MTL - The Gold is Yours, You Are Mine-Chapter 78 persist in

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Jian Changnian led the people all the way up the stairs, pushed open the door and broke in. Xie Shi'an was already curled up on the bed in pain.

She rushed over with a stride and raised her head.

"Shi'an, Shi'an, it's all right, the doctor is here..."

The doctor also came over, put down the medicine box, and was about to lift up her clothes for palpation, Xie Shi'an subconsciously flicked, and waved his hand away.

Seeing that she was still avoiding medical treatment, Jian Changnian yelled at her for the first time in desperation, and pressed the human head tightly in his arms, making her unable to move.

"Xie Shi'an! Don't move! Let the team doctor take a look!"

The team doctor glanced at her, quickly put on the stethoscope, lifted her clothes, and lightly pressed the lower right abdomen.

Xie Shi'an suddenly trembled violently, lying in her arms, clenched his teeth, and groaned in pain from the depths of his throat.

She grabbed her clothes so hard that her knuckles turned white.

Seeing her like this, Jian Changnian was heartbroken and her eyes were red.

"Doctor, what's wrong with her?"

The team doctor took off his stethoscope and frowned.

"Abdominal pain for how many days?"

Jian Changnian thought about it for a while.

"It's been two or three days. She hasn't been able to eat these days."

"Trouble, appendicitis."

Jian Changnian also knew that it was acute abdomen, and the pain was unbearable. She glanced at Xie Shi'an, and still hugged her tightly, as if she could share some pain for her.

"Doctor, doctor, think of a way, I can't... just let her suffer like this!"

The team doctor was also anxiously sweating.

"Acute appendicitis, she should be sent to the hospital for surgery immediately, but she... won't there be a game tomorrow?!"

"Why are you playing games at this time, it's important to treat the illness first!!" Jian Changnian roared with red eyes.

Xie Shi'an, who was lying in her arms, gasped, grabbed her clothes, raised his head with difficulty, and struggled to get out of her embrace bit by bit.

"Doctor... I... will not go to... the hospital..."

"Xie Shi'an!" Jian Changnian yelled her name again.

The two of them were at war, the team doctor said hastily.

"You take the medicine first, your coach has the final say on whether to go to the hospital or not."

It just so happened that he brought painkillers in his medicine box, Jian Changnian poured a glass of water, and handed the medicine to her, not wanting to watch her drink it, and vowed not to give up.

The team doctor went to the door and made a phone call. Not long after, Wan Jing hurried over in pajamas and slippers.

"what's the situation?"

"Sudden appendicitis, tomorrow's game is estimated..."

Xie Shi'an drank the medicine and leaned on the head of the bed, his face was still pale, but his spirit seemed much better, and when he saw him coming, he wanted to struggle to get up.

"Coach Wan, I..."

Wan Jing strode over and pushed him down.

"Don't move, listen to the doctor, we'll go to the hospital right away."

Xie Shi'an looked at him, then at the team doctor, and finally moved his gaze to Jian Changnian's face.

"Bean sprouts, you should go out first."

"I don't!" Jian Changnian said, poking his neck.

"I know what you mean, you won't go to the hospital after I go out! Even if I drag you to the hospital today!"

With Xie Shi'an's donkey temper, usually only Coach Yan and Sister Yuchu can persuade her. She knows that if she goes out, Wan Jing and the team doctor are here alone, and it may be useless even if she wears her mouth.

"You..." Xie Shi'an was agitated, and her abdomen was cramped again. The pain made her break out in a cold sweat, and she gritted her teeth and said every word.

"go out."

Jian Chang couldn't bear to see her suffer, and couldn't hold her back, so her tears fell down in a hurry.

Xie Shi'an froze for a moment, then softened her tone, her face was pale, and her black pupils became deeper and deeper.

"Always read, be obedient."

Jian Changnian couldn't refuse her like this at all, not to mention Wan Jing patted her shoulder lightly.

"Go outside and wait."

She moved reluctantly.

Xie Shi'an stopped her again.

"Don't tell...Coach Yan, he's not in good health recently."

Jian Changnian closed the door lightly, concealing it, it was not closed, and she did not go far, just leaning against the wall, listening to the voices inside.

Xie Shi'an's voice sounded weak.

"Coach Wan, I can't abstain..."

"Athlete's body is the biggest capital. If you can't fight this time, there will be a next time."

Xie Shi'an shook his head.

"No, every game is a brand new start for me. If I always have the intention of coming back next time, how can I win?"

"But your current physical condition..."

"I can persist. Taking painkillers or antibiotics can relieve the pain. After the game is over, I will have time to go to the hospital for surgery. The only thing I need to pay attention to is the injection of antibiotics before the game. illness, but you still have to apply to the competition organizing committee, and you need a written certificate from the hospital.”

