MTL - The Girl in the Iron Cage: Lazy Little Beast Fei-v2 Chapter 2187 Tangles in the water

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I just saw the boat, and I was about to fly over to watch the war. I overheard a laugh on the boat: "Finally, I won two games in a row! Zunjun, you should fulfill your promise.

"Tongtong!" There was a splash of water, and Qian Qianye's figure had disappeared from the boat.

Emperor Yu was startled, what happened? Why did Hua Qianye fall into the water? Zunjun won two games in succession?

She hurriedly dropped down, and there was only Gu Yaozun on the boat. He was slowly packing the chessboard, and there was a satisfied contentment on Junmei's unmatched face: "It hasn't been so cool for a long time" He is a genius in chess, but he has not been able to sit still. Every time he comes to play chess for a day, he will not be pushed, and no matter how aggressive he is, it will not help.

This time, however, it continued for a whole day and night, and the dragon did use all his strength, and he was extremely enjoyable to fight ...

It seems that people are different when they care.

That dragon really refreshed the lower limit for his daughter-in-law--

Emperor Yuyu looked anxiously at the rippling lake. The ripples when he fell into the water were almost gone. Why hadn't he spent thousands of nights?

"Don't worry, he is a dragon. Are you afraid he won't drown in it?" Gu Yaozun Jun didn't care much.

He cleaned up the chessboard and glanced at Emperor Yu again: "He finally won two games in a row, it is time for Ben to fulfill his promise, and now he will solve half a spell for you."

Emperor Yuyu looked at the lake that was gradually calming down, and then looked at Gu Yaozun Jun. She said with a small mouth, "Go back and talk to the juniors first." After spending thousands of nights, she couldn't rest up.

She turned and wanted to jump down. Gu Yaozun Jun lightly stopped her footsteps: "If you want treatment, take advantage of it now, and you can count the bet at a later date."

Emperor Yu Yu was naturally very anxious to unravel the half-hearted mantra, but-she looked into the water again, the lake had calmed down, and there was no trace after spending a thousand nights ...

Emperor Yuyu paused for half a second, then poured water without saying a word—

Gu Yaozun Jun stood on the boat and looked at the big corner of the water splashing a smile.

It seems that this little emperor Ji has also become really affectionate to the flower dragon. Just to verify the safety of the other party, he ignores this hard-won treatment opportunity ...

Although Di Yuzhen is a fox, her swimming skills are really good. She dares to jump and make waves.

She had seen any ferocious waters, with strong winds, swirls, and reefs.

However, she has not seen this kind of water. She obviously looks very ordinary. After she jumped down, she found that the water was actually not buoyant!

Underwater seems to have great suction, sucking her straight down like a cricket—

The depth of the water was not ridiculous. She took a breath and sank straight for more than ten meters. The water was still bright and clear, and she could not see to the end.

What's more terrible is that she can't see the shadow of Hua Qian Ye, but she sees several colorful fishes swimming by her side ...

Where did Hua Qianye sink?

Emperor Yuyu tried to keep her eyes wide open, but fortunately, she had a little buoyancy underwater, so she could wander in the water.

The breath in her chest was getting less and less. By this time, she should try to get out of the way to breathe. But didn't find Hua Qian Ye, she refused to give up--