MTL - The Growth of the Richest Man-Chapter 114 Everyone raises

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Although Zhang Yong's charitable expenses every month may be hundreds of millions, but after all, there are still too many people who need help, so Zhang Yong's personal donations cannot cover all those who need donations. Therefore, those who do not receive donations often feel resentful. Therefore, although Zhang Yong has done the best work in the country, it is thankless. It seems that there are more and more people uploading his slang on the Internet.

The team specially arranged by Zhang Yong will conduct the fundraising review. If those who seek help are not satisfied, why not hand over the power of this trial to all netizens? If you have limited power by yourself, why not mobilize all netizens to donate together? Zhang Yong thought.

As a result, Zhang Yong thought that he could take advantage of the large number of registered members of his "Renren" and "Renrentong" to mobilize everyone to donate together. As long as someone raises donations on the Renren platform, Penny's team only conducts a formal review of the donation application to determine whether the materials are complete and whether there is fraudulent donations. As long as the information is true and valid, then it can be passed regardless of it Whether the demand is reasonable enough.

It is up to netizens to decide whether it is reasonable or not. If netizens feel that the fundraiser really has urgent needs, then netizens will naturally donate more, so that those who really need help get more love; The needs of fundraisers are not very strong, so netizens have sharp eyes, and naturally they will not give huge donations to these people.

The point is, because of the current situation, Zhang Yong only provides a platform and a channel, and it is no longer for Zhang Yong to decide who to donate and how much to donate. Therefore, the focus of contradictions will no longer be focused on Zhang Yong's body. Moreover, for those asking for help posted on the Internet, netizens can donate money, which is always better than Zhang Yong's donation alone, which can make the fundraising audience larger. And Zhang Yong doesn't need to make a fixed donation because of moral kidnapping. How much to donate now and to whom, Zhang Yong is just a donor, and he can decide for himself.

It is up to netizens to decide whether to donate more or less; it is also up to netizens to decide who to donate and not to whom!

Originally, it was up to Zhang Yong to decide who to donate and how much to donate. Well-meaning people around the seeker who wanted to help, at most they could only help the seeker to polish their post, so that the post of the seeker could be more likely was approved. But now, after Zhang Yong only conducts a formal review, how much love the seeker can get, although it is still related to the touching degree of the help post, but also has a great relationship with the widespread awareness of the help post.

Therefore, good-hearted people around the seeker can often help the seeker get more help by forwarding the seeker's help post and channel for help. This small act made these caring people feel the happiness of dedicating love, but on the other hand, it also further increased the number of registered accounts of Renren, because these caring people took the initiative to put Renren on the Internet. All kinds of help links are spread on the Internet, and many caring people have registered donation accounts on in order to dedicate their love.

Of course, Zhang Yong will continue to give his love. He can push the top of the fundraising channel for the needs he feels are more urgent, or he can directly make donations through his own account.

Therefore, the new love model now has both love components, interactive components and social components. Zhang Yong's pressure has been reduced a lot, and the scope of giving love has expanded a lot.

Zhang Yong wanted to use the name of his previous life, "Easy Fundraising", but he thought about it carefully and decided to call this model "Renren Funding". After all, this The fundraising platform still has to hang in the big family of Renren.

Wang Xing is naturally very excited about the addition of another product under As a professional businessman, he suggested to Zhang Yong that "Renrenchou" can charge 1% to 1.5% when withdrawing money, which can bring a very good profit growth point for Renren. However, Zhang Yong felt that the original intention of this platform to help people cannot be changed. These money are the life-saving money for those recipients. If the geese go overboard and deduct the hard-earned money of those recipients, Zhang Yong is also a little too embarrassed. Therefore, Zhang Yong's withdrawal of Renrenchou, A decision was made not to charge a fee.

And this decision, also prepared to copy Zhang Yong's Ma Yun, Ma Huateng and others, was a little timid and did not dare to move forward. They plagiarized a donation channel, not only for advertising effects, but also for making money. If there is no money to make, how can he let them play! In Ma Huateng, his money was 10 billion, and Ma Yun, his money was less than 5 billion, although compared with ordinary people, it seems that they are very rich, But compared with Zhang Yong, they are still "poor"! Let them play like this and play for a while, and it is estimated that they will go bankrupt.

Therefore, in the case of almost no competition, "RenrenChou" almost monopolized the market of online crowdfunding, bringing great popularity to "Renren" and "Renrentong", and there was a vague sense of "Renrentong" wants to catch up with the trend of Tencent Penguin chat software.

But the creativity of the common people is also infinitely high. After the "RenrenChou" crowdfunding for medical treatment and gradually became known, this platform was discovered by some sharp-minded people who could use the "RenrenChou" channel to crowdfund to buy mobile phones, crowdfunding tourism and the like.

According to the original regulations on fundraising request review, formal review, as long as the materials are complete, as long as there is no fraudulent donation, as long as the crowdfunder’s information is true and valid, then it can be passed, regardless of whether its needs are reasonable or not. Therefore, these crowdfunding requests do not violate their "everyone fundraising" clause! Unable to decide, Penny made a careful report on these new situations to Zhang Yong for instructions.

To be a charity, how could it turn out like this? Zhang Yong was also a little stunned. Forget it, pass it, anyway, as long as it is true, let him pass it. This kind of request for help, as long as those netizens are really willing to donate, it is also the ability of the helper, and Zhang Yong doesn't care. However, for this type of crowdfunding, if it is free when withdrawing cash, it is too unreasonable, so Zhang Yong has additional regulations, when consuming crowdfunding, when withdrawing cash, a 5% handling fee will be deducted! - Then, this fee will become a charitable fund, which will be donated randomly to those who are crowdfunding medical care.
