MTL - The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship-Chapter 406

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The command you get is just one word:


Therefore, there is a brand-new reward order like Luffy.

Not only him, but other members of the Straw Hat Pirates also have their own brand-new bounties.

There are also people like Luo, Shiliu, etc., who also performed well in this war, or those who brought bad influence, made new 813 wanted orders.

In this way, under the resolution of the Five Old Stars, the decrees began to be announced to the Navy headquarters and the sea:

The naval marshal Sengoku will step down after a month, and the new marshal candidate is to be determined.

In view of some factors that happened in this war, some pirate groups, the world government and the navy, which will have extremely bad influence, will take thunder action to sweep away the criminals.

Of course, these two things are not the most important.

The big head must still be trying to deceive the people. The world government has issued a special document summarizing its views and analysis reports on this war, which "appears to be a failure, but actually won."

After all, although the result is a loss, it can't be both a loss and a face.

At least on the surface, the people and the members of the world government cannot be allowed to lose confidence in the navy and the world government.

As for the tactics shown in the picture, they are all defined by the world government as the pirates' despicable means of framing and so on.

In short, failure cannot be officially admitted.

After all, in this sea, there are still a few smart people, and the majority of stupid people follow the trend.

As long as you can fool the majority of these, then these are not problems.

The world government has existed for 800 years, even if the Holy Land Mary Joa was invaded by Fisher Tiger a dozen years ago and burned a fire, freeing the slaves, causing it to lose face.

Isn't it good, still standing there?

Therefore, on the issue of public opinion, the world government has never been too worried (cfbg).

Having ruled this world for more than 800 years, they have long known what these people on the sea are.

I also understand how to deal with their doubts and distrust.

They have done this kind of thing more than once, and they are very skilled.

The reason for letting the Warring States resign after a month is that on the one hand, the internal affairs of the navy will be handed over, which will take a certain amount of time.

On the other hand, it is obvious that the pirates who still have great routes in the four seas are beginning to move a little.

Although there is no "ONEPIECE" that Whitebeard shouted before his death in the original version, it is real, and it almost triggered the second trend of the era of pirates.

There was no Whitebeard death either, which made many pirates feel that the mountain that had been pressing on their heads had disappeared without hindrance, giving them ambitions that they should not have.

But the failure of the navy made some criminal pirates see the emptiness of the navy's power at the moment.

A group of scourges who originally wanted to go to sea also seized this opportunity and set sail one after another.

Although not as grand as before, almost all criminals have become pirates on the scale.

But when this torrent poured down and merged into the great route.

The surge in the number of people going to sea is indeed a strong force!

The Warring States still need to sit in the center of the headquarters and suppress the current bad signs.

They can't help the Whitebeard Pirates, the scumbags on the sea who go out to sea as soon as their heads are hot, they should not be too easy to deal with.

Moreover, I just took this opportunity to show the world once again that the navy is not the incompetent waste they imagined! !

Therefore, not only school-level officers, but even major generals, lieutenant generals, and even generals were dispatched.

This is also an excellent time to restore their naval prestige.

But in this case, the focus of the Navy is on the four seas and the first half of the great route.

As for the Chambord Islands in the middle, and the New World in the second half, they were selectively ignored for the time being.

Including those who rescued Ace and left the Navy headquarters, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Straw Hat Pirates.

After they left the navy headquarters~

On the fifty warships, everyone launched a unique banquet!

The laughter was high, and everyone had a smile on their face, all wandering in the sea of ​​joy.

The three brothers, Luffy, Ace, and Sabo, who have not seen each other for a long time, competed for meat there, which attracted applause from the surrounding pirate squad leaders.

Soon, stacks of plates were piled up around the three of them.

As for the meat on the warship is not enough~

Those sea kings in the nearby sea are the most abundant food source.

Surrounding Zoro, there were players who were good at swordsmanship such as Bista and Makugay. They were drinking and talking about swordsmanship skills.

It can be said that the more they talk to each other, the more speculative they are.

Sanji, on the other hand, had red eyes, and circled around Whitebee of the [Witch of Ice].

The posture and appearance are not too obvious.

Whitebee, on the other hand, expressed his gratitude to Sanji himself for his great devotion.

After all, she is now in her 40s or 50s, and although her appearance has not changed much, a little boy like Sanji in her eyes should stay where it is cool.

Sanji, who was also a sniper, crossed his shoulders and bragged to the surrounding Whitebeard Pirates.

Chopper and Luo exchanged their medical experience with Marco, the ship doctor on the Whitebeard Pirates.

