MTL - The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship-Chapter 430

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"It turned out that you helped Bai Xing and sent those axe and mace weapons flying out to protect her."

Nepton touched the back of his head, and his tone became very polite again, thanking Luffy and the others.

Well, it was mainly the big red bag that appeared on his forehead, which was particularly conspicuous.

Even the corners of his eyes were still dripping with tears from the pain.

Well, sure enough, only strong force can make the two sides sit down and communicate with each other calmly.

Of course, it wasn't just Nepton who was hurt.

"This idiot..."

After that one came in, seeing Bai Xing, Brook, who was bent on watching the fat time, was once again knocked down by Nami's old fist.

And this time, the strike was extraordinarily heavy, and there was no chance for the opponent to get up at all.

"Not only did it protect Bai Xing, but it also helped reduce her size a lot..."

Nipton also looked at the peculiar hat on Baixing's forehead, and said with emotion:

"Is this the prop of the [Prop Master]?! When Jinpei came back, he praised me for the magic of those so-called props."

"I am finally able to increase my knowledge of "830" today!"

Neptune sighed there, but when he mentioned Jinping, it caught Luffy's attention:

"By the way, why didn't you see Jinping?"

Luffy looked around and found that there was no sign of Shipin behind Neptune.

"He went to the New World to deal with the relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Sun Pirates under his command. He is not here for the time being."

Neptune answered honestly, and immediately waved his hand there:

"Since the esteemed guests of the Straw Hat Pirates have come here, what are we waiting for?!"

"Please feel the way of our fish-man island hospitality!"

Under the look of expectant joy and smiles on the faces of Luffy and the others, he announced loudly:

"It's a banquet!!"

In an instant, the entire banquet hall became brightly lit! !

The atmosphere of joy is also time covered in this palace!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

There is Coral Hill a certain distance away from Ryugu Castle.

Located in the southeast of Fishman Island, it is a rare prosperous port town on the island.

In this port town, there is a peculiar coffee shop.

Mermaid Cafe has a good reputation in the sea outside.

Because this is a rare cafe on Fishman Island that is also open to humans.

Luo was crying with a ghost on his back and sat on the soft seat of a sofa.

While sipping coffee, I surveyed my surroundings.

And Pei Jin, Xia Qi, and Pei Bo, two bears, stared at the mermaid lady dancing on the stage without blinking.

With that look, he almost had to stare out his eyeballs.

Even Daz next to him looked calm, but the corner of his eye glanced at that direction from time to time.

Sure enough, for humans, the fish-man island is as dreamy as a fairy tale world.

"Even the bear thinks that this is really like a world in a dream."

Peipo wiped the corners of his mouth in intoxication.

"Not only the dancing mermaid lady is very beautiful, but even the waiter is so good-looking, Xiong really wants to stay here forever... Of course, if there is still meat to eat, it will be even better."

Peipo said a little regretfully.

It is said that there is only one proprietress in this coffee shop, so whenever the shop needs manpower, the beautiful mermaid sister from Mermaid Bay will be invited to the shop to help.

The food provided in the store includes cakes, fruits from the bottom of the sea, shellfish and kelp dishes, but based on the reason that mermaids do not eat meat and fish, the store does not provide the staple food of meat and fish.

And I heard that it was strange that for the proprietress of this store, running a coffee shop was just a side business.

The real main business is a fortune teller.


Luo quietly looked at the figure that appeared in front of him and sat opposite him.

The black short hair covering the right face, with cool blue eyes, pale skin and a rather plump upper circumference.

How to see, how is a beautiful woman.

"You are the [Death Surgeon] of one of the supernovae, right?"

Madam Charlie, the proprietress, held the cigarette pipe with purple nail polish, took a few sips from her crimson mouth, and said with a smile.

That dark purple hooded top, buttoned only in the middle, was like a dancer in the Western Regions, revealing her tall and small belly.

It looks mysterious and elegant, and the crescent-shaped tail fin is also flicked.

"So what?"

Similarly, the straight man of steel is not weaker than Luffy. Luo, who is devoted to medicine and superheroes, only slightly twitched his eyelids for Mrs. Charlie in front of him.

"I recognized you when you first entered this cafe. This is the first time in my shop that there is a pirate with a bounty of more than 500 million Bailey."

