MTL - The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship-Chapter 412

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Mainly because the Straw Hat Pirates' climate has become a reality, and they think that the threat they bring to the world on this ship has also greatly increased.

After all, on an ordinary ship, on a pirate ship that may make achievements in the sea, and even have the possibility of reaching the top~

With his mastery of ancient scripts, it is a huge threat to the world.

Especially the pirate group that I am currently in, the Straw Hat Pirates, is really regarded as a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh by the world government.

It is reasonable for the World Government to give such an amount, and it is also within Robin's expectations.

"All staff... Breaking 100 million?!"

Hearing what Robin said, little Chopper's eyes suddenly lit up.

Even his whole body trembled slightly with excitement.

Really, can it be achieved? !

Can even he have a reward amount of over 100 million? !

clap clap clap~

Sanji, who was next to him, forced himself to calm down, and wanted to smoke a cigarette with him to refresh himself.

But no matter how he hit, his palms were shaking and he couldn't successfully light the cigarette flame.

He didn't care at all that the reward amount he offered was over 100 million.

Before, he already had a reward of more than 100 million Bailey, and he was a member of the [Supernova].

What he cared more about was the appearance of his own photos.

After all, this is about your important image in the eyes of young ladies and sisters all over the world, and you can't relax in the slightest for a moment!

This matter is extremely important to him!

Sanji looked at the ground, there were only three bounty orders left, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Everyone else got their own reward orders, and Luffy took his own early.

So in the remaining three, apart from Link's, it's himself and Chopper's...

Calm down, calm down!

Just when Sanji forced himself to calm down, Hachi raised the top two wanted notices again.


[Thanks for the reward of 'Once upon a time there was a eunuch', thank you boss! ].

408 Sanji's new photo, Chopper's new nickname, Luffy's amazing reward!

"Chef of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Black Foot] Sanji, the reward amount, 630 million Bailey! Doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates,..."

When Hachi said his name, Sanji subconsciously held his breath and closed his eyes.

However, when he heard that he had a full quota of 630 million Bailey, Sanji shook his eyebrows and slowly opened his eyes with difficulty.

He forced his eyes to look down from the top.

The first thing I saw was the dazzling blond hair on top of the photo.

The first time he saw this portrait, Sanji's pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes trembled.


"It's finally a photo, not a hand-drawn portrait?!"

The quality of the picture above is obviously the pixel of the material taken by the photo, not the rough and inferior texture of the previous hand drawing~~~

Sanji is particularly sure of this, because since he took on this shameful reward, he has deeply studied the difference between hand drawing and camera shooting for a long time.

Today, he saw it at a glance.

so that~~~

Sanji's voice contained a little choking and trembling, as well as a faint... crying!

Poor God! He's been waiting for this day for too long!

It's no longer the hand-painted Dibalu face that makes people laugh and ridicule. The photo above is me, [Black Foot] Sanji! !

When his eyes moved down again, he saw the distinct swirling eyebrows~

Sanji is also very confident in his heart that there will be no more mistakes.

"I finally ushered in this day!"

He immediately opened his eyes wide and no longer blocked his sight!

"I want to see, what kind of heroic photos the navy chose this uncle?!"

"Is it when I used the Devil's Foot to kick the Dalmatian Lieutenant General, or when I knocked down two Lieutenant Generals one after another?!"

"Come on, let Prince Sanji see, that photo that is enough to make princesses and young ladies all over the world admire and admire, is it... eh?!"

The daydreaming came to an abrupt end, and Sanji's figure froze there.

He widened his eyes and stared blankly at the appearance of the reward order.

"this picture…"

The mouth gradually opened, and the cigarette in the mouth fell to the ground.

That photo was indeed his own photo, and Sanji would never be wrong.


"Why, is it like this?!"

He muttered to himself, he couldn't believe it, his eyes were empty, and he seemed to have lost all his vigour.

I saw the wanted notice that Xiaoba was holding~~~

Big red heart eyes, wide open mouth, and a wavy tongue inside that looks like it's rolling.

