MTL - The Great Conqueror-Chapter 16 Please give me a person who needs to be saved

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(Recommended ticket, recommended ticket, second more, three more in the back, and more in the first two, the goal is only the first!)

Zou Liang is very clear that he can't take care of him all his life. It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them. He has to fulfill his father's dream and make Ernest become a real Bill Bear warrior!

Ernest gnashed his brace, usually he was not so sad when moving stones ...

Zou Liang adjusted his physical state. The focus of his practice was the use of beast spirit power. In the beast spirit world, he appeared in the state of beast spirit. The transformation of the beast spirit was almost barrier-free. However, in the real world, there is an error in the combination of the body and the beast spirit, and the error must be minimized.

This big and a small one, one standing, one jumping around, indeed has the stupid momentum of heaven and earth.

一段 时间 A period of time before the exam, it does n’t matter if you do n’t have class, everyone prepares it yourself. Zou Liang arranged one day training plan for Ernest, mainly adjusting his body, which was too stiff.

Zou Liang himself came to the Yale Samo Chapter of the Soul Engraving Association. No need to ask others. The building of the Soul Engraving Association has always been the most gorgeous in a city. This point is incomparable to both the city owner and the temple.

The Guild of Soul Engravers is located in the center of the city. The film hunting guild not far away is also good, but not afraid of not knowing the goods, it is afraid of comparing goods. Compared with the group buildings of the Guild of Soul Engravers, it is a bit rural.

There are two huge stone carvings at the entrance of the gate. The earth people like to put lions. The people here are unknown giant monsters. Arthur has not added much knowledge about this and can not recognize it.

The two upright guards at the entrance of the yamen are of the Rhine nationality, and they are more showy.

In the future, he and Ernest were living and living here. Zou Liang knew that he had nothing to feed his family, but if he could become a seal engraver, even if it was the lowest grade, he would at least earn their living expenses in the early stage.

As he was about to enter the door, the sound of arms crossing scared him.

The Rhine guards raised their eyebrows. "Boy, where are you going?"

Zou Liang sighed in his heart. In the past two days, he felt that the quality of the orcs was good. This is when the dog eyes look at the people, and the lion eyes look at the people.

"Oh, this elder brother, I don't know the word, is this the Society of Spirit Engravers?"

废 "Nonsense, in addition to the Soul Engravers Association, Yale Samo, there is a second building, go on the side."

Another Rhine guard was also impatient. Early in the morning, a poor Bill was annoying here.

After all, I want to eat rice here, Zou Liang is still patient, but my tone is also indifferent, "I ’m here to be tested by a soul engraver. If you do n’t come here, where will you let me go!"

"Soul Carver, you?"

The two Rhine people looked at each other, followed by Yangtian burst into laughter, and the tears of laughter were almost coming out.

他 "He, he wants to be a soul engraver, haha, this is the biggest joke this year, no more, the stomach is pumping."

The two Rhein guards laughed and turned, and a cough sounded, "What's so noisy."

A middle-aged man in a silver robe stepped out to see that the beast spirit mark on his forehead was a Snake.

"Master Jacob, this Bill is coming to be a soul engraver test, look?"

At first sight of the middle-aged, the two guards quickly became extremely respectful.

Jacob frowned slightly, frowning, "What the hell, here is the Guild of Engravers, drive away."

"Yes, sir."

The silver robe engraver glanced at Arthur immeasurably proudly, and that look could no longer be described with contempt, as if he saw a monster, and Bill wanted to be a soul engraver, sows could be on the tree.

There are always so many whimsical young people every year. Which of the engraving division's guilds is not busy with business, how can they waste time.

"Hear it, and disappear from here before we get furious."

The Rhein guards were criticized, and his face became harder to look at.

Arthur shrugged helplessly, there are so many people who do n’t know where to go, but he is not angry, after all, a Bill family wants to be a soul engraver except Ernest believes, it is really not believed.

Obviously, it ’s no longer possible to engrav the guild. Arthur is also hesitating. Go back or try to the temple.

The same can be said for the temples in nine out of ten, but after pondering about it, no matter what, you still have to try it. There is a 1% chance that you do n’t try it.

What's more, he really didn't want Ai Weier to help, and his friends became friends, but this kind of thing will definitely cost a lot of money and owe human feelings, which doesn't feel good.

In the bones, Zou's machoism is still very strong.

I walked around to the temple. Many devout believers were praying near the entrance of the temple. Compared with the spirited and energetic people of the Guild of Soul Engravers, although the temple was grand, it was milder.

The temple was built with white marble throughout, and it felt very comfortable. Arthur had to open her eyes this time to find a beautiful and kind priestess to lead the way.

Orizia has finally become a glorious priest. Although she wants to be a war priest, she has become a spiritual priest after the final test. The teaching of the high priest is still in her ears, no matter what kind of priest is for Promote the glory of the beast god, be kind to your fellow citizens, be cruel to your enemies, and carry forward the bravery of the orcs.

Orisia wants to do something to illuminate the glory of the beast **** ~ ~ but everyone in the temple let her, thinking that in this remote Jerusalem city, no one will care about her, see She still underestimated her mother when she came, but now that she is here, Olisia must do something. She is fifteen years old and is an adult. She wants to be a truly qualified priest!

"Great beast god, please give me a person who needs to be saved."

Olisia prayed prayerfully.

On the other side, Arthur, who was unlucky, wanted to find a good one, but he found that people who were very good did not look good when they saw him. When they heard his request, they basically laughed and laughed, but The quality of the priest is obviously better than the Guild of Soul Engravers. At least he was not kicked out, but no one was willing to agree with him. After all, taking a Bill to test would definitely be scolded by the priest.

The willingness to be a soul priest in the temple has a little to do with family or politics. Occasionally, there are devotions due to belief, otherwise they must have run to the Seal Engravers Guild. After all, the soul Engraver basically has little development in the temple and only the whole There is also no Jinyao carved engraver in the temple system. The temple is not without effort, after all, it is the servant of the beast god, and the ability of the soul carving to approach the beast **** has become a soft underbelly, which makes the temple love.

This is probably also the wish of the popes of all ages. Unfortunately, once something has penetrated the hearts of the people and it is difficult to reverse even the temples, it is only a matter of fact that only the seal engraving association has a high-level armor design, which is enough to sever it. The idea of ​​a seal engraver entering a temple.

After all, those who can be bronzed will not be willing to stay in white clothes, not to mention that every engraving master has a dream in his heart, eager to come into contact with the legendary beast spirit armor.