MTL - The Great Voyage: the Prop Master on the Straw Hat Ship-Chapter 397

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"Isn't there still soldiers and school-level officers?!"

Akainu also said with a serious face **** for tat:

"As long as the sinful pirates have not been eliminated, even if there is only one soldier and one soldier left, we have absolutely no meaning to retreat!"

He said coldly, "What's more, there is also the Marshal of the Warring States Period, and our two generals, with such sufficient combat power, why not do it?!"

"And then?! Just to kill a few more pirates, do you have to kill so many navy's lives?!"

A layer of frost already appeared on Aokiji's face:

"You know, when we have all the strength, we haven't won the other party, and if we pursue it again, have you ever thought about the consequences?!"

"What if Whitebeard, Ryder, and the [Prop Master] get ruthless, anger them, and let them destroy the naval base?!"

"You are not practicing justice at all, but letting the sailors die!"

"Are you scared? Kuzan!"

"Stop using that clumsy trick on me, and give me a good understanding of reality, Sakaski!!"

"All right!"

Seeing that the more and more things were said between the two, they even had plans to do it.

Warring States immediately scolded.

"Stop me all!"

The left half of the body is icy cold, and the right half of the body is hot and burning.

Such an argument between the two gave Rao a little headache in the Warring States period.

After all, the concept of justice pursued by the two is completely opposite.

The two had a big fight at the Navy headquarters after the O'Hara incident two decades ago.

That is, since then, the battle of ideas has basically been buried between the two.

Rather than trending down over time, this has intensified as their respective supporters have grown.

"This war will end here."

Warring States rubbed his eyebrows and said with a hammer.


Akainu's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Because of the dragon people~"

Sengoku glanced and said nothing, but Akainu, whose body was billowing with magma, knew that the other party needed an explanation, so he spoke slowly.

"Dragon people?!"

Akainu just remembered that on the Chambord Islands, the Straw Hat Pirates seemed to have kidnapped three Heavenly Dragons? !

"On the ice just now, [Prop Master] Link showed me the three Celestial Dragons in his hands."

Seeing that Akainu realized the importance of the problem, his face became gloomy and unsightly.

Warring States also slowed down, "So I didn't intervene when Whitebeard was cleaning the door just now."

"When they all moved away, they didn't move either."

"On the one hand, it is indeed because of what Aokiji said, this war has no meaning."

"On the other hand, there are those Heavenly Dragon people in the opponent's hands."

"Once the Tianlong people die because of your fault and mine, the other party will certainly face the endless pursuit and killing of the world government."

"But in the same way, if you and I want to continue to practice our own path of justice, it will be difficult..."

After all, Sengoku patted the shoulder of Sakaski, who clenched his fists and was obviously very unwilling.

Turn around and walk towards the harbor.

"If you really feel unwilling to die, then go and cooperate with Kizaru to take down the old monster, the golden lion."

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

"That guy, Kizaru, it's been so long, and the battle hasn't ended yet. It seems that he's holding back the golden lion again, and he's starting to mess around there..."

Deeply aware of this general who flattered [Ambiguous Justice], this is how he usually behaves.

Sengoku shook his head involuntarily.

I plan to go back to the square and clean up the pirates, beasts, and his subordinates brought by the golden lion.

As for Akainu, after listening to the words of the Warring States period, he did not say a word, and his feet spurted violent magma again.

The turbulent lava, like a volcanic eruption, erupted with a strong driving force, pushing Akainu himself straight into the sky.

Only Qingzhi and Crane stood there, looking at the devastated ground and square once again.

"Fortunately, the house of the Navy Headquarters was not destroyed..."

Crane glanced at the stately building of the Navy Headquarters, which could be said to be almost intact.

It can only be from this angle to ease the sadness in the heart a little.

After all, it was a battle with pirates, and the final result of this battle was that they lost.

Moreover, it was a complete loss~~~



Aokiji was silent, looking at the slowly opening door of justice.

A breeze blew, blowing away the ice crystals on his body.

Meanwhile, the Chambord Islands are there.

"What are you doing?!"

"The most important thing is gone?!"

"Hurry up and show us the screen!!"

On the square, countless people surrounded the broadcast screens, shouting loudly and venting their dissatisfaction.

Just now, the screen has been put on Whitebeard to clear the portal.

As a result, it suddenly became dark and lost the signal? !

Well, just when Link felt it was over, he shut down the videophone bug.

There is no need to show these people what happened next.

What you should know, of course you will know.

"Let's go~"

On the hillside, Rayleigh drank the last bottle of wine with a smile, then slowly got up and said.

"It's finally like this~"

There was a long sigh with a smile.

Although they didn't see the next picture... Although he couldn't see it himself, but the battle situation after the interruption.

They almost got it all.

The state of affairs and the situation has reached that point, and there will be no more chances.

"I really didn't expect it..."

Shaking his head with a smile, he whispered softly.

Didn't expect it? Maybe~

Reilly smiled and said nothing.

As early as when he was training Luffy and Zoro, he had this feeling at the time.

"The world will eventually have a completely different direction because of your existence and intervention..."

He also remembered his original intention when he came to this Chambord Archipelago and stayed there for 20 years.


Reilly laughed heartily again.

The career I have been waiting for for twenty years is finally about to bear fruit, and I have waited for the person I want.

Not only Rayleigh, but other people who could see the situation clearly fell into silence when the screen went dark.

"Let's go~"

The first to make a move was the [gangster] Capone Becky dressed as a godfather.

After being silent for a long time, he gave instructions to his younger brothers.


[Thanks to '? Baekou & Old Together~' for the reward again! Thanks to the boss of 'Silent Night' for the reward again at 58:00! grateful! ! 】enter.

394 The Straw Hat Pirates after the war! Wake up Luffy! The three brothers who bumped fists again!

"Fight for us to arrive before Whitebeard and the others return to the new world."

These remarks have already shown Becky's views on this war.

Whitebeard returns to the new world, so it is self-evident who Becky thinks the final winner of this war is.

"Anyway, the film has already been plated, hurry up..."

He walked quickly, a kind of fire called ambition burning in his eyes.

"Get a foothold in that new world as soon as possible!"

Not only Becky, but other supernovas also have their own choices one after another.

"Let's go~"

After a long silence, Drake raised his head slowly.

When I opened my eyes again, it was clear.

"The current situation is very chaotic, and it is far from the pattern of the four emperors at the rear of the new world, where we can find our place in the middle of it!"

"Yes, Captain Drake!"

The subordinates promised loudly, and Drake tightly grasped the weapon around his waist.

Now he is the pirate [Red Flag] X Drake, the fallen rear admiral!

Instead of being the captain of the Navy's secret army, there must be absolutely no difference in identity!

Now, he must and can only be, standing in the position of a pirate!

"It's unexpected, and it's reasonable..."

Next to the "eight zero zero" of the fountain, Hawkins put away all the tarot cards.

"It's such a result~"

"It seems that not only the four seas are not very stable, but even here in the great route, and even the new world in the second half, may not be very peaceful in a short time..."

Hawkins shook his head and greeted his friends to leave without saying much.

Before leaving, he also glanced at the corner, the [Monk] Urky and his party who had quietly left.

Above the roof.

"I didn't expect such a result."

Apu crossed his chest with both hands, still exclaiming there.

Although he already had the result of speculation in his heart, it was because of this that he was surprised.

Even the unreliable himself now feels that the victory of this war will belong to whom.