MTL - The Growth of the Richest Man-Chapter 164 Entertainment

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As a person who is used to bankruptcy, it doesn't matter if you go bankrupt again. Although Trump has been involved in many industries, he is essentially a real estate developer, but he often likes to cross the border to play tickets. As long as it's not his real estate company that goes bankrupt, he doesn't care about the bankruptcy of those branches. Even, even if it is his real estate project, he does not have too deep feelings. When he needs it, he will sell it if he wants. Grandpa's house, the ancestral home where their family made their fortune, was sold for a little over $1 million! This house was not only the birthplace of his family, but also the first office space of Trump Real Estate. Just like that, it was sold at a very low price, and the reason why he did this was because he opened a hotel at the time. There are some problems in the capital chain of the project.

When Trump was rich, he bought the Manhattan Bank Building in the most prosperous part of Wall Street, changed the name to Trump Building, named it after himself, and then spent 200 million US dollars for a beautiful decoration. When he had no money, five years ago, Trump offered another $300 million to sell the Trump Tower, but unfortunately, the economic conditions at that time were not good, and his offer was not accepted by the then The buyer accepted, so the sale did not close.

Now, Trump is out of money again! Zhang Yong was thinking, do you want to buy the Trump Tower? Take a robbery and rename it "Zhang Yong Building" or something?

But this approach cannot be established. Trump Tower is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places and cannot be sold to foreigners as a historical and cultural site. In addition, as a national historical place and a famous tourist attraction, the price of buying here will definitely not be low. At that time, Trump only offered 300 million yuan. Now, the housing prices in the whole city have risen sharply. The price of such a historical and cultural monument is not expected to be much lower. At this time, Zhang Yong felt that he was still too poor.

If Zhang Yong does not intervene, it is estimated that Mr. Trump will declare the bankruptcy of Trump Entertainment Company and Atlantic City Casino in accordance with the historical trend, and then start the bankruptcy and reorganization of the well-known way again - completely sell Trump Entertainment Company to creditors, It then relinquished power over Atlantic City's casinos, giving bond investors control of the company, wiping out nearly $1 billion in debt.

Zhang Yong has just arrived here. So far, he only has three companies: TF, Riot, and Uber. Among them, one is engaged in cosmetics and fashion, the other is engaged in online games, and the other is in the field of Internet car travel. None of the three companies has been involved in the situation of the two companies that Mr. Trump is about to go bankrupt. Maybe Zhang Yong can sell the companies?

As an authentic Chinese, the education received is that the casino is wrong, so Zhang Yong will not consider accepting Trump's casino. Casinos are indeed not very auspicious. Uncle Trump's six bankruptcy, four of them, are more or less related to the opening of casinos. Long-term gambling is bound to lose, not only for gamblers, but even for casino dealers like Trump, long-term gambling must be lost, because the daily maintenance expenses of the casino are too great.

Therefore, the only project that Zhang Yong can buy is Trump Entertainment Company, which is owned by Mr. Trump.

Witnessed by everyone, Trump Entertainment was transferred from Trump's hands to Zhang Yong's hands at a price of $235 million. Why this price? Originally, Trump wanted to bid $250 million, but Zhang Yong, a newcomer, really had no money. There was only so much money he could use at the moment.

Completely inheriting all the assets and debts of Trump Entertainment Company, and even a small newspaper under Trump Entertainment Company that can only sell several thousand copies per issue, this entertainment company belongs to Zhang Yong. However, there is also good news, because this entertainment company has borrowed money from the Hollywood Film Union many times in recent times, and its biggest creditor is of course the most powerful man in Hollywood - Bruckheimer, and Bruckheimer happens to have a relationship with Zhang Yong. So, when Zhang Yong said he wanted to buy Trump Entertainment, Bruckheimer naturally believed that Zhang Yong wanted to buy Trump Entertainment in order to fulfill his promise with Zhang Yong. Originally, Bruckheimer thought that Zhang Yong would have to wait at least a while before he was ready to start filming. Yep, an elated Bruckheimer is already starting to fantasize about the box office hits his forthcoming "Guinea Pigs" will be able to pull off. In return, Bruckheimer decided that Zhang Yong's debt to Trump Entertainment Company, his part, can be It will also try its best to persuade other creditors of the Hollywood Film Union to suspend the payment to Trump Entertainment Company. debt recovery. According to Bruckheimer's appeal, his promise is basically equivalent to Zhang Yong's short-term need not to worry about repaying Trump's debt for the time being.

However, in the future, Trump Entertainment will no longer exist, and he will be renamed TOMFORD Entertainment. Anyway, Tom Ford likes to make movies so much that the boss even went to direct the movie when he came, so he just sold him a favor and named this entertainment company, which is about to become famous in Hollywood, after him.

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As Zhang Yong's first stop in the United States, he was able to meet so many people and achieve so many results, which made Zhang Yong very happy. These people present today, in addition to assistants, translators, bodyguards, etc., they 6 people, whoever stomps their feet, is a big deal in the financial world.

Zhang Yong, Buffett, and Soros will march into the upcoming big bull market together, and the first thing that will make a sensation in the United States is the acquisition of General Motors, although Zhang Yong will be an insignificant supporting role in this event. .

Timothy Sloan, as a banker, can't provide much loan support for Zhang Yong, but at least he can help Zhang Yong with the money that TOMFORD Entertainment owes them, although the interest is to be paid. .

Bruckheimer can provide a good help for Zhang Yong to enter Hollywood again.

Although the cooperation between Jobs and Zhang Yong is not in-depth, at least their agreement will prevent the battle between the two mobile phone companies from fighting for the time being. In addition, a week later, Jobs will hold the Global Apple Developer Conference, and Jobs personally invited Zhang Yong to attend.

Trump? Not very reliable, but maybe it will be useful in the future!