MTL - The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship-Chapter 453

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She also remembered, her sister, and her brother-in-law~

"The nightmares that haunt this kingdom are all over..."


[Thanks to the boss of 'Ever Night Silent' for another five-eighth-eight reward! I'm really sorry for the late update. I've been busy for the past two days. I'm sure it will be the fourth update today, please rest assured! ].

445 Chaos relationship! Link's killing intent against a stinky brat!

King's Heights.

"It seems that Luffy and the others have also successfully dealt with the sugar..."

Link's knowledge swept the entire island, and he already knew the general situation.

"Then Dressrosa, basically all the problems have been solved."

As for the noise, anger, puzzlement, and collapse from all corners of the island...

Well, among the group of people who were originally turned into toys by sugar, there are quite a few people who originally had their own families.

Has his own wife and husband.

As a result, after he was turned into a toy, the memory of his own existence was erased.

Their original lovers, lovers, after forgetting them, turned around and threw themselves into the arms of others.

The result is now~

It's fine if you're in a romantic relationship, or in a romantic relationship.

But some people are already married to other people, and even have children...

What's more, such as men A and women B, they have their own objects.

But man A and woman B, both of them have been turned into toys by sugar.

And their respective lovers have all forgotten them.

And it just so happened that the lovers of man A and woman B came together and formed a new family.

So, when men A and women B all return to their original state, the memories about them are also recovered one after another~~~

The mess that came out was really not small.

In this way, the entire island and town, inevitably, were all made a mess of porridge.

Anger, shouting, howling, mourning, grief, disbelief...

All rise in the corners of 25 within this kingdom.

No matter where you are, there will be a big emotional drama of a multi-person love triangle.

And the customs here in Dressrosa are very similar to its name, [Island of Love and Passion].

The people here are too obsessed with love, which has created a strong jealousy among women.

As long as she is betrayed by a man, she will commit terrorist acts of assassinating the other party. The more beautiful a woman is, the more vicious she is.

Therefore, once an emotional dispute occurs, and even a physical conflict for this reason is a common thing.

It is also because of this that chaos will gradually arise on the island.

But all of this has nothing to do with Link.

At that time, these citizens would rather choose to believe in the vicious Don Quixote family pirates on the sea, rather than continue to trust the Liku family who have been in power for decades, treat them leniently, and have a benevolent family...

After all, I have to bear the consequences of bringing wolves into the house by myself~~~

Ignoring the turmoil below, Link turned to look at that corner, the boat that smashed Buffalo and baby5 down, and~~~

The figure on the boat.

"Sure enough, it's Kinemon..."

Link looked at the man who fell to the ground with a big bag on his head, and couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

"It stands to reason that Kinemon and the others should come to this time and space two years later."

"Mrs. Shi's fruitful ability is to send them twenty years later, not eighteen years later."

"Is there something else in the middle that I don't know about?"

"But it doesn't matter. Anyway, with the strength of our Straw Hat Pirates, it is not too much stronger than the original version."

"Even now, he is completely fearless against hundreds of Beast Pirates."

"So it's not something we're worried about, but the point here is..."

Link's eyes slowly stared at the figure of Kinemon, where he stared:

"Kinemon has been teleported to this era, so there is no doubt..."

"That **** stinky brat came here too!!"

At this moment, Link's eyes were extremely calm.

But all over his body, the strong killing intent gradually spread out.


The Straw Hat Pirates who had just finished their warm-up and defeated the members of the Don Quixote family felt the killing intent.

I couldn't help but shuddered there.


They looked at the source of the killing intent in amazement.

This is the first time this group of people has seen that Link has such a strong killing intent towards others!

They had never seen before, Link was so targeted at someone.

"Is it because of that strangely dressed guy?"

The others glanced curiously at the man in front of Link.

"Is this guy also a swordsman?"

Zoro stepped forward, and he was quite interested in his identity as judged by the two knives around Kinemon's waist.

"I always feel that this costume seems to have been seen somewhere..."

