MTL - The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship-Chapter 447

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I saw that the thunder light gradually stopped and dissipated, revealing the burning charcoal pieces.

All the pirate ships that came to chase were all turned into pieces at this moment!

"Is this... a miracle?!"

Kin'emon stared blankly at the scene in front of him, muttering in his mouth.

When he was most desperate, a thunderstorm suddenly fell from the sky, and all these chasing soldiers were solved.

This made him really have an unbelievable feeling of the rest of his life.

Not just Kinemon, but Violet on the shore.

"That was... thunder and lightning?!"

She also opened her slightly thick lips in shock.

"In the case of Raiden, I remember it was the deputy captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Prop Master] Link's ability..."

Thinking of this, she subconsciously looked at the King's Heights in the distance.

"You can feel it at such a long distance, can you drop thunder and lightning?!"

"Is this the big pirate with a bounty of more than 1.6 billion Bailey?!"

Violet was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, an unprecedented splendor and light erupted in her eyes!

"Such a power, no problem, absolutely no problem!"

She has never been so firmly convinced as she is now:

"You can definitely bring down Doflamingo and the Don Quixote family!"

And just when Kinemon was speechless and Violet was excited~

Above the King's Heights......

Link slowly shook his wrist.

"What's wrong, Linksang?"

Brook next to him asked curiously when he saw his actions.


Link smiled and shook his head.

"It's just casually, pressing down a few ants."


Brook nodded as he avoided the fog of the grotesque art troupe.

When he saw the colorful smoke falling on the ground, turning the stones into strange shapes, he couldn't help squatting his chin.

"Yo hoo hoo hoo, it's really a strange ability, it's more dangerous if you encounter it!"

The Soul Mourning Sword in Brook's hand was pulled out, and a cold air filled the venue.

"Is the ability of art fruit? Unfortunately, I can't understand this kind of art~~~"

When Jorah, who was throwing smoke, heard the words, she couldn't help but pause.

There was a hint of contempt and contempt in the eyes under the triangular-framed glasses.

"It's just a skeleton, I don't know how to appreciate art at all!"

The sturdy aunt with curly hair and lip gloss uttered a "hohohohoho" laughter there.

"Real art is not so simple, let people like you understand it!"

The cloud of colored smoke in her hand fell to the ground, and suddenly, a twist occurred.

The ability of the fruit of art will first materialize the imagination and inspiration of the person with the ability, and then spray transparent cloud-like colored smoke from the palm of the hand or from the head.

As long as the smoke is thrown out, all targets touched by the smoke will become works of art imagined by those who are capable.

Since Jorah herself seems to prefer abstract paintings similar to Picasso, the objects she turns into works of art will become similar to abstract paintings.

People, weapons and even vehicles that are turned into works of art lose their original functions, which can be said to be a very dangerous ability.

Especially one of the moves called [Art of Life]~

It is possible to turn an opponent into a part of a mural, and after ten minutes the person will be completely unconscious and become part of the art.

This is also an extremely powerful ability, but unfortunately it was acquired by Jorah, and the development of 1.6 is quite poor~~~

"Really? I may not really understand art. Although music is also a part of art, in my opinion, what can be enjoyed by the public is the real art..."

Brook smiled as he pointed the sharp double-edged blade at Jorah.

Above the blade, there is also a layer of dark and deep armed color domineering!

Brooke doesn't want to argue and argue with Jorah about the topic of art anymore. This kind of cognitive point of view is very subjective and personal, and there is no point in continuing to discuss it!

All he can do is to use the sword of music in his hand to completely cut off the other party's so-called art of ghosts and evil spirits!


A strong wind blew by.

Under the rapid movement, Brook's figure just came to Jorah, whose complexion changed drastically.

The domineering arrogance learned by the [Liu Ying] inheritance from the swordsman Ryoma suddenly erupted at this moment!

"Dawn Song · Aurora Burst!"


The rapidly advancing cane sword suddenly released an extremely sharp sword energy at this moment!

Before Jorah could react, it had already descended on her, and bloodstains appeared in an instant!

And Jorah's hit this time is also the prelude to the downfall of the Don Quixote family! .

