MTL - The Head of My Family is Number One In the World-Chapter 361 A meteor falls from the sky, and the scattered immortals fall to the ground!

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   Chapter 361 Meteor falls from the sky, scattered immortals land!

  When he saw Long Quanzi, one of the five primordial spirit giants in Shenzhou, he actually condescended and saluted Chen Sha, Daoyishan, and his attitude was extremely low.

   At this moment, the minds of everyone present shocked.

  The air was almost frozen.

  Hundreds of thousands of practitioners, including Lin Daoshi and Peng Rilang, stepped on the flying sword, and their eyes were about to fall out.

  Lin Daoist's expression changed from self-righteous smugness to a superposition of emotions such as panic and shock in an instant. Seeing Chen Sha holding his hands and accepting Long Quanzi's visit, he roared in his heart:

   "It's impossible, how could there be such a ridiculous thing, Chen Sha, Chen Sha... How could you have such an incredible position in five or six years, that's the real Yuanshen!"

  One of the only five remaining giants of Yuanshen in China.

On the other hand, Peng Rilang was more rational than Lin Daoist. He heard a sentence in the conversation between Chen Sha and Longquanzi, and it seemed that he mentioned the headmaster of Longquanzi and the Yuanying Daoist in the north. Teaching Wu Chongxu, what did he avoid...

Peng Rilang suddenly thought of it in his heart: "Long Quanzi and Wu Chongxu both survived the war on the other side a few years ago, and this Chen Sha actually knows clearly, could it be... he is the cause of my tenth in China Eight primordial spirits came out, and only two of the culprits and culprits returned?"

  Thinking of this, under the sunny day, Peng Rilang actually seemed to be in the middle of winter. His whole body was shaking, trembling, and the cold air kept rising from his spine to his brain.

   He was frightened by his own conjecture.

   If so.

   Then this Chen Sha is the world's largest demon who has wiped out the sixteen primordial spirits of Shenzhou!

   It is no wonder that the things that are only given to the younger generation are things that are rarely seen by the true disciples of Shenxiao Dao and Fangxian Dao.

   I have to say that Peng Rilang really guessed half of it.

   After turning these guesses in his mind, he was so horrified that he couldn't help but his body softened and knelt in midair,

   But no one noticed him at all at this time.

  Especially the real person of Youlongguan, Tianshui, who was the closest to Chen Sha and was held by Tuoba Fei at his waist. His eyes were black, mainly because he heard two words in the words of Longquanzi at close range:


   The headmaster actually calls the Taoist priests in this small place immortals!

   Then there is only one possibility.

   He is a fairy!

  What is the primordial spirit giant? After all, it is still the mortal and the immortal. In the true sense, it is an existence on the same level as heaven and earth!

   Longquanzi, who was being questioned, had a wry smile on his face.

   He looked a little embarrassed.

   After all, in front of so many people, especially people from his own line of Taoism, he was really embarrassed to say how he escaped under Lu Chen's search, and that behavior was indeed a bit embarrassing.

  Chen Sha also saw Long Quanzi's embarrassment, guessed a little bit, and smiled lightly: "If you don't want to say it, forget it."

  Long Quanzi smiled gratefully: "Thank you Chen Xianren for not caring."

  Chen Sha looked at Zhou Qing who was walking slowly on the dragon boat, and said, "I didn't let you and Tuoba fly to spread a word, but I brought people to Dao Yishan anyway."

   Zhou Qing looked at the real Tianshui held by Tuoba Fei's waist, smiled relievedly, and explained to Chen Sha: "You are..."

   He wanted to say that Chen Sha's identity is precious after all.

   Chen Sha waved his hand and didn't care anymore.

  It was Long Quanzi who took the initiative and said, "I also ask Xianren Chen not to blame this little brother. It was Pindao who heard that the immortal came to Shenzhou from overseas and took the initiative to come to see him."

  Chen Sha smiled and said, "I am a native of this country, so why did you come from overseas?"

  Long Quanzi was surprised.

   He turned his head to look at the others, and found that they were all confused.

   In Longquanzi's concept, Chen Sha's identity should be Hua Ye, the third highness of the Central Land, but now he is almost the Holy Emperor of the Central Land, and he has stepped into the unprecedented realm of martial arts immortals.

   How can such a person be a native of China?

   "Dare to ask which immortal person is from Shenzhou?" Longquanzi asked strangely.

  Chen Sha smiled.

  Wei Dashan had already seen everything clearly at this time, and he recovered from the shocking emotions at the beginning.

And Zhang Yingqi and Cao Liang beside him were also confused and felt a bit like a dream. Only then did he realize that his junior brother was still the number one master in the world, so that the five great primordial spirit giants in the world really had to come to see him. The strongest in the world!

   At this time, I just heard Wei Dashan take the initiative to explain with a smile: "The head of my family is a person from this era, not any cultivator in ancient times."

"this era?"

  Long Quanzi didn't react at first. After half a breath, his eyes widened slightly and he looked at Chen Sha in shock:

   "This era, the tenth robbery... Are you a contemporary monk?"

   "Yes." Chen Sha responded naturally: "According to your calculation, Pindao is indeed a person from the tenth robbery today."

   Now it was Longquanzi's turn to be shocked beyond words.

