MTL - The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship-Chapter 434

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"It's just about dinner time, and I'm hungry~"

He walked towards the right minister.

"It would be even better if there was more wine!"

There were no injuries all over his body, not to mention his hairstyle and clothes were not messed up in the slightest.

The right minister and a group of soldiers hurriedly made way for Sauron.

The former even more rounded his eyes, observing Sauron's current state.

It was clearly the guy who came out of the sea of ​​blood and the mountain of corpses, but there was no trace of blood splashing on his body.

And the smell of blood on the body is not so strong, but there is not much murderous aura!

"murderous look?"

It seems that he felt the thoughts of Minister Right. Under his shocked gaze looking at his back, Zoro slightly scratched his head and said casually:

"Those guys can't even make me warm up, how could they have murderous aura."

He didn't even have a green turban tied around his head!

"This is…"

The right minister stared blankly at Sauron's leaving figure, opened his mouth with difficulty, and said with a dry throat.

"Is the strength of a big pirate with a reward of more than 700 million?!"

Today, he has really learned a lot.

428 Trends in the sea! The candidate for the new Qiwuhai, [Qianliang Daohua]!

As a human, Sauron, who was obviously aggressive, walked into the darkest and most extreme fish-men street full of hatred and filth.

As a result, he walked out leisurely amid screams and blood all over the floor.

This is already enough to explain everything.

Resisting the shock and emotion, the Minister Right has not forgotten his responsibilities. With a big wave of his hand, he took a group of murloc soldiers to ~ murloc street to clean up the mess.

There is no need to say much about the tragic phenomenon in there, mainly because there are many characters who are more difficult and cruel, and cause headaches in Fishman Island, but they are all easily solved by Sauron.

For example, the so-called No. 1 Swordsman of Fishman Island, the Poison Circle Octopus Leopard Zang, a master of the Eight Swords Style, is also very powerful.

But he was found casually thrown on the side of the street.

The eight knives in his hand were all broken, and there was also a deep bone scar on his chest.

He fell to the ground with blood on his face.

The injury was very serious, and it was a direct one-shot kill.

But according to the minister of the right who is also very experienced in combat, the injury caused by that blow seems to be a move that was chopped at random.

With a single blow, the strongest swordsman on the Fishman Island was easily eliminated...

Nipton was silent for a long time after learning the news.

But at the same time, he was also determined to make friends with the Straw Hat Pirates.

At least... the food and drink are arranged, so I can't offend.

In particular, Neptune can also feel that the Straw Hat Pirates are not the kind of pirates in the true sense.

It is similar to the so-called adventurers and heroes, but it is more valuable to make friends.

Whether in terms of utility or personal feeling, the Straw Hat Pirates are worthy of deep friendship.

Therefore, during this period of time, he has arranged for people to visit most of the fish-man island and eat all kinds of delicious food with Luffy, who is also resting and recovering quickly and in high spirits.

The others also woke up one after another within the past three days, were led, and started a fairytale-like play on this fish-man island.

Except for Link.

Originally, Bai Xing also wanted to go out with Link again, but after hearing that he was researching something with another pirate named Luo, he had no choice but to give up.

And just when everyone is enjoying this rare vacation time~

[Canning Workshop].

"It's been resolved."

Luo dissipated the tiny aperture in his hand and looked at the black-red capsule in his hand.

"This is indeed a substance that can enhance strength, but it needs to pay the price of life."

Luo is also slightly surprised by this small object in his hand.

Even though he has studied medicine for so long, this is the first time he has seen such a thing that exchanges life for strength.

"Can you re-research and adjust it?"

Link also asked while twisting an E·S capsule.

E.S., the full name of "EnergySteroid", consumes this drug will increase the strength of the user, but the cost will be reduced life.

Taking too many ferocious drugs will cause changes in the body, and it will also make the user feel severe pain, and finally even accelerate the aging of the user.

Hody Jones and their new fish-man pirates greatly improved their power by taking the murderous drug E.S.

But the ultimate price is to become an aging and powerless person.

"You can try it..."

Luo pondered slightly, he knew what Link's re-study meant.

