MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1932 Wine banquet

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"Which people are there, what company is having dinner?" On the second floor, people in the private rooms came out to the bathroom and were breathable in the hallway, just overlooking the banquet hall.

"It's not very clear, it's all young people. This company is very energetic."

"Haha, we are more energetic than they are when we are young."

"Hey, waiter, what company is this, there are at least a few hundred people here, too many people." The old classmates gathered, drinking a little more, curiosity is more serious, actually took the waiter and asked.

"This is still more? This one-tenth has not come." The waiter almost despised these middle-aged people.

"The company of tens of thousands of people? It's still so young, how is it possible, Jiangnan City has never heard of it." The eyeballs are coming out quickly.

"The game club, the ruling sword has never heard of it, one hundred and twenty thousand players, here are just some of their members in the Jiangnan city base." The waiter is very proud to say that the Jiangnan youth who play the game basically have a verdict. The sword is a good impression and proud of the sword of ruling.

"How many people play a game, it's too exaggerated, have they fed so many people?" It sounds like a fantasy.

"There are three or four fortresses in the game. It is not easy to feed more than 100,000 people. It is more profitable than the big companies in reality. I estimate that there are at least billions of net worth, and I have found a woman who is richer than him. It’s only two years since I was a friend.” The waiter didn’t know much about it, but it didn’t prevent him from expressing his opinion.

"Playing a game, I didn't expect it to be so big..." Is it not to ban family children from playing games? He is here for the sake of a small company, and the young and young have already gone to the peak of their lives by playing games.

The times are different, and it is really pedantic to look at things from the old eyes.

The world is out of my generation, and I’m rushing into the rivers and lakes.

Emperor's bully talks and laughs, and he is intoxicated.

The party seems to be inevitably drinking, especially when men occupy most of the bureau, so the land is inevitably drunk.

He was not drinking very much.

Whether it is before rebirth or after rebirth, life is like a heavy burden on his shoulders, he does not dare to relax a little, but now do not say that fame, at least have their own career, with a group of their own trustworthy brothers.

It seems that because of some wine, he stood up with a glass of wine.

The meeting slowly disappeared and everyone looked at him.

"Thank you, everyone here."

"My brother used to ask me why I was so anxious. I don't really want people to know. I am a person who is extremely insecure, very vulnerable and inferior."

"I often dream of being awakened by myself, because I am worried that I will become poor suddenly, so this is to wake up."

When I spoke, all the people laughed and Lu Yi followed.

All the people think that Lu is joking. In fact, only Lu Li knows that he is not joking: "With you, I have a sense of security. You are my backing. Without you, I am actually nothing."

Whether it is a joke or not, it is actually very touching.

"Oh, with the person next to you, who can be more secure than you, right? Water MM!" There are always two goods out to destroy the atmosphere, the blue sea breeze is such a second goods.

Lu Li also noticed that the atmosphere on the scene was a bit heavy, so it was not sensational.

"Come, drink it!"

"Fog grass, don't you tease me? You actually want to get drunk, after I get drunk, do you want to go to me, my mom, I treat you as a brother, you actually want me, water MM pipe is your home, and people who rely on small left and right all day are prone to problems."

"Hey, drink your bar."

I couldn’t listen to it anymore. Lu was stunned by the blue sea breeze and poured a glass of wine directly into his mouth.

At the beginning of the blue sea breeze, I was glaring at the land, and gradually lost my eyes. After another ten seconds, in the number of people nearby, I fell to the place.

Someone immediately dragged him to the side.

This kind of person who fell in a cup is not worthy to sit at a table with the boss.

"Don't wait for him to eat and drink with him." Although he was ridiculed, the water elf still retains at least a kind heart.

"Nothing, he has a lot of instant noodles in his room, all of which are braised beef." Lu is not sympathetic.

However, he will soon need to be sympathized.

No matter what era, Huaxia’s wine table always has a concept of honor. Under normal circumstances, you must go to the leader to toast, otherwise it will appear that you are dissatisfied with the leadership.

"I will respect you for the boss, I will finish it, you are free."

"Boss, I wish you and Water MM an early success, you are free, my cup is dry."

"Boss, you have worked hard, you don't say anything."

"Boss, I am a useless little punk. I can thank you all today. I am happy today, boss, come, let's have a drink."

If you want to be free, you should at least pick a little bit. If your lips are not wet, you will really be considered to look down on people.

Therefore, the disaster of land is coming.

The root number was quick to see, and after stuffing some food into the stomach, I lay down with the blue sea breeze.

There is already a high-level pretend to die, and if he is still pretending to die, he really has no fun playing today.

Fortunately, the amount of alcohol is really good, especially in the last two years, I have been fully exercised. I haven’t fallen down after a round of drinking. At least a dozen bottles of beer are still available.

Those who waited to see Lu Yi’s jokes were a bit stunned, and when the boss’s drink was so good.

After seeing a drink in the circle, I immediately asked my sister to give up the dream and the eight sauces, and then took the water elves to swear in the shackles of a group of people.

Without the presence of the boss, other people can really enjoy themselves.

The leader who shows how to show up is also the leader. If it is really a mess with the leader, it is really a problem with the dual business.

The riverside in the night is very beautiful, and most people who live nearby come out for a walk after dinner.

The land is holding the water elf, which is very natural.

Such a couple is not uncommon on the riverside, and there are some white-haired old people who are helping each other to walk in such a dimly lit night.

It seems that it is not bad to support each other in this way. Lu suddenly suddenly envied such people.

The communicator vibrated in the pocket.

Lu Li took it out and glanced.

It was originally sent by my sister, only a few simple words.

"Brother, go to the small square, don't be too surprised."

This little girl had no troubles, and he was puzzled by the centrifugation, but he was also very curious, so he took the water elf toward the small square.