MTL - The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic-Chapter 401 195, the horn of counterattack

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   Chapter 401 195, The Horn of Counterattack

  In the DC multiverse, a huge black shadow is encroaching on the universe of positive matter.

  Rorschach quickened his pace and shuttled through the endless void.

  In an instant, a red lightning appeared in front of Rorschach.

  Extreme Speed ​​Force Lightning.

  Rorschach looked in the direction of his own universe, and saw two lightning bolts, one black and one red, chasing each other.

   "Flashman, why did he run into the gap in the universe... And, Dark Walker?"

  During the Dakseid war before, the Flash was manipulated by the Anti-Monitor with the Anti-Life Equation, and merged with the Dark Walker, turning into Death Lightning.

  After Rorschach took away the Anti-Life Equation, he started a war with the Anti-Monitor. He never found a chance to dismantle the fusion of the Flash and the Dark Walker. Now, it is seen that the Flash has separated from the Dark Walker.

  Of course, the separation is not accurate. Death Lightning has indeed been re-divided into Flash and Dark Walker, but Flash doesn't seem to be completely separated from Dark Walker.

   "Death embodied creature, obey my will!"

  Rorschach's figure descended in front of the two bolts of lightning, and the power of the anti-life equation exploded, enveloping the dark walker.


  Dark Walker was shrouded in the energy of the anti-life equation, his extremely fast flying body froze suddenly, and looked in the direction of Rorschach with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

  He thought he would see the Anti-Monitor, but he didn't expect that it was Rorschach who appeared in front of him.

   "Why are you, killed the anti-monitor?" The dark walker felt a multiverse-level vast divine power from Rorschach, which had only appeared on the anti-monitor.

  Rorschach raised his hand to the Dark Walker, and through the anti-life equation, corroded the Dark Walker's will: "Is it surprising, Dark Walker, I will send you to see Darkseid now."

   As he spoke, before the Dark Walker could answer, Rorschach's anti-life equation burst out with energy, and the shock wave swept across the entire space.

The moment the Dark Walker was swept away by this energy shock, his body suddenly exploded, turning into countless tiny energy spots. Finally, Rorschach raised his hand, and those energy spots turned into a trickle towards Rorschach. body flowed past.

  Dark Walker is the concrete embodiment of death, and Rorschach used the anti-life equation to absorb it and strengthen his godhead.

   In this way, Flash finally got rid of the entanglement of death.

  A red flash flashed, and the Flash appeared in front of Rorschach: "Rorschach, thank you so much, the feeling you give me now is simply powerful and terrifying."

  At this moment, the Flash just stood in front of Rorschach, and he could feel a suffocating pressure.

  Rorschach smiled at the Flash: "Sorry, I was in a hurry just now, and I didn't have time to restrain my strength."

   Before he finished speaking, the golden energy burning all over Rorschach's body was restrained, and Flash felt that terrible sense of oppression disappeared.

  The Flash wanted to ask something more, but Rorschach waved his hand and said, "The dark multiverse has already begun to invade, so we can talk about anything later."

Afterwards, Rorschach stretched out his hand and put it on Flash's shoulder. His figure moved forward. Flash felt that time and space seemed to be stretched infinitely. Even his body was divided into countless tiny pieces. molecules.

  Finally, when the pull of time and space disappeared, they all came together again, reconstituted the body of Flash Barry Allen.

   "What's going on... I, am I back in Central City?"

When Flash came back to his senses, it was still a void space just now, and it changed back to the central city he was familiar with, but it was different from the central city in his memory, the streets where they were located were full of broken and barren scenes .

  In the distance, a scarlet figure was running extremely fast on the street. Unlike the Flash, what was dragging behind that scarlet figure was not the Speed ​​Force Lightning, but blood-red bats.

   That's Scarlet Reaper.

  The scarlet **** of death shuttled through the streets. Wherever he passed, countless blood-red bats flew out, pounced on the surrounding crowd, and sucked people's vitality as if they were sucking blood.

   Kara and Shazam are chasing anxiously behind.

  They cooperate with each other in an attempt to stop the Scarlet Death. However, Batman, who possesses super speed, is definitely an extremely difficult opponent.

  Seeing that the citizens of his own city were being hurt, the Flash suddenly exploded with speed force, wanting to rush over to join Kara and the others in their battle.