If the side effects of factors that reduce vitality can be excluded, the value of this drug will be greatly improved.

"But there's no guarantee what effect it will have."

"It's not in a hurry, just take it slow~"

However, Link waved his hand, something like this is not done overnight, it can be prepared in a few days.


"This kind of murderous medicine feels very similar to the [Hoo Water] in Alabasta, almost all from the same source..."

Hao Shui is a kind of highly poisonous water. After drinking it, special stripes will appear on the body, which can gain powerful strength. The side effect is that it will cause people to die in a short time.

The same is to gain powerful strength, and it is also at the cost of life~~~

It seems that these two things have something in common.

Maybe if you have a chance, you can...

Beep beep beep~!

Just when Link was thinking about it, suddenly.

The telegraph and telephone bug beside him suddenly rang.


Link glanced casually, then was slightly startled, attracted by the content above.

"this is…"

He took out all those telegrams and watched them carefully.

"What's wrong? [Props Master] The master..."

Seeing Link's serious appearance, Luo was also a little interested, and he was also a little concerned about the telegram in Link's hand.

"That's what's written on it..."

Luo Hua had just said this, and before he finished speaking, he saw that Link had handed the telegram to him.

"See for yourself~"

Link said softly, "This is indeed an incredible news."


Luo's body was also involuntarily upright, and he took the telegram from Link's hand quite seriously.

"this is…"

When Luo read the information above, his pupils shrank slightly.



Just when the Straw Hat Pirates were enjoying this rare leisure time on Fishman Island 10,000 meters below the deep sea~

On the other side, on the great route above the deep sea, it is quite unsettled.

One after another, big news came from the navy and the world government.

First of all, it is the issue of the pirates' encirclement and suppression, which extends the vacant seat of the king's Qiwuhai.

As we all know, due to the withdrawal of [Sea Man] Jinbei and the ending of [Blackbeard] Marshall D. Titch, two seats of Qibukai were vacant.

Moreover, the world government was completely disappointed with Moria, and deprived him of the seat of Qiwuhai on the pretext of not working **** the top of the war.

This also leads to the current vacancy with three.

And the first position to come to the top is a candidate that no one thought of.

The former Roger Pirates trainee crew, the [Joker] who has outstanding performance (bait) in the push city, Bucky.

No, people's nickname now is [Qianliang Daohua], Bucky!

The ancient meaning of Taoism in the neon language is the meaning of the joker, and it can also be translated as a clown.

And 'liang' is a level of hierarchy, and 'qianliang' is a word to describe an actor's excellence or value.

The meaning of [Qianlianghua] is that the master of comics, the king of clowns, has raised a level from the original title of [clown].

And the force of the words is much higher than the straightforward title of [The King of Clowns], which is in line with the image of the current God of Bucky.

The reason why the world government and the navy gave it such a nickname, it also absorbed Bucky as Shichibukai~~~


After this guy evacuated with Whitebeard, he sneaked away.

As a result, not long after he ran out, he encountered the navy that was chasing pirates at sea.

Well, although Whitebeard did not announce the news of [ONEPIECE] as in the original version.

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

But also because of the defeat of the navy, a group of guys who couldn't see the situation were still eager to move.

On the other hand, the navy also took a sigh of relief because of the defeat in this war.

This has also led to the fact that during this period, the navy's patrols on the sea and the pursuit of pirates have become more intense, and it can even be said that they are all out!

So the result is ~

Today's sea is a bit more chaotic than before the war on the top, but the losses and casualties caused by the pirates have actually dropped a bit.

I have to say something strange~~~

In this way, in such an environment, Baji, who encountered the navy, thought that he was going to stop here again.

In the second half of his life, he was destined to return to the advancing city.

But fortunately, this guy's head is still a little sober, and at the last desperate moment, he has an idea~

"I can join the world government!"

He blurted out, it was such a ridiculous word, even Bucky himself felt that it was a little too far.

They even played tricks on the navy on the other side, feeling that they were going to anger the other party, and they were going to be beaten and repaired by this group of angry navies...



Whether the God of Bucky is the God of Bucky, this luck is really hard to say.