MTL - The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic-Chapter 399 193, kidnapping Batman

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   Chapter 399 193, Kidnapping Batman

   Just when Bruce Wayne was immersed in dark memories, as if sinking deeper and deeper.

  A burst of brisk footsteps suddenly appeared in this room.

  The sudden sound of footsteps brought Bruce Wayne's consciousness back to reality from his dark memories. He nervously raised his head and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

   "Selena, is that you?"

  Bruce yelled at the door, he thought it was Selena, the catwoman, who came back again.

  However, there was only a horrifying laugh that answered Bruce.

   "Selena? No, I'm not. If it wasn't for the limited time, I really want to arrest that woman and torture her. It will definitely be interesting, hahaha."

   The voice was short and sharp, and the laughter echoed in the empty Wayne Manor, as if it was everywhere, but it seemed to be all around.

  Hearing this voice, Bruce Wayne's scalp felt numb. He suddenly jumped up from the hospital bed and shouted loudly, "Where are you, guard! Guard?"

  The Justice League obviously left some special agent guards in the manor, but there were intruders in the manor, why were those agents and guards indifferent?


  Those agents and guards are all dead?

  Bruce Wayne took a deep breath, his face changed suddenly, because he smelled the faint scent of blood in the air.

  The conjecture was confirmed in an instant. Regardless of his own weakness, Bruce pulled himself together, walked to the edge of the wall, took down a short sword hanging on the wall as a self-defense weapon, and walked vigilantly towards the door.

   "Joker? It's you! I hear your voice, I know it's you, clown!"

  Bruce Wayne thought of the super criminal known as the clown from the neurotic tone of the other party.

  Before Bruce asked the Mobius chair about the identity of the clown. At that time, the Mobius chair told Bruce that the clown had three names.

   Among them, the mortal clown is dead and killed by Rorschach.

  So Bruce Wayne judges that the most likely to appear now is Gross, the God of Laughter...

   As for the Joker's third name...Bruce Wayne.

   Regarding this, Bruce couldn't understand why the last name of the clown would be the same as his own, but this moment was not the time to struggle with this at all, he was thinking about how to ask the Justice League for help.

  Because Bruce just woke up, his equipment and his pager are not with him.

  Wayne Manor has the top defense system of the Justice League, and shouting for help here cannot be heard outside, so it is impossible to attract Superman's attention by simply calling for help.

   Then there is only one option left...

   That is to defeat the invaders.

  Bruce made a quick judgment. Holding the dagger, he cautiously came to the door and looked around quickly. He was shocked to find that there was no one outside the door.

   "What are you looking for? Are you looking for me?"

  A sharp and horrifying voice appeared behind Bruce, scaring Bruce into a defensive posture immediately.

  He fixed his eyes, and there was a slender man in a tight black windbreaker behind him. He stood in the black shadow, as if he wanted to merge with the darkness.

   "Who the **** are you, how did you break in..."

  Bruce moved his feet, he was looking for the perfect angle of attack, intending to knock down the opponent with one blow.

However, the man in front of him in a tight black windbreaker showed a ferocious mouth, and he let out a strange laugh, and said, "How did you break in? I am Bruce Wayne, and this is also mine. Home, my home's defense system, how could it prevent my master from coming in."

   While speaking, the man in the tight black windbreaker took a step forward.

  Bruce saw the opponent's face clearly.

This person was wearing a windbreaker similar to a bat suit, but his body was very thin, as if his whole body was covered with skin and bones. He wore a black bat hood on his head, and his eyes were welded with spiked steel. surrounded by circles.

  His chin was completely exposed in front of Bruce's eyes, it was a face as pale as white paper.

   And... a hideous and terrifying **** mouth.

   This person is the Bat of Laughter in the dark multiverse.

   "You are... a clown? You are a clown, why are you pretending to be me, what tricks are you playing?" Bruce was a little angry, but he recalled inexplicably that Mobius told him the three names of the clown.

   Especially the third name, Bruce Wayne.

"Although I have explained it countless times, I know that every time I meet a new Bruce Wayne, I have to explain it again. I am not a clown, I am also Bruce Wayne, at least I used to be..." Bat patiently explained to Bruce.