   But before Flash could take a step, Rorschach reached out and stopped Flash.

   "Let me do it."

   While Rorschach was speaking, he closed his eyes, but his will spread out in all directions, covering the entire world.

  The entire earth is shrouded within Rorschach's perception range, as if he has seen the whole world at a glance.

  Rorschach saw Diana who was wielding the Vulcan sword and fighting fiercely with the ruthless God of War.

   Also saw the sea king Arthur Curry, who led the Atlantis army in the sea and besieged and killed the drowned man who controlled the dark sea creatures.

  I saw the seaside city that was plunged into darkness. Even in the darkness, he insisted on the last ray of light in his heart, the Green Lantern Hal Jordan who fought desperately against the strange lights of dawn.

   "Dark creatures, obey my will!"

  Rorschach suddenly opened his eyes, and the brown-red anti-life equation energy exploded, precisely covering the few dark Batmen who invaded this universe.

  The ruthless **** of war who was fighting back and forth with Diana, his body trembled violently, as if he couldn't control his body, he began to tremble.

  Diana swung the Vulcan sword, stabbing the heart of the ruthless God of War.

   "You are standing here motionless, are you planning to surrender?"

  Facing Diana's ridicule, the ruthless God of War looked at the sky, and Bruce Wayne's hoarse voice came out from the helmet of God of War: "The darkness has been expelled, and a more powerful **** has come to this world..."

   "A more powerful god?"

  Diana raised her foot and kicked the Ruthless God of War on the chest, using the force of the kick to pull the Vulcan sword out of the heartless God of War's chest.

  She felt a powerful godhead appearing in this world.

  However, instead of being afraid, Diana smiled confidently on the corner of her mouth: "Yes, a more powerful **** has descended. I forgot to tell you that that **** is my man."


  The Ruthless God of War fell silent for a while, before he could say anything else, a strong pulling force pulled the Ruthless God of War away from where he was.

  Diana watched the ruthless God of War disappear in place, but she didn't try to stop it.

   After the Ruthless God of War disappeared in place, Diana also disappeared immediately after.

   At the same time, this scene also happened in Atlantis, Seaside City, and Central City.

  The ruthless God of War, the Drowned, the Daybreak Lantern, the Scarlet Death, the Devastator, all members of the Dark Knights who invaded this universe were brought into a certain closed space by an irresistible force.

   Together with the Dark Knights, there were also members of the Justice League.

   "Where is this?"

  Shazam was attacking the scarlet **** of death with all his strength one second ago, and appeared in this strange white space the next second. He didn't understand what happened for a while.

   It was Kara who noticed Rorschach and The Flash standing in mid-air, and the gloom on her face was instantly lifted, and she showed a relieved smile, "Mr. Rorschach, you are back."

  Rorschach smiled and nodded to Kara, and said, "Yes, I am back, and I will never leave again."

   Now that Rorschach's strength has reached the multiverse level, if he defeats Barbatos again, uses the melting pot of the world to recast the dark multiverse, obtains enough crisis energy, and then merges with the deity, he may not be able to step into the level of the omnipotent universe.

  Entering the Almighty Cosmic Level, Rorschach can truly be omniscient and omnipotent.

  Leaving a will clone in this universe is not a problem at all.

After listening to Rorschach's words, Cara's eyes were full of surprise, and Diana also walked over with a smile. She pointed to the dark knights standing neatly not far away, and asked, "Rorschach, Bruce Wayne is missing, what happened to those strange guys? Did they kidnap Bruce?"

   "Yes, strictly speaking, these people are all Bruce Wayne, the difference is that they are Bruce Wayne from other universes."

  Rorschach explained the information about the dark multiverse to everyone present.

"At the beginning of the origin of our universe, there was an invisible giant hand that brought together the materials for constructing the universe. After that, there was a **** named Papetua, who was sent by the hand of creation to create a multiverse , which is the DC multiverse we are in..."

   "For this purpose, Papetua created three children, the Monitor, the Anti-Monitor, and the World Forger..."

   "The monitor guards the positive matter universe, the anti-monitor guards the anti-matter universe, and the world builder, his duty is to use the world melting pot to rebuild the decaying inferior universe and create a new multiverse.

