MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 485 Bad goods

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On the 14th, the gaze looked at Zhang Wei in a complicated way. "If you are really the first pick, then you can say it because you have a lot of big things."

Zhang Wei looked at the female eccleal businessman opposite, and he was puzzled. He asked directly, "Isn’t the ecclesiasm businessman not going to take care of things outside of the epoch city? What happened to Suzhou City here?"

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On the 14th, I glanced at the epoch businessman ring in Zhang Wei’s hand and said slowly, “If it’s your human thing, I really only know about Jiyuan City, but because of what happened, it’s not human. ”

Zhang Wei seems to have guessed a bit, tentatively asking, "because the epoch businessman in the capital of Hohhot."

On the 14th, he nodded slightly and looked at Zhang Wei. "Your epoch businessman's ring is broken, so that the 37th is furious, but because of the shackles of the era store, he can't leave.

However, I didn’t know what happened later. On the 37th, I learned the whole truth of the matter. I took the cheating thing in Hohhot’s capital city to the Era’s caravan. He personally took the person back to the Era’s caravan. The era store in Hohhot’s capital city was also wiped out. ”

Listening to the tone of the 14th is very dull, Zhang Wei is shocked and shocked, he can fully imagine the scene at that time, it sounds hot.

"Is it for me on the 37th?"

When I heard Zhang Wei’s words, I shook my head on the 14th and nodded again. I continued. “You may not know how serious the person’s work is in the Jiyuan caravan. He seriously violated the principle of an epoch businessman. And touched the bottom line of the caravan, unless special circumstances, we can not start with the agent of the era, whether directly or indirectly, especially for his own interests.

Because he and the 37th had a private venge, just to prevent the 37th from turning over, he was suppressed in the most crucial first quarter performance appraisal.

This is the main reason, but I personally feel that thirty-seven thought that you are dead, and it still has a great impact on him when he is doing things. Otherwise, it is possible to change the empire businessman. He is hard to apply for the recovery of the epoch store there. went. ”

Zhang Wei feels like listening to the Bible, is the 37th so strong?

It seems that I saw Zhang Jian’s doubts. On the 14th, I chuckled and said, “The 37th is very strong. Before that, he was the strongest group in the Jiyuan caravan, so he was also crowded out by many people. After he made the incident, many of them fell to the ground and pressed him. []"

It seems that I feel that I have said more this time. I suddenly stopped talking on the 14th and looked at Zhang Hao’s eyes very much.

"Look at you like this on the 14th. You shouldn’t have to suppress the 37th with others. Am I right?"

Zhang Wei looked at the 14th and asked, the one she said just now should be the life rule that was not completed on the 37th.

"I don't have it naturally, but I am not familiar with the thirty-seventh. I told you the truth. I have told you so much this time because I want you to say a few good words to me before the 37th. It is a line."

Zhang Yan’s eyes looked strangely at the 14th and said, “Are you gangs between the empire businessmen?”

On the 14th, I grinned a few times and said, "The average era businessman, I naturally will not go to the knot. But your boss, thirty-seven, can be different, because the thing in the capital of Hohhot is exposed. After that, his performance naturally returned to zero, and in order to reward the 37th, the caravan directly counted his performance on the 37th.

The most important thing is that in order to alert other epoch merchants, the one has been dealt with, and on the 37th is appointed as the person in charge of the three nearby experimental sites, I naturally have to end up.

But usually there is no chance, I am lucky, you actually found me, then at least a good relationship. ”

The person in charge of the three nearby experimental sites?

I wiped, is the number thirty-seven? Isn't he holding a big thick leg?

Zhang Huan’s brain is chaotic and he becomes the person in charge. The resources in the hands of the 37th must be the most among all the epochs.

"The epoch businessman of Hohhot Metropolis was dealt with. What does it mean?"

Zhang Wei’s sudden inquiry made the look of the 14th change. You can’t take it with you in one sentence. Zhang Hao also had to press the doubts in his heart.

"That's good, I will wait until Luoyang City and I will mention you on the 14th, and I think he is also very happy to be friends with a big beauty."

Zhang Wei took a fierce beat on the 14th. These epoch merchants are all in the fifth-order existence. It is certainly not wrong to make a good deal.