Charlie chuckled lightly, breathing out a smoke ring, "Especially after the Straw Hat Pirates and the war on top, it's even more curious."

"Therefore, I made a simple divination for you."

Mrs. Charlie said leisurely.


Luo's expression still didn't change much.

When he was in the Chambord Archipelago before, he had also seen a magic stick who was very good at divination.

"I got a very interesting prophecy."

Seeing Luo's noncommittal appearance, Mrs. Xia Li also smiled and continued indifferently:

"I saw you, with the Straw Hat Pirates and the other supernovas..."

"The so-called prophecy, even if it is true, I don't want to know~"

Before Madam Xia Li could finish speaking, Luo interrupted her.

"Everything in the future is unknown."

Luo raised his head, but there was a rare smile on his face:

"What will happen at that time, we still need to witness it ourselves."

"Even if I die tomorrow, I want to go through it myself instead of hearing my so-called ending from someone else's mouth."

"Is that so?"

Mrs. Charlie's smile deepened.

"It's true, under the many magical props of your [Prop Master] Deputy Captain, there are indeed infinite possibilities..."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Xia Li's eyes flashed with surprise.

"I've never seen a prop like that."

"That is enough to change the world, the props that affect the entire sea!!"


On the other side, at the entrance of Dragon Palace City.

The three figures are sneaky... It can't be said to be sneaky, anyway, they were very careful and slipped out of the palace.

"Lord Link, is it really okay for us to be like this?!"

Bai Xing was very uneasy and nervous, looking at Link's back from behind.

"In the middle of the banquet, we sneaked out like this..."

Just before, King Neptune welcomed the Straw Hat Pirates in the extremely spacious and tall luxurious banquet hall...

He specially invited the best performers and musicians in Ryugu Castle, where on the shell-shaped center stage, singers and musicians could play to their heart's content.

Colorful flashing ambient lights illuminate every corner of the hall. .

The dishes of exquisite dishes, wines and desserts were also presented in large batches.

Let Luffy and Zoro eat and drink very enjoyable.

In this way, as the cups are changed again and again, there are also these beautiful lights that illuminate people's eyes, and gradually, they are also intoxicating.

Whether it's alcohol, or this radiant blur, all make people intoxicated in that environment.

Taking advantage of such a stall, Link was very understanding and walked out from the inside with the obviously unsuitable Bai Xing.

"It's nothing, anyway, there are Luffy and Zoro who accompany your father and brother to eat and drink there, and Usopp is there to brag and liven up the atmosphere, they are very good, don't pay attention to them."

Link also knew that with his own group of partners, he would never let the atmosphere cool down anyway.

"Don't you just want to go to the Forest of the Sea?"

Link smiled and said, "It just so happens that I'll take you out, and come back after I'm done going there, and I'll solve the troublesome problem of Vanda Deacon."

"Almost just in time for the end of the banquet... you say so, Robin?"

Link turned his head and looked at Robin who was following him and Shirahoshi.


Robin smiled and nodded, "With Luffy and Zoro around, food and wine must be prepared, and this banquet will not end so soon."

"At least one night, maybe even longer."

"I also came out at the right time, and I just wanted to go to the forest of the sea and study the history placed there~"

In the Dragon Palace City before, Robin also found records about history.

But all the history books on Fishman Island mention one place.

That is the forest of the sea.

Therefore, when Link and Shiro Xing came out and planned to go to the Forest of the Sea, Robin also happened to be with him.

The three formed a temporary team.

"So, 1.6 has nothing to worry about in this regard."

As Link said, he took out the [Bamboo Dragonfly].

"Before the end, we just need to return in time."


"It's nothing but~"

After Link put the white star on top of his head, he also gave another to Robin.

As for himself, it is completely useless.

"Let's go, let's go!"

He clapped his hands, following Link's gesture.

Bai Xing carefully pressed the [Bamboo Dragonfly] button.

Immediately, her whole body was driven and rose into the sky.

"It turned fly?!"

Bai Xing stared at the ground below him that was getting smaller and smaller.

The environmental atmosphere of seeing nature before has already fulfilled a wish of Bai Xing.

And now being able to fly high in the sky, there is no doubt that it has brought more and more wonderful experiences to Bai Xing!