MTL - The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship-Chapter 410

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"Don't forget, you are the king of Amazon Lily."


Hancock, who wanted to say something, was silent.

Although she is willful and self-centered, this does not mean that she has no sense of responsibility to abandon the entire country and the people.

She wasn't some old woman who returned to the country in despair when she was old.

Although when they came back, they also took the three sisters back with them.

"My concubine knows~"

For Xia Qi, Hancock has nothing to show.

And she was also her former benefactor. At the moment, she nodded lightly, indicating that she knew what to do.

Seeing this, Xia Qi also responded with a smile, and then turned her eyes and attention to Luffy again:

"By the way, little Monkey, Rayleigh said he wouldn't come to see you off by himself. Let me give you a message."


Luffy raised his head.

"He says…"

Xia Qi's gaze moved upwards and placed it on Luffy's straw hat.

"Now you are really enough to be worthy of this straw hat!".

406 A bounty that fell from the sky! After everyone's new wanted order! !

Not seeing Rayleigh, although it's a bit regrettable, but getting the approval from Rayleigh still makes Luffy and the others quite happy.

Knowing that their ship has been plated, and feeling the turmoil of the current situation, Luffy and his party also said goodbye to Xia Qi immediately, and rushed to the nearby port without stopping.

Despite the battle, they were exhausted and wanted to rest for a while.

But they also know that because of their extraordinary performance on the battlefield, not to mention becoming a thorn in the side of the Navy and a thorn in the flesh.

Anyway, I hated them so much that I would be quick to deal with them, that's for sure.

So, while the navies haven't reacted yet.

Take the time to leave the first half of this great route and go to the new world in the second half.

In that place, the control of the navy is relatively much weaker.

Moreover, the second half is the territory of the Four Emperors, and the navy cannot deploy too much power, otherwise it will be easily attacked.

At that time, there is no need to worry about the pursuit of the Navy and other issues.

As for the post-war rest...

The new world is very dangerous, but within Fishman Island, it is extremely safe.

When Link proposed to rest on Fishman Island, he was unanimously approved by everyone.

Even Usopp and Brook, who were still a little tired, heard that they were going to rest on Fishman Island~~~

It was like the person lying in the coffin board jumped up from there, his body was straight, and his fighting spirit was extremely high.

It was as if all the troubles had disappeared.

"Let's go now and go to Fishman Island!!"

Sanji was even more motivated there, almost burning flames all over his body.

"I can't wait, I want to meet those murloc ladies!!"

"It just so happens that I also have an uncle in Fishman Island, and I just happened to visit him!"

Franky also touched his chin, thinking about the schedule for arriving on Fishman Island.

"Then let us be in charge of the representatives, twist..."

Seeing this, Xiao Ba also quickly suggested: "If we murlocs personally lead the way, we will avoid a lot of troublesome sea routes along the way."

"And when you enter Fishman Island, you can save a lot of unnecessary trouble!"

Kemi and Papagu starfish next to them also nodded.


"Okay, I happened to take you back to Fishman Island by the way."

Luffy nodded in agreement.

In this way, after confirming the next itinerary, Luffy and the others will no longer delay.

Before leaving, Link also said goodbye to Hancock.

As for what the two said, no one knows.

But looking at Link's full smile, he knew that he must have done nothing good.

Well, it comes from the voice of some people in the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Go to Fishman Island, I can't wait to eat the food and specialties there!"

Luffy walked at the forefront, and his eyes were full of anticipation for the next adventure.

"Fishman Island, New World; Fishman Island, New World...ˇ'"

Under Luffy's high-spirited slogan, a group of people quickly came to the dock where the Sonny Merry was located.

Looking at the Bubble-coated Sonny Merry, Luffy immediately cheered.

"so beautiful!"

His eyes were sparkling, and he hurriedly ran towards his pirate ship.

"I didn't expect to be able to do it so neatly, as expected of Uncle Rayleigh..."

The others also looked at the Sonny Merry, which was shrouded in bubbles and looked like it was plated with a layer of bubble armor.

"It must be no problem to take such a boat to Fishman Island, twist!"

Xiaoba can also see the level of this bubble craftsmanship at a glance, and he also admires Rayleigh's craftsmanship.

"Then let's go!"

Usopp is also a little impatient to get on the ship and feel it!

And just when he came to the dock port and was about to lift his feet to board the ship~


Above the sky, there was a loud howl.

It was the excited cry from the news bird delivering the newspaper gull.

And after that cry fell.


A series of newspapers fell from the sky and sprinkled the entire port terminal.

"this is…"

Usopp looked up, and received a mass of newspapers in his hand just right.

"Is it the report about the previous war on the top?!"

He flipped through it casually, and there were photos about the war and some related text descriptions.

However, these are not the key points, and were casually read by Usopp a few times.


After these general official introductions, we came to the highlight of this report.

And the one that first appeared in front of everyone was the most impactful~


Usopp's eyes widened suddenly, "It's a wanted order!!"

He suddenly screamed in surprise, startling the people next to him.

Originally, everyone wanted to scold the idiot with anger, but after hearing Usopp's words, everyone's attention suddenly came to this aspect!

"Wanted order? Is it ours?!"

Whether it's Sanji, who is looking forward to Miss Fishman Island, or Brook who is fat, and Chopper, who is equally shocked and snot out.

Everyone looked over with burning eyes, and they all swarmed around, surrounding Usopp.

Even Zoro rubbed his chin and looked at him with interest.

The first picture at the beginning is a picture of Luffy.

It's just that the photo is not the same as the original.

This also means...

"It's indeed our bounty, and it's a brand new photo and a new round of bounty!!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and this new photo gave them more and greater expectations.

"Our photos still have a reward amount, what will it look like?!"

"My photo will definitely be replaced by my real heroic figure?!"

"I also fought desperately and defeated a lot of enemies. The reward amount will definitely increase significantly?!"

Sanji and Chopper were both breathing white air from their nostrils.

They were trembling, wanting to reach out for the bounty.

But when he was about to touch it, he immediately shrank back in shock.

"No, we can't see it!"

The two shook their heads in unison, "We must have been severely cursed."

"The curse on the bounty!"

"So, it's not up to us to reveal the final result!"

Chopper and Sanji looked at Usopp very synchronously:

"It's up to you, Usopp!"

"We believe in your luck and ability!"

Usopp: "…"

Isn't it just a bounty, what about you?

He was both speechless and a little understanding and sympathetic.

Looking at these two people, it was obvious that they could bring confidence and majesty to the pirates with a bounty, but in the end they made them like this abruptly.

Gee, poor!

While Usopp sighed, he also took out all the reward orders.

"Nani Nani?! Is there a reward for me?!"

Luffy also heard the movement, he quickly stretched his arms and swayed, and got off the Merry again, looking here with curiosity and anticipation on his face.

When he saw the people around him, Usopp simply scattered all the reward orders in his hand to the ground.

Then Xiaoba was called over.

Well, this guy has six arms, which is the most suitable for sorting out these bounties.

Suddenly, everyone's reward orders appeared in front of everyone.

First of all, the first one is naturally a photo of Luffy.

At this moment, the original photo of the smiling face with big white teeth was removed, and it was replaced by a photo with serious eyes and a brand new look.