MTL - The Hunter’s Lucky Little Lady-Chapter 778 Meng Yan's news

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"How could such a thing happen?" Li Xiaoran's heart was suspended.

"Guess what the outcome of the matter is?" Duan Sha sold out at this critical juncture.

"Meng Yan and Ma Chongshan are definitely still together! Based on what I know about Meng Yan and your mysterious appearance, I guess these two must have resisted the decree!" Li Xiaoran thought about it and said this.

"You are really Meng Yan's friend, you know her temper so well! That's right, Ma Chongshan resisted the decree and went straight to Meng Yan to run away! As a result, Meng Yan said that they were all right, they had a marriage contract first, so The two went directly to the palace with the imperial decree, and then went directly to the face of the saint! The emperor was furious, the palace was cleaned up, and even some officials above the court were liquidated." Duan Sha said with a smile. .

"What about the county master?" Li Xiaoran asked the key point.

"That county lord was naturally deprived of the title of the county lord, and then was forcibly sent by the emperor to the royal temple to pray for the emperor! After all, this county lord, in the name of the emperor, went to **** other people's husbands. So, She should be punished!" Duan Sha said with a smile: "Don't underestimate the royal temple, it's really a good place to clean up! It's a vegetarian for three meals and a stable work and rest, which makes people less interested! "

Luo Cheng remembered something when he heard Duan Sha's words.

"Qingquan Temple you said?"

Duan Sha nodded: "Yes, it is Qingquan Temple!"

"If it was that place, the county master would be suffering! It seems that the emperor was really annoyed by this incident!" Luo Cheng said.

"Qingquan Temple? What kind of place is that?" Li Xiaoran asked curiously.

"Qingquan Temple is a place specially built by our royal family to punish the clansmen. The rules of Qingquan Temple are very strict, and it is stipulated every day when to get up, when to go to sleep, and when to eat. If you are a coolie, you have to farm the land to support yourself! In the temple, no matter what your status is, you will not have any preferential treatment, you will only do the same work. If the arranged work is not completed, then you can only starve , being punished, beaten, etc.!" Luo Cheng explained.

"Xianggong, why are you so clear? Have you ever been sent in?" Li Xiaoran felt a bad feeling in his heart when he heard this.

"I went in before, but I was not sent in by others, but sneaked in by myself! At that time, my royal brothers came to trouble me all day long, and I was annoying, so I hid in Qingquan Temple. What I said just now, I saw it with my own eyes!" Luo Cheng said: "It can make the father so angry that he will send people to Qingquan Temple. It seems that this county owner really touched the father. The bottom line!"

"No, you didn't ask me, who is this county owner!" Duan Sha suddenly came out with such a sentence.

When Luo Cheng heard Duan Sha's words, he looked at Duan Kaiyuan again and remembered something.

"Daughter of King Fu, Princess Linxi?"

"That's right, it's her!" Duan Kaiyuan nodded, confirming Luo Cheng's guess.

As soon as it was said that it was the daughter of King Fu, Luo Cheng understood what was going on.

You must know that King Fu and the Emperor are brothers, so it's no wonder that Linxi County Lord has taken a fancy to a man and dared to use tough means to **** it!

"Then what happened to Meng Yan and Ma Chongshan?" Li Xiaoran didn't care about the county master, and now wanted to know the situation of his friends.

"Princess, don't worry! When something like this happens, Meng Yan and Ma Chongshan are naturally fine. King Fu naturally took the two people to the bone and sent someone to assassinate Meng Yan and Ma Chongshan, but they were already prepared. King Fu didn't succeed at all. Later, the emperor directly ordered the King Fu to return to the fief, and King Fu had no choice but to leave in despair!" Duan Sha said the final result.

"My uncle, I still know very well! Don't look at his simple and honest appearance, in fact, he will report it. Madam, you should fix a book in a while and ask someone to send it to Miss Meng! Remind her, Don't let your guard down! My uncle is a patient poisonous snake! There is no way to deal with them at the moment, but it doesn't mean he won't do anything to them in the future! After the King of Fortune is gone, they have to be more careful. !" Luo Cheng reminded.

Li Xiaoran nodded, wrote down Luo Cheng's words, and planned to write a letter to remind Meng Yan after lunch.

Here, the roast duck in the house smells delicious again.

In addition, Li Xiaoran has to deal with the things in the kitchen.

Today, I originally planned to make sweet-skin duck and flat duck, but there are guests today, so Li Xiaoran can't leave Duan Sha aside and run to make food by himself, right?

Therefore, Li Xiaoran could only let Shu Ruyue accompany him and ran to marinate the duck himself. He planned to make all roast duck today, and then make sweet-skinned duck and flat duck when he is free tomorrow.

Others have no opinion. After all, yesterday's roast duck tasted very good, they didn't even have a few bites.

There are so many ducks today, and it's time to eat roast duck open.

At noon, some spicy gravy and roast duck were brought up. Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng set up a table alone to entertain Duan Kaiyuan and Duan Sha brothers and sisters.

The first time they tried spicy marinade, Duan Sha and Duan Kaiyuan were so hot that they choked to tears.

Later, the roast duck was relieved, but the brothers and sisters felt that the taste of the spicy marinade was very good after eating.

"Princess, will these things be opened in the food street in the future?" Duan Sha remembered something and asked.

"Open, of course it is open! If you want to eat it in the future, you can buy it directly at the food street!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.

Such delicious food cannot be enjoyed alone!

Li Xiaoran had long planned to open a shop on the food street to sell.

Of course, all of this must be built on the basis of the workshop, otherwise everything is just a fantasy.

Duan Sha got Li Xiaoran's preparation and was happy now.

To be honest, the food she ate today made her appetite.

When I was in the capital before, although I ate a lot of delicious food, I always felt that something was missing.

After eating this kind of spicy stewed vegetables today, Duan Sha realized that she may be born to eat spicy food.

She didn't taste spicy before, so she felt that something was missing, but now she finally found the taste she liked.

Duan Kaiyuan also likes to eat these two things, thinking that if he can in the future, while the things are not easy to spoil in the big winter, he asks people to take some to the capital and give the family a taste.

But what Duan Kaiyuan didn't expect was that when winter came, his family would have eaten these things without him asking someone to bring them back.

Because Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng actually opened a chain store and sold these food directly to the capital!