MTL - The Growth of the Richest Man-Chapter 111 Zhang Yong's worth?

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Finally, it is also Zhang Yong's representative product in the field of Internet finance - "Renren Fund". The balance of the balance has reached more than 90 billion in late October, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the establishment of Renren Fund. 100 billion. Although Zhang Yong has already started some purchase restrictions when the fund amount reaches 50 billion, for example, he can only subscribe for a maximum of 1 billion in one trading day; in recent months, Zhang Yong has even begun to redeem the most funds that cannot be purchased. Strong purchase restrictions.

Although the fund has been subject to strict purchase restrictions, the money that already exists in Zhang Yong's "Renren Fund" is very few willing to redeem, because as long as the "Renren Fund" can be bought, it basically means that As long as you regularly check the growth of the money in your fund account, you can. Zhang Yong's vision for the direction of financial management has amazed those so-called financial masters, so even if there is no fund purchase, the balance of Zhang Yong's Renren Fund has increased due to the natural growth of fund shares. reached nearly 100 billion.

The stock market cannot go bear forever, nor can it go bull forever. Zhang Yong remembered that by the time of this event, the stock market should almost have a bear-bull conversion. The domestic A-share market is a powerful doubling and rapid rebound, while the US stock market will be the starting point of a magnificent ten-year bull market. Now that the good times have returned, Zhang Yong also decided to reopen the subscription channel for Renren Fund, with a limit of 2 billion subscriptions per trading day.

Although preparations have been made for a large number of oversubscriptions, what Zhang Yong did not expect was that on the first day Zhang Yong opened the subscription of Renren Fund, the Renren Fund had reached more than 40 billion yuan. Only 5% of the people who subscribed on the same day were able to succeed, while the others had to queue up for fund subscription. The latest person may not be able to subscribe successfully until nearly a month later. Of course, the large purchase on the first day, on the one hand, was the almost superstitious trust of investors in Zhang Yong;

Of course, Zhang Yong will not take advantage of the interest of these subscription funds during the queue period. During the queue period, these subscription funds can still enjoy the basic income of the "Yue Bao" currency fund.

The re-opening of the subscription for Renren Fund has brought a new vitality to the domestic securities market that Gu Jing is not surprised by. Zhang Yong also did not expect that the sign of the bear market bottom turned out to be the reopening of the subscription of Zhang Yong's Renren Fund. An open subscription made many netizens think that Renren Fund was going to buy the bottom. Therefore, on the first day when Renren Fund opened for subscription, there was a gap in the Shanghai Composite Index, and then it opened higher and walked higher. As of the close, it has soared by more than 5 points, which is the decadent and lifeless market atmosphere of a bear market.

However, at the end of October every year, there is another major event in the financial world that will attract the attention of economists and netizens across the country, which is the release of the Forbes China Rich List.

Before the release of the Forbes China Rich List, the domestic estimate of Zhang Yong's worth, the country's top benefactor, has already entered the stage of great concern. Many media reporters and social figures have released their own personal channels through their own channels. Estimates of wealth.

What attracts more attention is the evaluation of Zhang Yong's worth by The Beijing News, which is also the most widely circulated on the Internet and is most trusted by netizens:

"Yongchang Film and Television Co., Ltd. is valued at 3 billion yuan. Yongchang Film and Television Co., Ltd. owns a large number of famous artists and many well-known film and TV drama IPs. The holy land and the weekend travel holy place for many people in Beijing, Kublai Khan Film and Television City, the valuation may be close to 2 billion, so the estimate of Yongchang Film and Television Company's 3 billion should be at least not much."

"Hammer Technology Co., Ltd. is valued at 14 billion yuan. The main product of Hammer Technology Company, the hammer mobile phone, is expected to sell more than 10 million units per year. According to the latest average selling price of 2,000 yuan per unit, the sales are estimated at 20 billion yuan. For more than RMB 10 billion, the profit may be around 10 billion yuan, so the valuation of 14 billion yuan for Hammer Technology is also very conservative. In addition, Hammer Technology also has a brother company, Meditation Technology, although the valuation may not be very high , but it is also very valuable to have a large number of cutting-edge technology products and technology patents.”

"Renren Technology Co., Ltd. is estimated to be 7 billion. Renren Technology Co., Ltd.'s 'Renren' and 'School Network' have the largest traffic in the domestic blog industry, and the value generated is difficult to estimate. Its 'Renren' products are used in mobile phones. It is in a leading position in the market, and together with the Tengxun circle on the computer terminal constitutes 'Nantengxun, Beirenren', and its 'Renren Fund', 'Renren Loan', 'Renren Fund', 'Renren Loan', Three wealth management products such as Yu'e Bao', and Renren Mall, which specializes in online sales, constitute a complete Internet financial ecosystem. According to the profitability of Renren Technology, the valuation of 7 billion should be relatively accurate."

"In addition, according to some previous media reports, Zhang Yong himself, or through his 'Yongchang Investment Company', Zhang Yong also held shares or controlled companies such as Panda TV, Yongchang Service Company,, Yongchang Dairy, etc. But because these companies are still young, the value is still difficult to estimate.”

"According to public information, Zhang Yong holds 100% of Yongchang Film and Television Company, 90% of Hammer Technology Company, and 80% of Renren Technology Company. Absolute holding. Therefore, if the value of incalculable companies such as Panda TV, Yongchang Service Company,, and Yongchang Dairy is not included, Zhang Yong’s total worth is estimated to be around 21.2 billion yuan!”

The Beijing News' assessment of Zhang Yong's worth is very popular on the Internet, and some people have reposted this assessment on everyone's blog. Zhang Yong was also shocked when he looked at other people's assessments of his worth. Does he really have so much money? But after all, valuation is just a valuation, not a sum of money that really goes into his pocket, so Zhang Yong just looked at these data, and didn't take it seriously.

Moreover, in fact, these data seem to be very reasonable and authoritative, but after all, only domestic statistics are counted, but foreign statistics are not included. The market value and brand value of TOMFORD companies in foreign countries are no better than Yongchang. Small film company.