  But Bruce didn't want to listen to the other party's explanation at all. He swung the dagger in his hand angrily, and stabbed at the Laughing Bat.

The Laughing Bat's body flicked slightly, and it easily escaped Bruce's attack. He let out a sharp laugh and said, "Hehehe, I told you, I'm also Bruce Wayne, the little trick you know , I also know it well, and you are so weak now, you are not my opponent."

   "You're not me at all!"

  Bruce roared, and he fought hand-to-hand with the Laughing Bat.

The two fought for several rounds, but there was no winner. At this moment, in the dark shadows, a small figure sprang out, like a wolf dog, rushed to Bruce's side, grabbed his arm Bite down.


  Bruce kicked out almost instinctively, kicking away the thing that attacked him, and it wasn't until it was kicked away that Bruce saw clearly who was the one who attacked him.

   It is the evil Robin of the Laughing Bat.

   And more than one.

  In the dark shadows, five zombie-like evil Robins appeared together, and they rushed towards Bruce together, launching the most violent attack.

   An hour and a half later.

  The Justice League watchtower noticed the abnormality in Wayne Manor. It stands to reason that the agents staying at Wayne Manor would send a security signal to the headquarters every hour.

  However, half an hour had passed since the agreed signal time, and he realized that something was wrong with the steel bone link entering the monitoring of Wayne Manor.

   "Oops, the monitoring of Wayne Manor has been tampered with, something happened to Bruce Wayne!" After Cyborg noticed something was wrong, he immediately notified the other giants of the Justice League.

  Superman rushed to Wayne Manor immediately.

   After scanning his X-ray vision, he found that Bruce Wayne was no longer in Wayne Manor.

"All the agents of the Justice League have been released, and there are signs of fighting in the bedroom...Bruce was kidnapped! Cyborg, maybe the robbers didn't go far, immediately check all the surveillance cameras in Gotham City and surrounding cities." Superman faced Cyborg Said.

   After finishing speaking, Superman flew to the sky above Gotham City, searching for the trace of Bruce Wayne inch by inch.

  Ten minutes later, Diana, Kara and others also joined in the search for Bruce Wayne.

  In the next day, Superman and the others searched the entire earth, but they couldn't find any trace of Bruce Wayne.

   It was as if Bruce just evaporated from the world.

   A day later, the Justice League held an emergency meeting.

   "Superman, I checked all the surveillance cameras in and around Wayne Manor at that time. The people who kidnapped Bruce didn't enter from the outside at all, and they didn't come out from the inside." Steel Bones said to everyone.

   "You mean, the enemy has some kind of ability to teleport through space?" Superman asked.

Steel Bone nodded: "The monitoring data from the watchtower showed that there were strong space energy fluctuations in the Wayne Manor at that time. Combined with the surrounding monitoring, no abnormalities were found. It can almost be concluded that Bruce was captured by an enemy who has the ability to teleport through space. kidnapped."

   When it comes to space teleportation capabilities.

  Everyone first thought of Apocalypse's mother box.

  However, since the death of Darkseid, the slaves of Apocalypse launched a riot, and it is impossible for the slaves on Apocalypse to come and kidnap Bruce Wayne at this time.

   "Could it be the Green Lantern Corps?" Shazam suddenly remembered that the Green Lantern Ring can also open the teleportation channel.

  Without waiting for Green Lantern Hal Jordan to defend, Cyborg denied this statement: "The fluctuation of space energy is not caused by the emotional spectrum. I am currently trying to trace the whereabouts of that space energy."

   Just when everyone is discussing who the kidnapper is and where he kidnapped Bruce.

  Diana poses her question: "Why Bruce? I mean, why are they kidnapping Bruce, are they trying to extort money? Or is there something else?"

  Yes, why kidnap Bruce Wayne?

  Everyone fell into silence.

  If it’s for extortion to extort a sum of money, can’t you just go to the bank vault to withdraw money by yourself with this kind of space jumping technology?

  Why bother to kidnap Bruce Wayne.

   This is also something Diana couldn't figure out.

  Let’s not talk about Diana, even Clark and Kara, who have super brains, can’t explain this problem.


