MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 517 Dragon cockroach

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Genius 壹 second remember "』,.

Zhang Wei’s sudden attack was not reflected by the corpse, but it was only a blink of an eye. Zhang Wei had already placed the illusion in the corpse of his own body.

He experienced the power of falling scent, which is the first time he has unselfishly cooperated with others in the field. This auxiliary field has very few evolutionary creatures, just like rare animals.

Later generations of Zhang Wei are not qualified to appreciate this benefit, but he now finally understands why the powers of later generations are eager for them.

It is so good to use!

This is a force that does not give him any blockade to release illusion. To some extent, he directly promotes his illusion to another direction of evolution.

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The evolving mental attack has now brought enormous trouble to the corpse, even if he is the emperor of the zombies, he is also inevitably a zombie.

His brain is very turbulent, because he has smoked too many humans, zombies, and the brains of the zombies behind him, and then forced their power to control more zombies.

The enormous spiritual power supported the Emperor to control his entire ethnic group. It is no exaggeration to say that there is no zombie with its own will in this corpse.

All erased by him!

Even if it is the third-order peak, the existence of the fourth-order early is to facilitate his control.

Zhang Jian’s intensive illusion is still disturbing his own control while still messing up in his huge spiritual sea, like a wooden bucket filled with water, being poked out of a small hole little by little.

Zhang Wei knows that his spiritual strength can not be confronted with this fourth-order corpse even if he is united with Luo Xun, so he uses his strengths to attack the short board of the Emperor.

Zhang Hao’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and he felt the arrogant corpse of the present.

"Your mental strength is too great, but it is too slow!"

Whenever the corpse wants to catch a small muddy mess in his spiritual sea, Zhang Wei always has the flexibility to escape the big hand made up of mottled spirit.

It is too slow!

Under the control of Zhang Wei, his mental strength is basically a shot for a place, and at the same time his illusion is still interfering with the control of the corpse to the zombie sea.

Sure enough, after a long time without accepting the order of the emperor, the zombie sea under Zhang Wei and others began to riot, and Zhang Wei took the opportunity to re-apply, making them change convenience.

The exhausted Treeman Corps finally got a chance to breathe, and the huge trees that lingered on the outermost sides sat down on the ground and lost a lot of parts.

However, Zhang Wei’s purpose is far more than this. When he saw these zombies who lost their control of the Emperor, he suddenly thought of a good way.

My own illusion is probably not enough time to trap the corpse, but it is not that the corpse will burst out, but the power of him and Luo Yuxun is limited. The two people’s efforts to do this are already beyond his imagination. .

Zhang Wei looked at the zombie sea used to besieged the Terran in the other half of the distance. The face of the corpse was exposed with a very strange smile.

He wants to let these uncontrollable zombies, all the brains rush to the half of the companions, let the people know that there are reinforcements, and when they should be outside, even if they and the stagnation can not hold, there will be strong people to pick up the corpse The emperor is a mess.

In the past, two dozens were crushed and huddled in the enchantment. Now Zhang Jian took the plant-based reinforcements and killed them. Where can't they win?

Time is tight, Zhang Wei directly created the information that rich flesh and blood are in their distant companions. Under the blind zombie group has a goal at once, and then turned back and rushed back.

In the field of corpse venom, the two beasts have not found anything wrong, but when the zombies rushed away, they finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

The leader who is not optimistic is probably causing great trouble to the Emperor.

But the field of corpse poisoning is still going on, but Bai Huhuang can not hold any optimistic attitude, saying that this person who is familiar with himself really has any special means.

The zombies under the hand are out of control, and it is conceivable what the current corpse is.

Because of the rest, the tree-man army that provided the energy to Qianlin was backed up more, and the entire body of Qianlin was dyed with a golden light.

The Qinghuang Emperor glanced at the white tiger emperor who was crushed in the downwind. His brow wrinkled. Although he was arrogant, he also got a clear battle. Although he fought the vines of this vine, he dared not fight back, but it was a zombie. There was something happening in the sea, or the white tiger couldn’t hold it, and he would fall into desperation.

Looking deep into the direction of the corpse poison field, he is an evolutionary creature in the spiritual realm, and the corpse must be trapped.

Although I don't want to admit it, the corpse is indeed the strongest among the three of them.

The eyes of the Qing Emperor passed over a trace of cold, and a cold rose from his lower abdomen, condensed in the throat, and the whole face was condensed with a layer of frost.

The next second, a sharp dragon screamed from the mouth of the Qing Emperor.

He actually used his own source of cold, that is the root of its dragon, but the Qing Emperor can not care so much, the corpse can not wake up to have a few of them have to finish!

Even if he has lost a little bit of anger, he will not hesitate to do so. As long as he can wake up the corpse, everything is worth it.

There is a trace of grievance in the green snake of the green dragonfly, and the dragon is pneumatically used, which will delay the time of his dragon.

He wanted to find Zhang Hao's troubles, but now he can't, he can only vent his grievances on Cang Yu, who has been passively beaten.

The force is once again violent, even if it is the characteristics of the tough body of the Cangyu vines, it is also a bitter.

When Zhang Hao heard the sound of the dragon, his heart suddenly stunned.

I am afraid it will be a bad thing!

Sure enough, the corpse of the corpse was awakened by this extremely stimulating dragon, and instantly took back the control of the zombie sea.

At this time, the runaway Zombie Sea only attacked some companions on the periphery and did not cause any huge losses.

Zhang Wei has been unable to manage them because he perceives it.

The corpse, I really woke up in advance.

Qing Lan and Zhang Wei did not notice that a trace of corpse was entangled in the body of Zhang Wei.

Moreover, the corpse poison that is drilled in is constantly increasing!

However, now their eyes are all staring at the corpse who are coming to them step by step. No one has found any abnormality in Zhang Wei.

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