When Xie Shi'an said this, it seemed that he had already planned. Wan Jing opened his mouth, wanting to say something else.

One word from the young man made him unable to move.

"Besides, the Yin team has missed the gold medal. I am the last hope of the Chinese team to win the gold medal."

When she said this, Jian Changnian, who was standing outside the door, clenched his hands into fists, and he didn't even notice that his nails were deeply sunken into his flesh.

How much she wanted to rush in, and tell her loudly in front of everyone: As a substitute, she can also fight against Jin Nanzhi instead of her.

But Jian Changnian knew that he was not qualified.

Even Yin Jiayi was defeated, so what kind of green onion is she? She was able to sneak into the national team as a substitute all the way, thanks to the good draw.

She clamors all day long that she is number one in the world, but she can still figure out how much luck and strength she has.

There is nothing more powerless than this.

Jian Changnian heard footsteps coming from the door, quickly wiped the corners of her eyes, stood up straight, and pretended to be nonchalant.

With the support of two people, Xie Shi'an came out, and in just a few steps, beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Jian Changnian squatted down in front of her.

"Let's go, I'll carry you on my back."

Xie Shi'an was stunned for a moment, and the boy turned around and said.

"Then do you want to go on, or let Coach Wan carry it?"

Xie Shi'an bit his lip, let go of them, and climbed up.

Jian Changnian tried his best to lift them up, and Wan Jing and the team doctor were beside them to protect them into the elevator.

Although Xie Shi'an is thin, he is an athlete, his body is full of muscles and his bones are also very strong, so he is not light.

She was a little worried that she would run out of energy, but Jian Changnian carried her to the parking lot in one go, and didn't even let her get down and walk a step in the elevator.

The team doctor proposed to replace the back, but Jian Changnian refused.

Xie Shi'an muttered: "I can't tell, you are quite energetic."

Her voice was low, Jian Changnian lowered her head and just walked, she couldn't hear clearly, thinking that she was starting to hurt again, so she looked back at her, and silently quickened her pace.

"Hang on, we'll be there soon."

The car took the man to the hospital without any hindrance.

After the examination, the doctor also said that her current physical condition is actually not suitable for strenuous exercise, and there is a risk of perforation.

However, Xie Shi'an insisted all the time, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one could hold her back, the doctor had no choice but to say.

"Let's do it this way, stay in the hospital for one night, treat with oral and intravenous antibiotics, control the inflammation, and then look at the situation."

The nurse came over and put the needle on her first, Xie Shi'an nodded and said.

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

Wan Jing and the doctor went out to talk, and for a while, there were only the two of them left in the ward.

Jian Changnian sat on the opposite bed, with his back to her, and he has been silent since just now, clearly still angry.

Xie Shi'an looked at her back.

"come over."

Called the first time no response.

She said softly again: "Chang Nian..."

The ending sound is long, with a hint of summation.

"My stomach hurts when I move it, do you want me to go there?"

It was only then that Jian Changnian reluctantly got up, and sat down on the chair beside her bed, without a good breath.

"What's up?"

"Give me your hand."

Jian Changnian was startled, his eyes fell on his hands, and when he came back to his senses, he was about to shrink back suddenly.

Xie Shi'an has grabbed her wrist.

She didn't dare to struggle, for fear of hurting her.

Little by little, someone broke his palm.

When she ran downstairs to find the team doctor in a hurry, she accidentally fell on the steps in front of the apartment, hurting her palms and knees.

Xie Shi'an said in a soft voice with a dark night in his eyes.

"Does it hurt?"

Jian Changnian was dragged by the wrist, lowered his eyebrows, and shook his head.

The next moment, Xie Shi'an leaned over, carefully wiped off the undried blood on the toilet paper, and blew gently, trying to blow away the small stones and gravel embedded in the meat.

Her breath was warm, and an itch spread from the palm of her hand to her limbs. Jian Changnian shrank back a little, blushing hastily.

" doesn't hurt..."

"If it doesn't hurt, let the nurse disinfect it for you."

"Pick up."

Wan Jing walked in, Jian Changnian took advantage of the situation and withdrew his hand, heaved a sigh of relief, reminiscing about the place she just pulled, a warm current surged up inexplicably in his heart, as if he was not so angry anymore.

"Coach Wan." Xie Shi'an moved and was about to get up.

Wan Jing pressed him down.

"Hey, don't move, I have already applied to the competition organizing committee, and they agreed, but all medications must not violate the principle of stimulation/stimulation/dosage, and all treatment data must be kept for verification and inspection, and before the competition, Another urine test is required."

Xie Shi'an nodded.