Between each other, it can be said that they have their own gains.

And in the meantime, Luo also found Luffy and drank the little brother's wine, and the relationship between the two sides was established.

Somewhere in the warship.


On the blood knife thunderstorm, a gleaming white luster suddenly appeared.

Looking at the power in front of him, hope flashed a fascination in his eyes.

"This is really the best power!!"

"Actually, I think Luffy's ability is better than the Zhenzhen fruit~"

Link joked there, "Would you like to try to use Luffy's abilities?"

Shiliu: "...It's not necessary."

He also already knew the real name of Luffy's Devil Fruit, and also learned about his related abilities.

Before awakening, it was the rubbery elastic ability of the rubber fruit.

Although after awakening, it will gain extremely powerful power.


No one has awakened for eight hundred years, and it was not until Luffy's body that this power was revealed.

Shiliu doesn't think he is so powerful and lucky to be able to awaken this ability like Luffy.

For him, shaking the fruit is already the best choice.

He looked at the gleaming white circle of light that represented power, and was once again addicted to it.

During the banquet, Link took him to find Whitebeard.

After explaining the purpose of his visit, Whitebeard generously expressed that there was no problem.

With the mind of the strongest man in the world, let alone just copying his own ability, even if he takes away his ability to shake the fruit, it doesn't matter at all!

In this way, under the interesting gaze of Whitebeard, Shiliu was very logical, and obtained this superhuman Devil Fruit ability, which is claimed to be the strongest in the world.

"Gu la la la la, it's really a peculiar item, can you even copy other people's Devil Fruit abilities?"

Not only Whitebeard, but other squad leaders and the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates also looked at it with surprise, and did not expect Link to be able to do this.

But this has nothing to do with them. After being surprised, they still eat food and sing songs, and they are happy there.

Shiliu, on the other hand, followed Link and the two to test the ability of the shaking fruit.

"I believe it won't take long. With the development and understanding of this ability, your strength will definitely improve to a higher level."

Link looked at Shiliu's intoxicated look and said with a smile.

"I believe too!"

The gleaming white halo dissipated, and Shiliu put the thunderstorm back into the scabbard, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his cigar-dipping mouth.

With the world's top power, anyone's heart will be filled with lofty ambition and self-confidence.

Not to mention Shiliu's current self-satisfaction, Link looked to the side again, the tall blue fat man walking towards him.

The blue fat man in One Piece is naturally the previous king who went to the Qiwuhai, and [Sea Man] Jinping.

"This time the war has really opened my eyes to this old man."

Holding a glass of wine, he came to Link.

"The Straw Hat Pirates are truly well-deserved, and the old man sees everything in his eyes."

Jinbei couldn't stop praising and sighing.

In this war, he has already held the consciousness of dying there, in return for the protection and care of the fish-man island by the white-bearded father for many years.


[Thanks to the '1370..' boss for the reward again at five or eight! Thanks for the 2,000-point reward from the 'Once Upon a Time Eunuch' boss! Thank you! ].

403 Hancock and Robin and Nami ~ The correct usage of Tianlong people! Bye everyone! Goodbye to the new world!

And the result?

But it was better than Jinbei imagined, better not too much.

It is neither the Whitebeard Pirates nor other pirates, but the former Qiwuhai, who sees it most clearly.

Jinbei clearly knew that in this war, the Straw Hat Pirates played a pivotal role.

"It's not that good either, it's just doing what it's supposed to do."

Link also picked up the wine glass and touched Yu Jinbei lightly.

"It's not just that."

Jinbei shook his head there, "The old man has said it before..."

He said solemnly there: "You help the old man to rescue him from the push city, so that the old man can get what he wants. It is really a great kindness to the old man!"

"The old man also said that when the war is over, if the old man still survives and repays the kindness of the white-bearded father, he will come to you at that time.-"

"And now..."

He obviously has such hideous teeth and face, but when Jinping smiles, it makes people feel that he is very gentle:

"The old man was lucky to survive that battlefield, so naturally he will not forget his original promise!"

"After the old man has finished dealing with the fish-man island and the Sun Pirates~"

He paused, and his expression gradually became solemn and serious: "At that time, I still hope that the Straw Hat Pirates will not dislike this old man's ruined body!"

"Of course not~"

Link once again raised the glass with a smile, "We are very honored!"


At this moment, the two wine glasses collided again.

And Link was chatting with Shiliu and Jinhe there.

Some other location on the warship.

"Is that the [Pirate Empress]?!"

From a long distance, Nami looked up and down the aloof and inhumane Boya Hancock.