rushing to the carriage.

Looking at the smile of his son's face, thinking about the day when his son Guangzong Yaozu, she bite her teeth and brought a little man to come back to the snack.

After a few words of gossip, Mo Qiang Ying Ying smiled and took the snack on the table. "In fact, the nephew has this kind of mind, can look at the girl, is the face of the big day, but also bring these foods to eat, do not keep to give They solved the problem at home."

"There are still some left in the house, enough for them to solve a few problems."

Zhang Yizi said, his face showed a sense of superiority that he did not detect.

The scenery of their home is in the village that is a number of people. There is a carriage at home, and the man is living in the city again. On weekdays, who is not with her, wants her man to bring something back from the city.

"Ning Niangzi is a great man! Mr. Alright, when can I start classes?"

When Zhang Xiezi’s sense of superiority came up, his tone of voice was also somewhat publicized.

The strange little snow brow wrinkled, but still politely laughed, "Xie Xiezi cares, my body is much better, my husband's body is also very good. The nephew comes just right, this is not, this afternoon, let me go to protect A long family member said that he would start classes after three days."

She has seen more people like this. Self-righteousness is actually the short-sightedness. As long as it is not really committed to her head, there is no need to care about her.

"That, that's great! You still don't know the way, I just took you on the way to keep the family."

Only by listening to this, we can see how urgently she wants to start classes as soon as possible.

Mo Qianshui had a good voice, and said thank you, he got up.

There is a guide with her, why not. Moreover, she had something to say to Zhang Zizi.

"The former one was really too busy, so I didn't come over and take care of it. Ning Niangzi should not be careful."

"How come? It was the autumn harvest some time ago. The pillars are going to pull the car in the city to take business. The home is a scorpion, and naturally it is full of panic, and there is spirit."

"Ning Niangzi is really a caring person. The pillars are squatting in the city to pull the car to take business. Ning Niangzi is missing something in the future, can come over and tell me at any time. I will give it to me, let me bring it back!"


The two went to the village head while gossiping.

------Off topic ------

The warmth and emotions of this article are in front, all kinds of slags are in the back, and the look of the text is anxious~~~