Raise your arms high in a gesture of surrender.

His feet turned into rim legs that looked like ripples, and his appearance could not be said to have nothing to do with his original handsomeness.

It can only be said that it shows the nature of the pervert to the fullest, and it is extremely wretched...


Sanji's chest seemed to be pierced by a sharp sword, and all his strength was drained from his torso.

"It's finally my original appearance, but it's such a photo..."


Sanji fell to his knees again, only to feel that all his expectations for the reward order in his life had come to nothing.

He no longer believed in the Navy's bounties and photography skills.

It's not that I can't get a picture of myself sketching and painting, or that I can get a picture of this appearance...

If it is said that the Golden Lion was born to clash with the Admiral of the Navy, then Sanji almost has a deep hatred with the shooting department of the Navy.

"That's it, I could have tried to reverse the impression of the ladies all over the world on me."

"But if this photo comes out, they will definitely be more disappointed."

"They'll definitely say: 'Ah, Sanji looks like this', 'I've been looking forward to it for a long time, but she's so disappointing'... They'll definitely say that, they'll definitely..."

Sanji's head was shrouded in a dark cloud of sorrow.

"Ehhh?! Did sadness turn into rain clouds?!"

Papagu and Kemi stared at this miraculous scene.

And the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates have long been taken aback by Sanji's situation.

"No one cares, expects and is disappointed at all~~~"

Zoro ruthlessly dismantles Sanji there, dispelling his last illusions.

"Besides, you've always had this kind of virtue, and they didn't take the wrong picture at all."

He continued to play his mockery of Sanji, pulling the hatred to the fullest.

But Sanji didn't seem to listen at all, like a negative ghost who was caught by Perona, with a dark cloud over his head.

"By the way, I can understand Sanji like this, but why..."

Usopp recovered from the joyful emotion.

He closed the corners of his grinning mouth, and looked at Chopper, who also opened his mouth wide and cried silently, with some puzzled eyes.

"Chopper is still sad there?!"

He glanced at the numbers on Chopper's reward order, the series of zeros, no more or no less, just 100 million.

"Isn't this already in the category of 100 million Bailey? The reward amount has increased so much, and it has also met Chopper's expectations. You should be happy!!"

"Chopper's bounty has been increased, but..."

Nami next to her looked at the photo on the reward order and couldn't help shaking her head.

"You better watch it yourself~"

Nami sighed.

Usopp: "???"

He was a little confused, and started from scratch again, looking at the reward order carefully.


"The ship doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Tony Cat Monster] Tony Tony Chopper, the reward amount, 100 million Bailey."

【The civet cat monster】…

Usopp looked at the photo, Chopper used Link's prop [Tanuki Machine] to dress himself up like a tanuki...

"alright, I got it."

He nodded with a deep understanding of understanding, and returned a sympathetic look to Chopper.

Usopp also wanted to say something, but when he saw Chopper's strangely low atmosphere, he thought about it and let it go.

That's it, talking too much doesn't help.

If you say the previous reward, you can increase the amount through the record.

But if the new photos and nicknames come out this time, then it will basically kill Chopper's reputation in the new world.

In this way, even if the new title can be changed later, this reward order will remain as the most unwilling shame in the career of Chopper Pirates.

Just like the sketch portrait of Sanji before.

"Poor Chopper..."

Usopp cast a pitying look again.

"However, the one next to him seems to have been hit more severely, and seems to need more comfort..."

Brook raised his skeletal hand slightly, and pointed to Luffy, who was lying on the ground there, and also followed the maggots, rolling on the ground in a ball.

Tears and snot almost irrigated the entire port.

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

other people:"…???"

"You idiot, what are you doing there to join in the fun?!"

Zoro tapped his shoulder with Qiushui, and looked at Luffy Road speechlessly.

"My bounty amount...dropped~"

Luffy's face was full of tears and snot, and he cried as if he had missed several delicious meals in a row, and he was so heartbroken there.


Everyone looked at the reward order that Luffy had picked up.