Sure enough, the female animals are very enjoyable, and she is obviously satisfied with Zhang Wei’s flattering.

"On the 14th, I am going to start the epoch trading now, please help me open it for me."

"Yes, your main purpose has been forgotten. Come on, there are still a lot of things you have to deal with. After the transaction is over, you will go to Luoyang City to complete the task as soon as possible, and then enter the epoch battlefield. You humans are not in a good situation right now. ”

When I heard this, Zhang Hao’s heart tightened and said, “Okay.”

"I am not so troubled here. You can take out the goods of the epoch area directly. I will give you an estimate and then the overall price will be given to you. However, the current market price is different from that of the year, and the profit and loss are not good."

Zhang Hao nodded and said, "Well, I know."

Then he opened the epoch businessman ring, and the goods in the epoch were automatically suspended in the air.

50 units of Tianlan Hada, 4 units of Inner Mongolia horns, 2 units of gold saddle, stored intact in the epoch merchant ring, but the other era of general goods are all scrapped, one did not give Zhang Wei.

But the opposite of the 14th was slow, and the expression on his face was very weird.

"What's wrong? On the 14th, this is all my escaping regional goods. You can count the price. I will also buy your regional escrow goods and go back to complete the mission."

When I saw these things on the 14th, my eyes were straight, just like the hungry man saw the fat roast chicken, and did not care about her image. Excited and Zhang Wei said, "You may not know." How crazy are you in the price of this batch of regional goods?"

Zhang Yan frowned and asked, "Is it worth it? Now I happen to have a price increase."

On the 14th, I was excited and ruddy. I quickly explained, "No, these things are the highest price that the Epoch store can give, no matter when."

I haven’t waited for Zhang Wei’s question. On the 14th, I continued to say with excitement. “These should be the goods of the previous era of Hohhot’s capital. It must be, I told you that at the time, because of the shot on the 37th, there The era store has been taken back by the caravan."

When I heard that Zhang Wei’s eyes suddenly brightened up, then on the 14th, “That is, the goods have been discontinued. The batch in my hand is all that exists.”

On the 14th, there was some trembling. Looking at Zhang Wei was like a cash cow that would lose the ingot, and Zhang Hao was a bit cold.

"You really should be the only one left in this experimental field. Some of them were shot in the old ghost of Xi'an City, so that he directly won the first performance of the season. I can't think of my luck. ”

Seeing the excitement of the 14th, Zhang Yi asked inexplicably, "Is it even exaggerated if it is a great thing? Now this time can also make you win the first performance?"

On the 14th, he waved his hand and said, "Now the epoch-agent merchants have entered the epoch battlefield, and the performance has long stopped racing. I want these to be taken up and exchange for some rewards.

As for its preciousness, you can see the price yourself. ”

She didn't talk much nonsense, and a list of transactions made by a lotus flower petal slowly spread in front of Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei finally knows why the 14th will be so excited.

This price is too crazy!

Crazy to Zhang Wei feels that he has fallen into a golden mountain piled up in a golden leaf.

“Azure Hada, 3 gold leaves per unit, the quantity that can be sold: 50 units.”

“In Inner Mongolia consumes horns, 20 gold leaves per unit, the quantity that can be sold: 4 units.”

The purchase price of Tianlan Hada is 0.2, and the cost of horns in Inner Mongolia is 2.5. The goods in these two eras are almost ten times, but the most terrible is still behind.

"Gold saddle, 100 gold leaves per unit, the quantity that can be sold: 2 units."

The gold saddle, which was worth four gold leaves, is now twenty-five times the price!

"Special note: I finally saw the legendary saga of the era of the goods, the boss, all sold to me! Press OK! Say it."

Zhang Wei looked at the tips of the last trading assistant. The face was already laughing and the flowers appeared on the 14th. Her intelligent assistant was too rude.

Zhang Qian took a deep breath and slowly spit out four words.

"All sold."

The other party was afraid of Zhang Hao’s remorse. He quickly confiscated the goods of Zhang’s era, and the sound of the machine sounded.

"The epoch transaction is completed, and the essay area number 001 is included."

"Total, 430 gold leaves, the transfer was successful, please check."

The statistical sound of this machine came out, and Zhang Hao and No. 14 were silent at the same time.

The original quiet shop was now dead.


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