  Bruce Wayne's disappearance was quickly noticed by the keen media.

  In just two days, the news of the kidnapping of Wayne Group Chairman Bruce Wayne completely hit the Internet and became the hottest topic nowadays.

  The police also dispatched a large number of police forces to look for traces of Bruce Wayne everywhere, although many high-level US federal officials know that the police search work is nothing but futile.

  Planet Daily.

  Editor-in-chief Perry White came to the reporter's office with a stack of documents in his hands. When he saw Clark Kent's empty desk, he immediately became furious.

"Where did this hillbilly go again? I asked him to follow up the report last Wednesday. Why hasn't it been handed in to me yet! Louise, contact this hillbilly immediately and let him appear in front of me within half an hour, otherwise he will Then you can **** off."

   "Mr. White, Clark is following clues about Bruce Wayne's kidnapping. He has first-hand information that the police searched Wayne Manor." Louise said as a cover for her boyfriend.

Upon hearing this, the editor-in-chief Perry White's expression was stunned, and his anger immediately turned into joy: "Oh, Clark did a good job, we can let go of last week's report and let him continue to follow up on the case of Bruce Wayne's disappearance Bar."

  Then, the editor inquired about some details of Bruce Wayne's disappearance.

  Louis finally sent the editor-in-chief away. She sat down on the office chair and sighed long.

  Jimmy Olsen leaned over at this time, "Louise, didn't even Clark find Bruce's whereabouts?"

  Jimmy Olsen knows Clark's other identity, which is Superman.

  If it is said that even Superman can't find someone, then that person is probably in danger.

  Louis understood what Jimmy meant, she shrugged and said, "You don't know, the world is getting more and more crazy."

   "Is there any breaking news that I don't know about? Did Clark tell you some secrets?" Jimmy Olsen noticed that there was something in Louise's words, so he asked.

  Louis does know a lot.

  But she didn't know how to tell others, especially after experiencing the Superman of the crime syndicate, breaking into the Daily Planet and almost killing her and Jimmy, Louise even had the idea of ​​keeping Jimmy away from Superman.

   Sometimes when you get too close to Superman, you will inevitably get involved in some very dangerous things.

   "Jimmy, please help me deal with the report in my hand. I'm going to Gotham City." Louise wanted to see if she could help Clark.

Jimmy Olson reluctantly reached out and took the document Louise handed him: "Well, you are really more and more similar to Clark now, hey, don't carry the whole world on yourself. You can come to me for any difficulty, although... I'm just an ordinary person, but I can do anything for you."

  After listening to this, Louise slowly showed a confident smile towards Jimmy Olsen: "I know, thank you, Jimmy."

  Farewell to Jimmy, Louise packed her backpack, turned and walked towards the door, and when she reached the end of the corridor, Louise found a person blocking her way.

  Looking up, Louise couldn't help but exclaimed: "I am here, Bruce? Why are you here? Do you know that the whole world is looking for you?"

The person standing in front of Louise was none other than Bruce Wayne, the super-rich man rumored to be missing in the recent news. Although the person in front of him looked much older than Louise remembered, Louise could 100% For sure, the opponent is Bruce Wayne!

   "My God, where have you been these few days, no, I have to call Clark immediately!"

  Louis was about to call Clark, but Bruce in front of him suddenly stretched out his right hand, grabbed Louise's arm, and said, "Louise, I have to talk to you lightly!"

  The actions of Bruce in front of him obviously frightened Louise.

  However, what really terrified Louise was that Bruce Wayne's right hand had gray skin and was covered with rock-like scales.

   "God! Bruce, what's wrong with your hand... your hand?!"

   "This is the doomsday virus, Louise, you are the key, you will always be the key, only you can make Clark show his true form!"

  Bruce suddenly let out a roar, and then his suit was suddenly torn by bone spurs, and his body suddenly swelled to three meters, turning into the appearance of Doomsday.

Watching Bruce turn into a Doomsday-like monster, Louise screamed in horror, and people in the office came out to check. Jimmy Olson immediately pressed the button when he saw Doomsday grabbing Louise. Get off the Superman pager on the watch.

  (end of this chapter)