MTL - The King-Chapter 392 shipyard

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  Compared to the passionate training base of the Warcraft Legion, the Pharmacist Academy next door is another picture.

   At first glance, Hudson thought he was in the wrong place and ran into the slaughterhouse.

  There are screams of animals everywhere, it is hard to imagine that this is training pharmacists.

   "Master Earl, why are you here?

  The place here is filthy, your status is noble, you want to..."

   Before the old pharmacist finished speaking, Hudson waved his hand and interrupted: "It's okay, I'll come over and take a look.

  Mr. Saboty, what is this training, what is the scene..."

   "Dear Lord Earl, these are apprentices practicing bone setting. For safety's sake, let them experiment on animals first.

  Some unreliable guys, the attack is not serious, and disturbed the Earl, I will punish them..."

  Sa Botai said tremblingly.

   Obviously, the long-term suppression by the Holy See has made pharmacists lose their arrogance.

  Even in a country like the Alpha Kingdom, which does not pay the Holy See, the status of a pharmacist is a lowly profession, and they can only survive in the cracks at the bottom.

   After finally finding a good job, Sha Botai didn't want to lose his job just because he offended the lord.

   "Don't be nervous, you train yours, I just came to see.

   You must know that your master came out of the battlefield, and some small scenes don't matter at all.

  Teach according to your plan, and train me a group of qualified pharmacists as soon as possible. If you have any needs, you can ask the Ministry of Government Affairs, and they will be responsible for making arrangements.

   Go ahead and do your work, I still have to go around! "

   Hudson said helplessly.

  The hierarchical world is so cruel, the slightest expression of emotion by the superior will make the people below tremble with fear.

  If Hudson doesn't explain, maybe many students will suffer unwarranted disasters.

   Judging from the situation at the scene, it is not difficult to understand why the pharmacist is in such a desperate situation.

  The priest only needs a magic spell to restore the wounded immediately, but the pharmacist has to make such a big scene.

  If it’s just like this, it’s not unacceptable since the side effects are smaller than magic spells.

   There is also a "magic pharmacist" competing with them. They are also playing medicine, and their status is completely different if there are two more words.

  Although the effect of magic potion is not as immediate as that of divine magic, it is faster and has better healing effect than ordinary potion.

  Many diseases that cannot be cured by potions can be cured immediately with a pair of magic potions.

  Under this background, nobles naturally valued magic potions with better effects. As for the issue of medical costs, that is not a category that big shots need to consider.

   Without the support of the ruler, and facing the suppression of the Holy See, it is not easy for pharmacists to keep their inheritance, let alone fight for their social status.

   It is precisely because of the hard life of pharmacists that after Hudson issued a recruitment order, he was able to gather teachers in the shortest possible time.

  And the level of all the applicants is not low, and there is no such thing as fake. In the continent of Aslant, the price paid by the common people to deceive the nobles is often the death of their families.

   Hudson has always been tolerant of talents. Even if the social status of a pharmacist is very low, the treatment they get in the mountains is still not bad.

  The effect is also obvious. These pharmacy apprentices who have been studying for a period of time have been able to prepare the simplest potions to treat some common diseases of the people.

  No matter how poor the medical system is, it is better than nothing. Thanks to the efforts of these pharmacists, the mortality rate of infants and young children in the territory has dropped significantly.

  The results have proved that the promotion of pharmacy at the grassroots level is correct, so it is natural to increase investment.

  Hudson's inspection was actually for the territorial bureaucrats to see. Tell them with practical actions that the lord attaches great importance to the training of pharmacists, and the corresponding work must be done well.

  If the development is good, the medical rescue team will also enter the army in the near future.

   From the perspective of efficiency alone, priests are indeed more suitable for the army, but that thing is deadly!

  Many veterans who received the priest's treatment aged very quickly, and had to retire from the battlefield within a few years.

  Magic potions are the most ideal, but the price remains high, and it is not easy to meet the needs of military officers.

