MTL - The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship-Chapter 417

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On the other side of the street, there was a group of excited shouts and shouts.

"Captain Usopp!"

The shouting like a soul screaming, came out of the mouths of the three guys from Carrot Head.

What they know is their excited shouting, and those who don't know they think they are crying~

"470 million reward amount!!"

"Double guns will give the answer, this sentence is simply too cool!!"

"You are the real sniper in the village, an existence that cannot be ignored in the sea!"

"You are not bragging, you are indeed a brave sea warrior! You have done everything, you have proved everything!"

"Unfortunately, some people are just jealous of your talent and talent, and deliberately ridicule you, scold you, and say that you are a liar and not doing a good job!"

"If even getting such a bounty amount is called not doing a good job, is there any other business!?!"

"It's not like this reward order issued by the Navy Headquarters is fake, right?! Or in their eyes, is the Navy Headquarters fake?!"

"So, genius is so often misunderstood by people. Captain Usopp, you left this island with contempt and ridicule. You should really take a good look at the faces of those people..."

"Captain Usopp!!"

The onion head, the green pepper head and the carrot head also howled all the way from the beginning of the village to the end of the village.

Until the three people's figures and voices gradually disappeared~

The gates in the village slowly opened.

"Those three little bastards..."

The adults who came out all looked at the direction where the three guys were leaving with a speechless expression.

Originally, after Usopp left, they still felt that there was no regular chasing and berating project every morning, and they felt a little uncomfortable and nostalgic.

But since these three little brats started to move, they almost returned to their original lives once again.

With Usopp's reward order, the howling that is fixed in the village once a day is also annoying to hear.

It wasn't that they didn't want to come out and scold these three little brats before.

But on the one hand, adults bully children, and it's a bit too unpleasant to spread out.

On the other hand, it is also because these three little guys are really not easy to mess with.

Whenever someone comes out and reprimands them angrily, these three guys will repeat the words that the person scolded and ridiculed Usopp, word for word, and directly slap Usopp's reward to that person. face.

He clearly told him that he was an eyeless guy with his actions.

Once or twice is fine, but if the number of times is too much, many people can't stand it anymore.

After all, the three children pointed at the nose and replied, and the contempt in his eyes really made people angry.

Therefore, gradually, compared to the time when Usopp made a noise, a group of people could not wait to run out to cooperate with the scene of reprimanding him.

Now that they have seen it, they will not open the door no matter how much the three of them make trouble.

Some people even used them as alarm clocks. After these three guys came, they slowly got up and washed, waiting for them to leave before going out.

This should be the attitude of Usopp at the beginning, a lesson~~

Well, although Usopp is no longer in Xilob Village, there is still a legend of Usopp in Xilob Village.

"The reward amount of 470 million..."

Everyone also recalled the updated reward order from Usopp that they had seen before.

The original amount of 66 million has already made them reluctantly accept.

As a result, it has soared directly now, to more than 400 million...

Such a huge increase has shocked them to the point of incomprehension.

"On the navy side, will you admit the wrong person?!"

They tossed and turned and couldn't figure it out, "Or they did something wrong?!"

The villagers couldn't even imagine that Usopp, who only knew how to brag and didn't have any strengths and excellent places, would have made such a name in the sea? !

It is also difficult for them to combine the weak Usopp in their minds with the heroic sniper who is full of muscles looking down at everyone in the photo.

"I didn't expect that Usopp could become so powerful..."

As unbelievable as it may be, it's just like Carrot Head said.

After all, this is a reward order initiated by the Navy itself, and it cannot be faked.

Especially the photo above is what Usopp looks like with his long nose.

It's just that he doesn't look so weak anymore, but he looks more heroic.

"Does going to sea really have such a big impact on a person?!"

The villagers were all there in surprise and emotion.

Well, on this issue, Oda also specially drew a picture of Luffy, Zoro and Nami after they went to sea and they did not go to sea.

The image after going to sea and the image of not going to sea are simply worlds apart.

"470 million Baileys..."

Not only the villagers were amazed there, but after howling for a while, the three carrot-heads, who felt content, gathered together.

They looked at Usopp's reward order and the numbers on it again, and their eyes flashed with sincere admiration and envy.

"When will we get to where Captain Usopp is?!"

"I don't know, it may take a long time, or it may be very soon~"

"That's right! Captain, he has only been out at sea for half a year. With such a change, if we also go out to sea, maybe we can catch up with the captain's pace!"