"No problem, I accept the inspection."

"Then you should take a good rest first. The organizing committee of the event will send staff over tomorrow morning. The ambulance will also take you directly to the competition venue, and it will stay there until the end of the competition."

Although the process is cumbersome, but for the sake of fairness and justice in the competition, there is no way around it. Xie Shi'an knew that it was not easy to win this opportunity. Wan Jing might be fighting with others with his words, and his lips were worn out.

There was genuine gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you, Coach Wan."

"Hey, thank you. If you don't feel well during the game tomorrow, you must tell me. Your body is the most important thing. I can suspend the game at any time."

Xie Shi'an nodded, and Jian Changnian stood up and said.

"Then I'll watch Shi'an here, go back and rest early, I'll call you again if there's anything wrong."


Tired all day, Qiao Yuchu returned home physically and mentally exhausted, and received another call from the detention center before his **** was hot.

"Come here quickly, your mother has fainted! We have sent her to the hospital!"

Qiao Yuchu stood up suddenly, his eyes were dark, he helped the table so as not to fall, after asking the address, he ran wildly, crying and called Jin Shunqi while running.

" mother she..."

Jin Shunqi had just returned to the hotel, before he could change his coat, he put on his shoes and took his room card and went out again.

"Don't worry, tell me slowly, which hospital are you in? Okay, I'll go there now."

The lights in the emergency room went out, and the doctor took off his mask and came out.

"The patient was malnourished, coupled with low blood pressure, that's why she fainted. We have put glucose on her."

"Malnutrition? Low blood pressure?" Qiao Yuchu was taken aback and was a little skeptical.

"How is it possible? My mother is usually in good health."

At this time, the prison guard who sent Qiao's mother here hesitated.

"She has been on a hunger strike for several days..."

"What?!" Qiao Yu raised her voice when she first appeared. If Jin Shunqi hadn't pulled her, she would have rushed forward to argue with someone.

"It's been several days, why didn't you notify the family?! Also, my mother is fine, why did you go on a hunger strike? Are you guys..."

Her words became more and more outrageous, and the prison guard also retorted loudly.

"What can we do if the prisoner doesn't eat! We also have regulations. It's impossible to force her to eat by pressing her head! It's not that I didn't inform you. Some of the newcomers don't think about eating or drinking. Who knows that your mother and her The body is so bad..."

"You!" Qiao Yuchu was about to rush over, but Jin Shunqi stopped him and pushed him into the emergency room.

"Yuchu, Yuchu, let's go see Auntie first. Auntie's health is important. You can complain to them later."

Qiao's mother was lying on the bed and fell asleep with her eyes closed, but she hadn't seen her for a few days. The hair on her temples was all white, and she looked haggard. Because she hadn't eaten water or rice for days, her lips were chapped and peeled.

Qiao Yuchu's heart ached so much, she sat on the edge of the bed and gently held her hand, crying softly, "Mom, you've suffered..."

After seeing Mother Qiao, she was still a little worried, so she found a doctor again.

"Doctor, I still have some doubts. My mother has always been in good health. Even if she doesn't eat for a few days, she won't faint just by saying she fainted. Besides, she has never heard that she has low blood pressure."

The doctor looked around and saw that there was no one in the corridor.

"When the patient was sent in, he was mentally unstable, anxious, talking to himself, and had hallucinations and aggressive behavior, but after the examination, he didn't have any organic lesions. I think, you children, We should pay more attention to the mental health of the elderly.”

Qiao Yuchu took a step back in disbelief.

" mother...she has...mental illness?"

"It's just a suspicion. What kind of disease is it? We have to wait for her to get better before doing a detailed examination to find out."

After the doctor left, Qiao Yuchu leaned against the wall and slid down weakly, covering her face and crying.

Jin Shunqi came over, gently hugged her into his arms, and patted her on the back, silently comforting her.

After comforting Qiao Yuchu, Jin Shunqi walked to the end of the corridor and called his lawyer friend.

"Can't we just pay the bail?"

"Chinese law is somewhat different from South Korea's legal system. You have to obtain the understanding of the victim's family before you can be released on bail. Otherwise, you can only wait for the detention time to come, and the public security agency will release the person on its own."

Jin Shunqi frowned.

"That won't work. I have fainted once in the detention center."

"Then why don't you ask a doctor to make a diagnosis certificate. If you really have a mental illness, you should be able to apply for medical parole."

Jin Shunqi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, thank you. When the old man wakes up, I will take her for a detailed examination."

Friends joke.

"Jin, you rarely pay so much attention to girls, can you have your wedding wine this year?"

Jin Shunqi slightly bent the corner of his lips.

"Go on with your work, the horoscope hasn't been written yet."