MTL - The God of Sky & Earth-Chapter 2524 : A Thousand Years of Love (1)

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Here, your favorite person, Youlu, has attacked himself.

Also here, I once forgave the one I loved the most-Youluo God.

As far as the eye can see, the sky is dark, and a cloud of decaying clouds hovering around the sky. The depressed atmosphere is lethargic, and the people can't breathe.

Taking a deep breath, Su Yi looked at the Yunyi clothes around him, and the two went forward side by side.

Standing in front of the demon palace, the statue of the twelve beasts had already been broken into residues, stroking the statue of the phoenix, and Su Yi's mouth slightly hooked.

"No matter what the year was, I am back today! Everything will change!"

"Here is where you were when you were in the storm!" There was a wave of fluctuations in Yun Yi's eyes, and his mood was surging!

Although everything in front of him is no longer glorious, but the magnificent broken arm remains can still see the spectacular scene of the demon palace feast of that year.

Su Yi fantasized, I am afraid that almost everyone in the realm of the gods came!

Eyes have been falling not far away in the stormy and demon-like palace of the Emperor, Su Yi's heart soared a proud air.

The robes were hunting, and the eyes were shining with unparalleled brilliance. The light was shining, just like the rebirth of the demon emperor.

The domineering aura burst out, and Su Yi strode toward the demon palace.

Near the palace, a thick **** scent swelled from the ground, and Su Yi's heart suddenly moved.

"Go in and have a look!" Su Yi said lightly, his eyes flashed.

Immediately, the two walked into the imperial palace together, and the sound of Jin Ming, who was deafening, rushed from the depths of the sky, watching Su Yi's faint luster in the imperial palace, Su Yi's eyes suddenly suddenly!


Suddenly swallowed a spit, and Su Yi's mind instantly sounded various unusual sounds.

Su Yi began to frown unconsciously, squatting on the ground in situ, holding his head with both hands, looking painful.

Looking at Su Yi like this, Yun Yiyi naturally knew what Su Yi was going through, quietly aside, no longer disturbing.

Suddenly, Su Yi's forehead exploded, blood vessels began to bulge like green worms, sweating, and the palm of his head began to tremble.

"I remember it! I remember it all." A voice flashed from his throat, Su Yi's pupils closed tightly.

Unconsciously, Su Yi's environment began to change, and the scene of the broken demon palace was gradually transformed in the space ripples.

On the day of 10,000 years ago, the Chaos Demon Emperor married bliss.

Great joy, thousands of monsters come to congratulate!

On that day, the three golden suns shone in the sky, the light was bright, the ancient gods and beasts hovered in the sky, and the mysterious cloud patterns were densely packed on the sky, magnificent and magnificent!


Millions of gods and beasts filled the imperial realm with dangs. From the imperial palace to any corner of the imperial realm, they were all sprinkled with golden yellow Xuan Luo purple gold petals, so that everyone who came to the imperial realm could immediately Feel the joy of the demon emperor's wedding!

People of all sizes, big and small, have come to the demon emperor's realm early, for fear that they will miss the once-in-a-lifetime joyous day!


Phoenix, Jinwu, Suzaku, Bingyu, Xuanwu, Jinlong, Kirin, Tengshe, Sky Fox, White Tiger, Kunpeng, Daxun.

The twelve gods and beasts guard the demon palace like a door god. Every strong person above the demon heaven is happy, because today is the day of great joy for the chaos demon emperor.

Memories of you, standing in front of the imperial palace at this moment.

Although you can't touch these people, you can clearly feel the spirit of the realm of the gods at that time.

Looking up at Zhou Tian, ​​the incomparable energy of the heavens and the earth is like the turbulent river water, and each warrior is now the strongest existence in the star domain!

The strongest, no one!

That was the age of eternity, it was the **** year of the history of the supreme powerhouses in every history!

"Boss isn't out yet?"

At this moment, a stubborn and strong young man kept looking into the palace.

Beside him, the glorious and eccentric handsome monster beasts joking towards the young man, "Phoenix, what is the relationship between the good birthday and the good day of Lord Yaohuang?"

"It turned out that this guy was a little handsome!" Su Yi was startled, and from the look of his eyebrows, it was indeed the adult version of the little handsome who lived freely.

Xiaoshuai is surrounded by phoenix patterns, and the golden muscles on the chest of the tall muscles are dazzling, and then a group of extremely horrific Jinyan light corps is sprayed from his mouth. The terrible energy quickly spreads the red flag in the sky!


In the depths of the clouds, lightning flashes and thunder constantly, and it sounds like a salute, and it is lively and hustle and bustle!

Su Xiaoshuai stood high with his chin raised high, palms pointing behind him and said, "Every brother and sister are right, today is my eldest brother's wedding, my kid is honored! My eldest brother is married! I am married! He Well wife, naturally his wife! "

"a ha ha ha!"

In a few words, several other gods and beasts laughed in an instant, and the guests of other gods were also irresistible. The atmosphere was lively, the lights were bright, and the celebration was extraordinary!

Standing next to Su Xiaoshuai, looking at the Xiaoshuai in the memories, you can't help but shake your head with a bitter smile, this Xiaoshuai was so unremarkable before.

However, it seems that the original Su Xiaoshuai is so strong!

Although the youngest, but in front of the major gods and beasts, there is a faint superiority, Su Yi's eyes trembled immediately, showing approval.


At this point, in front of the Demon Palace, the unrecognizable mysterious gods and beasts lined up, holding a huge and long nose.

Suddenly, a long line of Jinming rang through the sky and through the sky!

"Boss is out!" Su Xiaoshuai still shouted first.

At that moment, the audience stood up, the fierce and urgent eyes fell together in front of the demon palace, and a man wearing a large red and black-rimmed golden brocade robe came out slowly from the palace.

The man is arrogant, handsome and extraordinary. A pair of bright eyes flashes like the sun and the moon. Just walking out so calmly has made everyone feel a kind of emperor-like air, and is not angry.

Looking at his face again, Su Yi's heart quickly referred to his throat.

The appearance of the demon emperor is graceful, and the arrogance is full of arrogance. The loneliness looks like oneself!

Just yourself! Looks exactly like myself!

For the first time, looking at this face that was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar, he walked towards himself, as if looking into a mirror.

At that moment, Su Yi didn't realize that the corners of her mouth were rising, this feeling was simply amazing!

"Evil Emperor! I finally saw you!" Su Yi groaned slightly, her hands clenched, her palms sweating coldly.

Look at the woman facing her body again. She is wearing a five-color brocade pheasant bird with a red dress and a big red hijab on her head.

Although I can't see it, the posture of these steps alone has already been gorgeous and shocked the world!