The Don Quixote family, which was crushed by 440 and defeated one after another! You don't need to use all your strength to defeat the enemy, and you can easily win!


Blood splattered from Jorah's wound.

He couldn't react at all, and he was easily defeated by Brook before he had time to display his great art [Paradise Art].

It can be seen from this that no matter how strong the ability you have acquired, if you cannot fully exert it, it will still not have any effect on the enemy.

The difference in physical quality is too far, but he was easily knocked down before he even had time to use his abilities.


Jorah's huge and fat body fell to the ground, and it didn't take a few minutes from the beginning of the fight to the end.

"Win or lose, it's already divided."

Brook slowly put the Soul Death Sword back into the scabbard.


When the last blade fell in, the handle and scabbard made a crisp sound.

the other side~

"Stop joking!!"

Dressed up as a pseudo-mother, Delinger, who is of mixed blood between Betta fish and humans, looked at Ah Niu in front of him, and his forehead couldn't help but stretched blue veins.

"A mere sea beast of a manatee, come to be my opponent?!"

He showed his pair of extremely sharp fangs, with red eyes staring in his eyes, and he was extremely angry.

"I want to give you..."


Before he could finish speaking, A Niu who was in sight suddenly disappeared.


Before Deringer's pair of exposed fangs could close, A Niu's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

At the same time, a huge muscle suddenly stretched out from his small fist.

Manatee Boxing Flow · Momo · Shidou Hai 25 Niuquan!


With the ability of Momo Fruit, the strength was increased ten times, and the speed of punching was ten times, and it was so brazenly punched in the face of Delinger.

An extremely dull sound of fist and flesh colliding sounded in the arena.

Ah Niu's fist smashed deeply into Dellinger's face.

Whoosh! !

In the next second, Delinger's slender figure flew backwards at a speed faster than Aniu's movement.

And while retreating, the face that was sunk in by A Niu's smash also slowly spread out.

The first thing to be exposed was the sharp fangs in the upper and lower rows.

However, those fangs at this moment are no longer as sharp as before, but instead there are dense cracks on them.

Some are even root fractures, and there is still a lot of blood flowing on top of that.

Dellinger rolled his eyes, his vacant mouth wide open and thrown back.

The blood stains on his face also indicated that he was already knocked out by KO under this blow.

Delinger, who has a mixed blood between a fighting fish and a human, has finally fallen into the hands of A Niu, the sea beast Kung Fu Manatee that he despised.

In this way, the battle between the murloc and the manatee, strictly speaking, both of the sea species, has come to an end.

And not far from where Dellinger fell.

The sturdy man with long curly blond hair, a red hat with black ears, a red one-piece ribbed tights that exposed his chest, a tattoo of the smiling face of the Pirates on his right arm, and chest hair, is also the overweight man Mahabhai. Si, shake the dust of his clothes.

After glancing around and targeting Robin next to him, he immediately bounced that fat body into the air again.

He is a person with the ability to press tons of fruit, and a superior of kilograms of fruit. He can make his huge body float in the air and restore or gain weight at any time.

It can also change its own weight to attack. Currently, the highest weight he can reach is "10,000" tons.

However, this ability also has certain drawbacks, that is, the impulse caused by increasing its own weight will actually cause damage to itself.

But compared to the pressure in those 10,000 tons, this side effect is nothing at all!

"Hell's 10,000 ton Bais!"

After ascending to a high altitude, there was also a murderous look in the eyes of Mahabaith under the small sunglasses.

This is the highest stunt he can play so far!

"Look at the move~!"

Under that iconic mantra, his huge figure quickly descended towards the bottom, like a meteorite falling from the sky, setting off layers of air waves.

This momentum seems to be a bit terrifying.


While he's descending so fast and deterrent~

A blue-gray light suddenly shot out from a corner below.

"Shock Ray!"

In the low voice, when Mahabais had no time to adjust the angle of his body, the blue-gray light hit his plump body precisely.


In the end, he could only lose his consciousness completely with his head tilted and his limbs vacated with this bang.

And the devil fruit ability on the body is also released with the loss of consciousness, and the whole person's body is smashed from the sky to the ground irregularly.