Zoro touched his chin, recalling there.

"Swordsman, um, it's better to say, he should be a samurai~"

Brook also stepped forward and said with emotion.

He should be the person who has the deepest feelings and has been dealing with the samurai for the longest time among the people present.

After all, the original swordsman Longma, his impression can be said to be particularly profound.

Even the domineering he has learned now comes from the opponent's [Flower Sakura] skills.

"Samurai? A samurai like that swordsman Ryoma?"

Sauron remembered the words of the samurai.

"In that case, this guy should be from Wano country?"

The interest in his eyes couldn't help but even worse, Zoro even wanted to wake up the guy in front of him, and then make a good move.

The battle with Pika was really unsatisfactory.

"If possible, it's best to actually go to Wano Country, and pack up the samurai there so obediently..."

Zoro rubbed his chin there, expecting a little there.

"Wanokuni~~~ I heard that there are also trick girls and courtesans there. Not to mention the versatility, they also have incomparably beautiful peerless faces..."

Sanji, who was next to him, seemed to have thought of something, and was also a little excited there, almost drooling.

"Oiran? Yo **** ho **** ho, but after Dressrosa's voyage is over, you can go to Wano Country for a walk!"

Brooke also thought of that scene, looked at Sanji, and let out a laughter that the man could understand.

"However, the next route still needs to be decided by the captain... In other words, where is that guy Luffy going..."


Before everyone could finish speaking, they heard a violent explosion in the corner of the town.


Luffy's screaming voice spread all over the kingdom.

other people:"…"

That fool! !

Seeing this, they had no choice but to start worrying about their stupid captain again.


In other words, after Luffy and Nami separated from the others, they went to find their respective targets one after another.

Nami's purpose is very direct, that is Dressrosa's treasure.

But after defeating a few soldiers, I learned.

Most of the kingdom's funds are in the artificial devil fruit processing factory.

Because there is a small human race stationed in that place, and because it is related to the foundation of the Don Quixote family, the artificial devil fruit, the security there is extremely strict.

While guarding the artificial devil fruit, along with the funds guarding Dressrosa.

After Nami heard the news, she thought for two seconds.

Then he found Luffy, and at the price of two pieces of meat, in exchange for him to help himself deal with those defenders.

Well, the price for Luffy to sell is only two pieces of meat.

The key is that Luffy himself happily agreed, and he felt so happy there that he took a lot of advantage...

However, although he agreed to Nami, Luffy still planned to complete the small goal of solving the Don Quixote family first, and then beat that sugar down.


Using the powerful sense of domineering and domineering, he found the dollhouse, which is the secret base underground of the bullfighting arena.

After entering, I got information about Sugar's ability and information from Violet and Link.

In order to be conservative, Luffy went directly to the second gear, plus the entanglement of the overlord~


"Rubber, Jet Shock Eagle Gun!"

In the air, even after a long distance, Luffy slammed the punch directly into Sugar's face.

Nami still remembers that such a small person, um, although she is not too young, her appearance is no different from that of a child.

But this guy Luffy is a ruthless hand like 840.

He beat the sugar directly, and half of his body was embedded in the wall.

The remaining half of the body was stuck there like a nail, and there was no movement, as if it was half dead~~~

That is, under Luffy's punch.

On the island, many toys also returned to their original state after the sugar was directly knocked off by Luffy and lost consciousness.

And Luffy, the initiator, was pulled by Nami and came to the factory of the artificial devil fruit.


"So you know that these little people were deceived and thought they were planting medicines to treat their princess' disease, but in fact, after planting the raw materials of artificial devil fruit, they detonated the factory with them, right? ?"

Zoro, Usopp and the others, with their faces speechless and black lines, looked at Luffy who was full of big bags and kept bleeding out in front of him.

"Well, it seems that the medicine has just been smashed into ashes (I just want to blow it up)..."

Luffy's swollen sausage mouth was slowly opening and closing, his speech was slurred, and the corners of his mouth were still dripping with saliva.