   Given the choice, Hudson still doesn't like using soldiers as consumables.

  Even if the troops he commands each time are mostly cannon fodder, he will try to reduce casualties as much as possible.

  Thanks to this philosophy, the casualties in all the wars Hudson participated in were kept at a low level.

  One-third of his title as a famous general was advertised by the orcs, one-third was the admiration among the nobles, and one-third was the fans of the low-level soldiers.

  During the war, he was not as famous as he is now. On the contrary, after the war ended, after a lot of publicity from fans, his "famous general label" became popular among the people.


  Going all the way, looking at the mountains and rivers he had conquered, Hudson couldn't help feeling a surge of pride.

  Starting a business is difficult. Looking back, he himself finds it unbelievable to manage such a large business in just a few years.

  The endless swamp is the place where his dream started, and now it has turned into a large area of ​​fertile land. Maybe it won't be long before the swamp will become history.

  Walking down the canal, Hudson couldn't help smiling as he watched the smoke rising from both sides of the river.

  The canal economy has already started. Although it is still a seedling, the tolls are not enough for the maintenance of the canal. That is a good start.

  Troubled times bring not only "risks", but also "opportunities". Whether we can make further progress in troubled times depends on whether we can overcome the crisis and seize opportunities.

   "My lord, this warship is the first large warship built after the shipyard moved.

  The designed ship is 72 meters long, 17 meters wide, and has a displacement of 2,486 tons. It is planned to be equipped with six magic crystal cannons and a medium-sized magic crossbow...

  The full crew is 923 people, and the whole ship needs to depict 36 magic circles of various types. The normal sailing speed is 15 kilometers per hour, and the maximum speed of driving the magic circle can reach 30 kilometers per hour.

   It is affected by the wind direction, the speed will increase slightly if the wind is downwind, and the speed will decrease accordingly if the wind is headwind..."

   Perhaps because he was worried that Hudson would not understand, Sears tried to use plain language as much as possible, but it was actually useless.

   After a lot of words, Hudson finally remembered that this warship entered the second echelon.

  In Hudson's impression, a large ship, a large number of magic crystal cannons, and a high level of magic circle equal strong combat effectiveness.

  The largest warship currently has a displacement of more than 3,000 tons. The level of the magic circle is unknown, anyway, there are four more magic crystal cannons.

  Of course, in addition to increasing the number of magic crystal cannons, there are also people working **** magic crystal cannons.

   Hudson is not clear about the specific development step.

  Anyway, the magic crystal cannon he needs now is purchased directly from the Ministry of Military Affairs, which can basically represent the most advanced technology of the Alpha Kingdom.

  Independent research and development, no idea yet. The technical content of the magic crystal cannon is too high, and the mountain collar will not be able to touch it in a short time.

  Even if there is a pile of cannon-casting materials in hand, it is only a theoretical basis, and there is still a long way to go from the current advanced level of the mainland.

  Perhaps in the continental war, after some unlucky small countries were shattered, there would be an outflow of talents of this level.

   Until then, don't count on it. As far as Hudson knows, among the great nobles in the Alpha Kingdom, there are only two or three that can independently cast magic crystal cannons.

  Other big families did not do it themselves, not without technical reserves, mainly because of cost.

  Originally, the magic crystal cannon was a niche product. Except for the large aristocrats engaged in overseas trade and living in northern Xinjiang, the needs of most aristocrats were very limited.

  The number of cities in the hands is only so many. All are equipped, and there are only a few dozen doors.

   These big guys don’t need to be replaced every day. Once they are on the city wall, they usually serve for 30 years, and they can be used after two or three hundred years of maintenance.

   With such a small market demand, running to open a production line must be a blood loss.

  If one family can’t do it, then everyone should do it together. Except for a few wealthy and independent aristocrats with high demand, the rest get their goods from the Ministry of Military Affairs.