"But can we go to sea now?"

"Well, wait a little longer. When we are about the same age as the captain, we will agree to go to sea together!"

"Okay! But before that, we must publicize the captain's deeds!"

"That's right! Let those who looked down on the captain in the past open their eyes and take a good look. The captain is a real man!"

The trio who made up their minds decided that Usopp's great achievements must be publicized every day!

Well, the legend about Usopp here in Xirob Village may be going on for a long time~~~

It is located in a certain sea restaurant near Rogge Town.

"Pfft, how did Sanji do it?!"

"No, rather than saying that Sanji is amazing, I think that cameraman is even better!!"

"That's right, you have excavated Sanji's nature so directly!"

"This is the key point, there is nothing to say! It's amazing, that man!!"

"If that cameraman comes to our restaurant, I must give him a chicken leg for free!!".

413 They also called me a lunatic, a groupie! Who is more powerful, Senior Luffy or Senior Link? !

"Thanks to the photographer for letting us see Sanji who is full of nature. Thank goodness, I didn't let me forget what kind of guy Sanji is!"

"Hahaha, guest, how is it?! This is [Black Foot] Sanji, the big pirate with a reward of 630 million Bailey!!"

"I used to be the deputy head chef in our shop... Ah, you said the picture, yes, he looks like this... He looks very wretched? Wretched is right, this customer, this is the true character of that guy !!"


In the dining room on the sea, the living room was full of discussions about Sanji's new reward order, as well as bursts of laughter.

The villainous chefs in these restaurants were all lying on their stomachs, laughing so hard that they burst into tears.

As expected of Sanji, every bounty has not disappointed them.

Whether it's the two previous hand-paintings or the present photo that reveals its true nature, it has brought them too much joy!

Even these chefs are happy to share their joy. When a guest comes, they will show the reward to the other party, and then proudly say that this is the hometown of the great pirate [Black~Foot] Sanji.

By the way, to clarify and confirm with the guest, this is his original appearance-!

The chefs' enthusiasm and energetic sales even affected the chefs' normal work, and they were so enthusiastic that they almost didn't scare some-guests.

But Zapp didn't stop him in the slightest. He put the newspaper in front of him and pretended not to see it.

But when he listened to the introductions about Sanji, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

That unsatisfactory, worrying idiot has finally made his own achievement!

"Chief Chef Zapp!"

Paddy and Karni of the Violent Chefs team up with Zapp.

"What's up?"

The latter's expression remained unchanged.

"That's right, didn't we apply to you before, planning to build two more new ships as new cooking branches?"

"Well, that's what happened."

Zapp glanced at the two of them, "Didn't I pass before? Why, are you planning to give up?!"

"No, no, of course not!"

Paddy and Karnie shook their heads quickly.

"It's just that we plan to redesign the appearance of the new cooking boat."

Paddy touched his head and laughed.

"Redesign the look..."

Zapp sneered.

These two idiots pouted and he knew what they were going to fart.

"Let's talk about it first. You use the photos on Sanji's wanted list as the design of the new cooking boat. I won't give any opinion."

Zhep said indifferently, "But if you wait for Sanji to come back to find trouble for the two of you, and if the navy wants to inquire, it doesn't matter to me."

"Don't worry, Chef!"

"Everything is on us, no problem!!"

After getting Zapp's promise, Paddy and Karni left happily.

One held the hand-painted photos of Sanji before, and the other held the new bounty of the satyr nature, all of them eagerly discussing what style of cooking boat should be made.

Should I make a model of the photo on the wanted list in the bow or stern, or make a sculpture and put it in the center of the hall? !

Or maybe… try both? !

Bharati, a restaurant on the sea, has made a series of actions in response to Sanji's new bounty order.

On the other side, in Cocoa West Village.

"What's the matter, Ah Jian?"

When Nuoqigao was carrying a bag of oranges to the sheriff's office, he saw Ah Jian, who was covered in scars, and sighed.

He couldn't help but ask with some humor, "This is not your usual you."


She looked at the picture on the background wall behind Ah Jian with a new reward order, and raised her eyebrows:

"Shouldn't you be calling the Navy Headquarters now and giving them advice, can't you put such a revealing photo?!"

Noqigao asked with a teasing there.

"This guy just hit~"

Sitting on the seat next to him, the village doctor who was drinking tea leisurely, Nagao glanced at the weak Ah Jian there.

"You really hit again?!"