  The so-called inferior universe refers to the universe invaded by darkness. The world inside is ruled by evil and becomes hopeless. The only way to save this universe is to format and clear it, and then recreate life.

   In this way, the three of them performed their duties, and spent endless years like this.

  However, on a certain day, the pet raised by the World Founder, Barbatos, was unwilling to be enslaved by the World Founder, so he found an opportunity to sneak attack and kill the World Founder..."

  "With the death of the world creator, those inferior universes that should have been destroyed were preserved. After a long period of accumulation, those inferior universes piled up like mountains, and they became the dark multiverse.

  In order to keep the dark multiverse alive, Barbatos chose a person from the vast universe, Bruce Wayne.

  Barbatos believes that there is unimaginable darkness lurking in Bruce Wayne's heart, and this darkness can even help him swallow the entire multiverse.

  So, he secretly interfered with Bruce Wayne's life trajectory.

  When Bruce Wayne, the Batman in a certain universe, was forced intolerable by the clown and finally pulled the trigger, a fusion of the clown and Batman was born.

  The success of the Laughing Bat allowed Barbatos to create the other six blackened Batmen in the same way, and planned to launch an attack on the main universe.

  These blackened Batmen search every universe that has Superman and Batman and capture them.

  Then let Batman and Superman become the batteries of the giant electric tower, providing energy for the tuning fork of the universe, and the function of the tuning fork of the universe is to drag the main universe into the dark multiverse and turn it into dark nourishment..."

  Listening to Rorschach's narration about the origin of the dark multiverse, everyone present was at a loss.

  However, these words explained the doubts in Diana's heart before.

Although this explanation made her a little difficult to understand: "Well, you said that there is unimaginable darkness lurking in Bruce Wayne's heart, what about Superman? Why did they arrest Superman after they captured Bruce Wayne?" Walk?"

   Just because they are good friends?

  Rorschach thought for a while, and explained: "Probably because Batman and Superman, one represents the good and evil of mortals, and the other represents the good and evil of divinity."

   These two people are the kind of players who will cheat all kinds of things as soon as they become black.

"So the two of them together, can they power up that cosmic tuning fork? Well... what if Superman and Batman don't pair up? ... I mean, if there's only Superman in this world or only Batman ... what can Use another person from another universe to match?" Shazam suddenly discovered the blind spot, and he asked his own thoughts.

  Rorschach glanced at the brainy boy, and he smiled awkwardly: "Every creature in the universe has a unique frequency. Batman and Superman in different worlds will not have this kind of chemical reaction."

"Now is not the time to study this annoying principle. Since Bruce and Clark are both in danger, we should rescue them immediately." Diana didn't see Superman just now, so she roughly understood that Superman was also taken away. .

Rorschach waved his hand and told Diana to be calm: "Let's talk about the strategy first, I will use those members of the Dark Knights later to open the passage to the Rock of Eternity, which is the junction of all worlds, by the way , you have to use the ability of the Mobius chair, which will be faster..."

"When I get to the Rock of Eternity and the Mountain of Challengers, I will stop Barbatos, Diana, leave Superman alone, everyone go to the world furnace, assist Diana to enter the world furnace, and bring out the tenth metal in the world furnace. "

   "Tenth Metal?"

Diana looked at Rorschach with some doubts, "I know that the Amazon metal is the eighth metal, and the weapons of Hawkgirl and Hawkman are the ninth metal. I thought the ninth metal was already the most powerful metal, but there are still The existence of the tenth metal."

   "Of course, the tenth metal is also called the metal of God, and it needs faith in love and peace to summon it."

Rorschach explained a sentence, he looked at Diana seriously, and continued: "Diana, if there is no Tenth Metal, I may not be Barbatos' opponent, so the outcome of this battle depends on your ability You cannot bring out the tenth metal from the furnace of the world, you are the hope of all of us, the hope of all multiverses."

  Actually, without the tenth metal, Rorschach could defeat Barbatos, but it might be more troublesome.

  The reason why Rorschach said this was mainly to give Diana some hope of saving the world. For the Amazons who regard glory as their life, these words can even stimulate Diana's fighting spirit and potential.

   In fact, whether it's in the big dark night metal event, or in the death metal big event.

  When the whole world was shrouded in despair and darkness, it was Diana who jumped into the melting pot of the world twice to turn the tide.

  (end of this chapter)