   For Hudson, this is obviously a good thing. This means that at the start-up stage, you can directly buy the finished product of the magic crystal cannon, without spending a lot of time and investing a huge amount of money in production and research and development.

   "Mr. Sears, when will this warship be ready for service?"

   Hudson asked, pointing to the keel in the dock.

   They were all forced by the war. If it weren’t for the sudden outbreak of the Continental War, Hudson would definitely go step by step now, first building canal merchant ships and pirate ships to accumulate experience, and then slowly getting involved in ocean-going merchant ships and warships.

  Once the Continental War broke out, the original plan could not keep up with the times. In order to meet the actual needs, Hudson must build several merchant ships that can deal with pirates.

   It's not for trade, it's just to protect its own merchant ships and be able to transport a large number of people back from overseas.

  The orc army has made a comeback. Without external support, it is only a matter of time before the Seven Kingdoms of the Grassland fall.

  Hudson has made statistics. In the past two or three years, the population of the major powers successively transported to the prairie has been at least three to four million.

  With so many people, the evacuation will definitely not be completed in a while. The rich and powerful could not protect themselves, let alone their serfs.

  Whether it was accepting refugees in the past, or buying serfs directly from local noble lords, it was a good deal.

  Hudson's requirements are not high, as long as it can receive 10% or 20% of the population, it is enough for the mountains to eat.

  In fact, the countries in the west of the Northern Continent have more populations, but the journey in the middle is too far away, and they have to pass through many countries.

   Not only is it difficult to transport, but it is also prone to various accidents. Even if a large number of refugees are accepted, only a small number of them can travel thousands of miles, or even tens of thousands of miles, to reach the mountain territory safely.

  More refugees either fell on the way, or defected to new masters along the way. But if there is a choice, who would like to walk all the way foolishly?

  If you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about your family. The vast majority of old people and children cannot bear this kind of long-distance trek.

   In comparison, the sea route is more reliable. Although the death rate at sea is also high, it is much lower than that of foot migration.

   "Don't worry, my lord earl, we have already pressed ahead with the construction period, and it is expected that the warship will be launched by the end of next month.

  If the installation of the armaments on the follow-up warship goes smoothly, the arrival time of the magic crystal cannon will not be delayed, and the installation will be completed in about two months.

  The subsequent characterization of the magic circle requires the help of people from the Magic Academy. How long it will take is uncertain.

  The other warships have just completed the keel laying because the construction started later, and the completion time is expected to be a few months later.

  But Lord Earl, you can rest assured that we are doing our best to complete the construction of the warship in the shortest possible time. "

  Mr. Sears pledged immediately.

  While confident, there is also a trace of fear between his brows. The whole shipyard has indeed worked hard, but hard work does not mean that the lord is satisfied.

  Since the military sent people to urge the ship every now and then, Sears knew that the lord took this matter very seriously, lest the progress of shipbuilding would not meet the requirements.


   While meeting the deadline, the quality of the warship must also be guaranteed. The vast sea is full of various uncertainties, and any negligence may cause disaster.

  As for the magic crystal cannon and magic circle, I will personally come forward to coordinate with them, and it will not affect your construction progress.

   Besides these warships, don't forget about the merchant ships that are under construction. No matter how many difficulties there are, these ships must all be put into use within the year! "

   Hudson ordered without a doubt.

  The time limit is indeed tight, but it is not impossible to complete. Before coming, he also did his homework, and roughly figured out the time required to build warships and merchant ships.

   After all, it is just a wooden warship, the power is mainly driven by manpower, and the technical content in the process of building the hull is not that high.

   What really has technical content is the magic crystal cannon that needs to be installed in the later stage, and the magic circle that must be arranged by magicians.

  Most of the cost of shipbuilding is also spent on the two later stages. Just building a few ships, in fact, it really doesn't cost much.

   "Lord Earl, please rest assured, our shipyard will definitely complete the task on time!"

   Sears immediately promised.


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