MTL - The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child-Chapter 1772 : There is a big marriage, the oriole is behind

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When Jiang Junyuan and the others completely disappeared, the shadow knelt down in front of Li Chengfeng.

"This subordinate's unscrupulous words almost exposed His Highness's important affairs, and please His Highness punish him!"

For a while, all the worship pavilions and shadow guards looked at Li Chengfeng.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had specifically explained before that he tried to hide his identity as much as possible in order to inflict a serious blow to the joint note.

Shadow almost revealed Li Chengfeng's identity just now, but luckily Yuan came back.

It was Shadow's fault after all.

The reason he took the initiative to admit it was also for Li Chengfeng to establish his prestige in front of these worshipers.

Li Chengfeng stroked his chin lightly, bowed his head in thought for a while, and then spoke slowly.

"Well! Then I will punish you to go to Fengzhou to investigate the situation and prepare a place for us to collapse!"

He patted the shoulder of the shadow in front of him lightly, his body's aura suddenly rose, and his eyes were fixed on those who worshiped in the pavilion.

This matter is not mentioned at all.

However, he still has to show his strength to avoid any problems after he arrives in Songzhou.

A domineering and disdainful aura spread out in all directions, and the powerful internal force of the Daoist was like a mountain suppressing all directions.

All the powerhouses in the Dao realm secretly smacked their tongues in their hearts.

You can have such a powerful momentum and sense of oppression just after stepping into the Dao realm.

The most important thing is that His Royal Highness is only in his teens, and he still has unlimited potential, and his future is limitless!

"Yes! Your Highness!"

Seeing the astonishment in the eyes of those people in the enshrining pavilion, a smile appeared on the corner of Shadow's mouth.

After all, Li Chengfeng has just stepped into the Dao realm.

He was also worried that those worshiping pavilions would be underestimated. Now it seems that Li Chengfeng has completely shocked them.

Shadow left the team alone and rode his horse towards Fengzhou City.

And Li Chengfeng and the others also left slowly after eating, rushing to Fengzhou City.

Two hours later, a group of people came to Fengzhou City.

But the strange thing is that there are lights and festoons everywhere in Fengzhou City, and even the roads are covered with red cloth.

"Brother, I'm here for the first time, and I want to ask why there are red cloths hanging on the door of the shop?"

Li Chengfeng stopped a passerby on the street and asked with a smile on his face.

"You..." The person who was on the way was still a little angry, but he had no choice but to give up when he saw Li Chengfeng's face full of smiles.

Stretch out your hand and don't hit the smiling face, everyone has said so, but it's just a matter of one sentence.

"You who come from other places don't know. Today, the daughter of our magistrate got married, so the merchants hung up red cloth pictures to celebrate."

Only then did Li Chengfeng slightly nod his head, and took out a piece of broken silver from his pocket and handed it to the man.

"Thank you, my dear friend."

"Where is it, just ask me if you have anything in the future!" The man ran away quickly with the money, for fear that Li Chengfeng would regret it.

Li Chengfeng continued forward with a group of people, and the shadow quickly appeared in front of him.

"My lord, the inn has been arranged, come with me!"

Shadow brought Li Chengfeng and his party to live in a three-story inn by the roadside.

Li Chengfeng came to his room, leaned against the window, and looked at the bustling street ahead.

"Your Highness, the situation in the city has been investigated."

"The prefect of Fengzhou is called Zhongyan, and under his governance, the government is smooth and the people are harmonious."

"His daughter is getting married today, and the people in the city are celebrating spontaneously. Today is a lively time on the streets."

Li Chengfeng nodded slightly after listening.

It seems that the prefect of Fengzhou has a good relationship with the people, otherwise the people would not be able to spontaneously celebrate him.

"How is the situation in Songzhou? Are there any new clues?"

Shadow shook his head again and again: "Since the people who took the note that day, they have disappeared, and we haven't been able to find any other news."

"My subordinates have asked the shadow guards to keep an eye on those mines. As long as they make another move, they will send a letter to me immediately."

Just as the two were chatting, the sound of gongs and drums came from the street outside the window.

Li Chengfeng looked down, and saw that a sedan chair was moving forward surrounded by dozens of people.

There are two lion dancers in front of the line, and at the end of the line are a dozen boxes of dowry and a band beating gongs and drums.

Just as Li Chengfeng was about to close the window, there were loud shouts and fights downstairs.

More than a dozen bandits carrying knives rushed to the procession and fought with the **** of the sedan chair.

These people seemed to have premeditated, and went straight to the big sedan chair in the middle of the team, and those who blocked were quickly cut down by them.

"Eighth Prince, do we want to make a move?" Shadow quickly looked at Li Chengfeng who was beside him.

Li Chengfeng didn't answer Shadow's question right away, his eyes were fixed on the back of the group of thugs.

There, he noticed a familiar fluctuation, and he was afraid that he would run into an old acquaintance again this time.

Sure enough, before Li Chengfeng and the others could make a move, the sound of rumbling horseshoes sounded.

Jiang Junyuan, who they had seen before, led the city defense army and killed them together with the gangsters.

Soon the gangsters who were so arrogant just now were beaten to the **** and fled in all directions.

There were a large number of city defense troops, and seeing the bandits about to run away, they quickly chased after them.

Especially the guard Jiang Junyuan rushed to the front with a silver gun in his hand, and those bandits fell down one by one very quickly.

"Hugh, let the thief go!" Jiang Junyuan moved the silver gun again, and killed a villain in front of him with one shot.

At this moment, more than a dozen figures appeared in the direction Li Chengfeng had been staring at.

The Blood Slave in blood red and four masked Celestial Warriors came straight to Jiang Junyuan.

"Where is the thief!"

Jiang Junyuan frowned, raised his spear with a loud shout, and stabbed forward.

"The one who killed you!" The masked man raised his hand and patted Jiang Junyuan on the head.

Jiang Junyuan looked at the turbulent and powerful palm print of internal force, was startled, and backed away again and again.

He had a strong sense of crisis in his heart, and if he was photographed by that palm print, he would definitely die here.

But the inner qi palm print followed him closely like a tarsal maggot.

Just when the palm print was about to hit his a figure stood in front of him, and the palm print hit him without any reaction.

"General Jiang, I didn't expect us to meet again!" The corners of Li Chengfeng's mouth twitched.

Seeing Li Chengfeng's appearance, those warriors who shared the note were all shocked and rushed out of the city.

But since Li Chengfeng made a move, how could he let them escape under his nose.

They didn't take two steps, they bumped into the Dao Realm of the Enshrining Pavilion accompanying them head-on, and were quickly captured.

"My lord, all the troublemakers have been captured, please give me your orders!"

At this time, the shadow also led the shadow guards out, and those gangsters who escaped just now were also arrested by them.

"You... who the **** are you?"

Jiang Junyuan, who survived the catastrophe, once again raised his silver gun and pointed it at Li Chengfeng, his eyes were determined to see death as home.