Since   Three Tribulations, the first existence of Martial Dao transforming into immortals on the land of Shenzhou was born in the present world many years after them.

   It took only a few years for the world to recover.

   It takes about ten years before and after.

   Ten years of martial arts and immortals?

   This is such a great opportunity and talent to be able to accomplish within ten years what many cultivators have failed to achieve for thousands of years.

   is the background of today's recovery, the era of loose immortals has come, but these old monsters, but they have not had time to turn their primordial spirits into scattered immortals and go to tribulation...

   After the shock.

  Long Quanzi's eyes filled with admiration:

"It's true that there is no learning, and the master is the first, the head of Chen is now the first fairyland in China, although he is many years younger than the poor and other, but the realm is difficult for the old man to look up to, so... if the head of Chen Yes, Pindao has an unkind request."

  Chen Sha put his hands behind his back and said, "A merciless request?"

Long Quanzi said: "Now that the era of scattered immortals is coming, there are only five primordial spirits in Shenzhou, which is really embarrassing. If you don't know that before the head of Chen, the five of us led Shenzhou, you can be forgiven. Since we have to see the immortal face this time, naturally The head of Chen should be responsible for leading all the practitioners in China."

   "Leading China, forget it..." Chen Sha shook his head.

  Long Quanzi said: "If the head of Chen thinks that the other four primordial spirits have different opinions, Pindao is willing to explain the situation to them."

   He knew in his heart that all this need not be explained at all. If Wu Chongxu, who divided the north and south with him, knew that this person had returned to China, I am afraid that the first thought would be to be the same as himself, and bow his head.

   This can't blame the two of them for being unpromising.

   It is true that so far in this world, the only ones who have lived to witness what happened in that side of the world seem to be the only two of them and the eldest prince of the Yinyue Dynasty.

   They saw how Lu Chen used his own power to crush the world's martial arts and primordial spirits, and at that time, the despair was infiltrated into everyone's hearts.

For Lu Chen, who had already become an immortal body, they were all desperate at the time, but they didn't expect that Chen Sha would become the second immortal after Lu Chen, and defeat Lu Chen not to mention, even the immortal who was behind the immortal world. suppressed.

   This level of strength is the lower realm of the nine scattered immortals on the nine immortal stars at present, I am afraid that is nothing more than that.

   So surrendering to Chen Sha is the most correct way.

Unexpectedly, Chen Sha shook his head again at this invitation, turned to look at his own mountain gate, and said, "If I really have the heart to lead Shenzhou, I wouldn't be afraid of any disagreement among your primordial spirits. It's just that I don't have this mind right now. Whether you are five-pointed in the world or leading the Taoist sect, I don't want to interfere. Let Zhou Qing and Tuobafei bring you here. It's nothing more than some of your rules and orders. It has disturbed my purity, I have informed you this time, and remember not to disturb us in the future, it is enough."

   To lead Shenzhou, if the former Chen Sha, the mountain gate is still there, and the disciples are like clouds, then that is indeed his original dream, but now...

   disciples, disciples, brothers and sisters...

   Everyone in Daoyishan was forced to send him to the immortal world for reincarnation.

  Without Daoyizong, what's the point of pursuing that great fame now?

   His only purpose now, but only after waiting for a hundred years, the altar can resume the ceremony of ascending the immortal again, go to the immortal world, and reunite with his disciples.

  Long Quanzi was surprised by Chen Sha's answer.

He didn't expect Chen Sha to be so indifferent to fame and fortune. Although he privately invited Chen Sha to come forward to lead China, he also had his own thoughts, that is, he could rely on Chen Sha's existence in the Immortal Realm, and then go to the Immortal Star. After transcending the tribulation and turning into a scattered immortal, there will be a lot of me, but unexpectedly...

   "Master Chen really doesn't want to..." Long Quanzi was still a little unwilling: "Now that the scattered immortals on the nine stars have awakened, we urgently need an existence like you on the land of Shenzhou."

  Chen Sha was about to say something.


   He looked up with a feeling: "Huh?"


  Long Quanzi also asked subconsciously, and then turned his head to look along Chen Sha's line of sight, only to see the sky in the sky, at this moment, between the blue sky and the white sun, there were actually two dazzling stars, whizzing down from the atmosphere:

   "That is, Meteor?"

  Long Quanzi's complexion changed.

At the same time that Chen Sha and Long Quanzi noticed the two rays of light hitting the earth like comets, the trillions of people and tens of thousands of monks in the entire Shenzhou land were also in different places, looking up. to this scene.

   Road on a mountain.

  Long Quanzi turned to look at Chen Sha after seeing the two meteors, looking like he was looking for confirmation:

   "Master Chen, those two meteors, if I read correctly, there should be two of them..."

   "Not two people, but two loose immortals."

  Chen Sha calmly looked at the direction in which the two meteors fell to the ground, and said, "That's two loose immortals from the nine stars above our heads, and they came to Shenzhou."

   Just after Chen Sha said this.


   Two meteors smashed into a state and county on the land of Shenzhou. In an instant, the people in any part of the land of Shenzhou felt an astonishing sensation on the ground.

   The entire Shenzhou shook violently!

   (end of this chapter)